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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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24 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Some on the left are now saying Britain could become a failed state and Scotland, Wales and NI will start to leave

The departures will start to happen whether britain becomes a failed state or not. 


I'd say Britain was on the path to failed stateness long before brexit. While it might affect the rate at which we get there,  brexit and its consequences will be a secondary reason rather than one of the primary drivers along the path. 




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I am not sure what is meant by a failed state.Its just words.

We will continue to muddle along ,and in my opinion accept that we have made life more difficult for much of the population.

Even at the time when Britain led the world ,or in the post war boom there was much poverty and inequality so no change there.

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45 minutes ago, melthebell said:

Some on the left are now saying Britain could become a failed state and Scotland, Wales and NI will start to leave

It depends what they mean by a failed state, if it’s economic ruin etc then no it won’t (although we will have lower growth as a result of Brexit).

If it’s some of the home nations deciding to go a different way then probably yes.

I think it’s 90% certain that Scotland will leave at some-point as the main driver (anti-English sentiment) has been there for a long time and has found a conduit through nationalism.

Northern Ireland is an interesting case, most ROI friends I know don’t want reunification as they fear the problems that it will lay at their doorstep.

It’s very unlikely the Unionists will ever accept it with all the issues that will bring.


I can’t ever see Wales leaving the UK, there’s never been much support for it and the economics are far more disastrous than those for Scotland which is saying something.


Personally as someone of Scottish blood born in England I do hope Scotland leaves, but not for the reasons you may assume.

England needs to look after itself rather than being pulled in every direction by a nation that is the same size as Yorkshire and receives £15bn more a year than it earns.

For every criticism of Brexit (economic issues, nationalism, racism etc) you can multiply that several times when you looks at the Scots situation.

There are some genuine independence supporters who want self-determination for the right reasons but they are in the minority.



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On 12/02/2021 at 20:58, kidley said:

A heads up, if you buy any thing from the eu online you now face a load of extra expense, is it worth buying from the eu now?



Im on some selling groups onfacebook for a certain old british computer and the sellers on there sell internationally, the buyers on there are international and at the moment its in disaray, sellers are stopping selling to the EU buyers, EU buyers dont know whether to buy from the UK, parcels are getting hoarded and sent back.

Its small scale but its happening and its peoples livliehoods...and enjoyment as collectors that is being destroyed.

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4 hours ago, melthebell said:

Im on some selling groups onfacebook for a certain old british computer and the sellers on there sell internationally, the buyers on there are international and at the moment its in disaray, sellers are stopping selling to the EU buyers, EU buyers dont know whether to buy from the UK, parcels are getting hoarded and sent back.

Its small scale but its happening and its peoples livliehoods...and enjoyment as collectors that is being destroyed.

The trouble with you Mel is that you and numerous others are just looking at the short term problems.

Take comfort from the visionary Dominic Raab who believes that we should be looking 10 years down the line as we exploit new markets in Indo China.

Now does that make you feel happier.

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4 hours ago, RJRB said:

The trouble with you Mel is that you and numerous others are just looking at the short term problems.

Take comfort from the visionary Dominic Raab who believes that we should be looking 10 years down the line as we exploit new markets in Indo China.

Now does that make you feel happier.

Yeah I'm sure people who are starting to lose business now are looking forward to 10 years time 😛

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19 hours ago, RJRB said:

Take comfort from the visionary Dominic Raab who believes that we should be looking 10 years down the line as we exploit new markets in Indo China.

Why won't our lazy British farmers and our even lazier fishermen sell to these new markets in the Middle and Far East?


OK, so I doubt there's much of an appetite for beef in India, or for pork in Pakistan, but I'm sure if those fishermen just sailed a bit faster, and worked a bit harder, they could get their fish to the other side of the world before the fish spoiled, right?


(yes.  If you hadn't already worked it out, I'm being very, very sarcastic.  really)

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