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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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5 hours ago, RJRB said:

It’s applying to join an organisation of countries,the majority of which we already have deals with.

...but with the added bad news of the investor-state dispute settlement procedures.


Compared to EU membership, it's like a family in Sunderland deciding to do their weekly shopping at a Tesco's in Brighton.


Edited by Magilla
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4 hours ago, West 77 said:

I agree existing trade deals in place mean  there will be little benefits in the short term. However sectors such  as digital trade like what  the new agreement with Japan contains have potential benefits for the future.

Aye, mostly for the Japanese :?


UK will apply to trans-Pacific trade bloc before publishing economic impact:






Also the US are likely to apply to join sooner or later.

Maybe, but by no means certain.


The US's application was highly dependent on clauses it insisted on being part of the original setup of the TPP.


When those clauses were abandoned the project was rebranded the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership (CPTPP) to underscore that the US was out.


Without them, joining the CPTPP is likely to be politically toxic for Biden.



The big issue is whether China will ever be allowed to join the group which was originally set up to compete against them.  

China already has a parallel agreement, the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP) that includes Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, Australia, China, Japan, New Zealand, and South Korea.


Taiwan has expressed a desire to join the CPTPP, but mostly to get away from China. ;)


China would never consider joining if Taiwan did.

The US would only join to keep China out.

Edited by Magilla
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34 minutes ago, West 77 said:

That is my concern with countries like Mexico being in the group.  The US joining wouldn't be a problem but I can't see any positives if China were allowed to join.  However cheap Labour countries like Slovakia have been allowed to join the EU where much car manufacturing has moved to from other areas of the EU.  Brexit is an opportunity to reduce the balance of trade deficit meaning agreeing trade deals with other blocs might not help to  maximise the benefits of Brexit.

if the people who we do deals with don't see a benefit too then they wont do the deal. 

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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

That is my concern with countries like Mexico being in the group.  Brexit is an opportunity to reduce the balance of trade deficit meaning agreeing trade deals with other blocs might not help to  maximise the benefits of Brexit.

What are the benefits of Brexit?

They are all just playing at politics, a free trade deal means nothing. Even the EU puts tariffs on some imports.

Its only food that we dont tax. All the different Government talk about a climate emergency, yet they WANT products being shipped around the world.

I can buy something cheaper from China than I can something made locally.

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On 30/12/2020 at 19:22, Bargepole23 said:

All passporting rights for UK financial services firms are gone.


EU manufacturers have tariff free access to UK markets.


Mission accomplished?

Has the Eone eleven n ow ceased and no one with a british passport will be able to get any medical support or have they made other medical support  for 

travelors .     If so this is devistating 

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7 minutes ago, spider1 said:

Has the Eone eleven n ow ceased and no one with a british passport will be able to get any medical support or have they made other medical support  for 

travelors .     If so this is devistating 

E111 - blimey, that's a blast from the past :) They were called EHIC cards recently and if you've got one it's still valid until it expires. If you haven't got one or it's expired then you can apply for a GHIC, which in theory, conveys the same cover.



Edited by whiteowl
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9 hours ago, West 77 said:

I agree existing trade deals in place mean  there will be little benefits in the short term. However sectors such  as digital trade like what  the new agreement with Japan contains have potential benefits for the future.  Also the US are likely to apply to join sooner or later.  The big issue is whether China will ever be allowed to join the group which was originally set up to compete against them.  

The UK-Japan deal removes privacy and data protections for UK citizens (not just with Japan, it allows UK data to be forwarded on to other countries - such as the US). It may also result in the UK losing data protection adequacy with the EU, meaning data UK businesses would lose work processing the data on EU citizens they currently do.


The CPTPP is likely to make the situation worse. What other things will we have to give up?


I do find it surprising that people who where so adamant that they don't want to be part of an organisation we spent over 40 years influencing to our benefit are so happy to join (and accept all the conditions of) one we had no part of defining.

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11 minutes ago, altus said:

The UK-Japan deal removes privacy and data protections for UK citizens (not just with Japan, it allows UK data to be forwarded on to other countries - such as the US). It may also result in the UK losing data protection adequacy with the EU, meaning data UK businesses would lose work processing the data on EU citizens they currently do.


The CPTPP is likely to make the situation worse. What other things will we have to give up?


I do find it surprising that people who where so adamant that they don't want to be part of an organisation we spent over 40 years influencing to our benefit are so happy to join (and accept all the conditions of) one we had no part of defining.

My bold.


Go on, I'll ask?   


47 years we were part of the Common Market / EEC / EC / EU.   Please provide 4 examples, (one for each decade), where the UK directly influenced & change the minds of the 28 countries of the EU or influenced and / or changed the minds of the EU Commission and / or altered its policies, resulting in the benefits to the UK? 


Give us some details and dates?   You seem adamant we did influence them & there were benefits? 

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