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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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3 hours ago, RJRB said:

It would be interesting to know what Johnson’s end game is about or even if there is one.

Lord Frost appears to have adopted a superior and confrontational stance which will help to destroy any goodwill and cooperation which has been built up over the years.

There are no winners but we stand to lose more than the remaining members of the EU.

Johnson himself has no other 'end' game, than staying in No.10, then riding the post-Premiership gravy train tour. In that context, whilst Brexit consequences are nicely muted by the ongoing Covid emergency and will likely continue to be for a few months yet...don't rule out an early GE riding the post-Covid feelgood vibe later this year or early next, to tack an extra year or two onto the current Tory run of governance.


Frost is doing what is expected of him by his ERG backers, to the surprise of absolutely no-one outside of the UK. Not that there is much goodwill left to destroy anyway: the Irish government went on record to state that the UK cannot be trusted, and the European Parliament has put the kibosh on signing the EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement pending the UK mending its NI Protocol-breaching ways, about which the Commission is expected to start suing the UK momentarily.


A harder Brexit (WTO), is what your government is after. Not smart, given the state of readiness of UK customs systems, people and infrastructure. But well. It is what it is.

Edited by L00b
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Seems like we are all pretty much agreed then that Johnson is a self serving megalomaniac who will ride off into the sunset as it suits him,and Frost having rushed through a very sketchy agreement,now feels free to play fast and loose with the detail.


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For keeping up with the actual consequences of Brexit, I tend to prefer the Digby Jones index.


It's more exhaustive than ad hoc articles, the continuity of entries over time makes for better evidence, and it isn't the Guardian, so should be less objectionable to politically-biased readers. Heck, it's got Yorkshire int'name 😁

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8 minutes ago, L00b said:

For keeping up with the actual consequences of Brexit, I tend to prefer the Digby Jones index.


It's more exhaustive than ad hoc articles, the continuity of entries over time makes for better evidence, and it isn't the Guardian, so should be less objectionable to politically-biased readers. Heck, it's got Yorkshire int'name 😁

Even has links to local news:




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10 hours ago, RJRB said:

It’s as well to keep up with the actual consequences of Brexit,and I hope that those who voted for it will add the positives as and when they arrive,


This article pretty well debunks the “positives”that Johnson would wish to claim.

If you're wanting positives then you'll get inundated with COVID vaccine stories. The EU has fumbled the ball somewhat with the vaccines, and so the brexiteers have finally got a positive from leaving (even though it has little/nothing to do with brexit really).


I've read many articles/stories over the last few days about how the evil (sic) EU has been stopping the AZ vaccine, despite the fact the the EU (and the EMA) have approved the vaccine and are actively encouraging its use.


It's individual countries using their sovereignty (remember, the thing they don't have?) halting the AZ rollout. Still, easier the blame the EU I guess.

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11 hours ago, whiteowl said:

If you're wanting positives then you'll get inundated with COVID vaccine stories. The EU has fumbled the ball somewhat with the vaccines, and so the brexiteers have finally got a positive from leaving (even though it has little/nothing to do with brexit really).

If we had the same Government, but we were still in the EU, we would have dealt with COVID exactly the same, unfortunately that means 120,000+ deaths

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Some stark statistics published by the British Food and Drink Federation today.


  • Exports fell significantly in January 2021, driven by a fall in sales to the EU of 75.5% compared to January 2020, a drop of nearly £0.75bn.
  • Impacts of COVID and stockpiling by UK businesses in the EU ahead of the end of the transition period were contributing factors, but much of this is likely due to new non-tariff barriers faced by UK exporters and the collapse of groupage movements which has shut out many SME exporters.



I don’t believe much of these can be put on the back of COVID, either.



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On 23/03/2021 at 16:14, L00b said:

Some stark statistics published by the British Food and Drink Federation today.

Indeed, apparently even UK based food manufacturers are shunning UK meat due to export hassles with their products... so it's a double whammy for farmers, and the retail value of UK fish exported to the EU (if they can get it there) has fallen by more than half!


Still, they knew what they were voting for!


In other news: UK lost 'significant' access to EU policing data under deal



Once dismissed as Project Fear, now firmly into Project Shambles territory.


The UK must be running out of feet to shoot by now!


Boris' solution... "get the union jacks out"...



How daft do you have to be?


Still, at least the China deal negotiations will be starting on sure footing:





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Boris Johnson is not a politician, he is an opportunist. He is the affable front man of a nasty party of the privileged. I doubt if he even has much grasp of politics or policies, he merely hides behind his 'advisors' and 'experts' who run the show. I don't think he'll last beyond his 5 year term, if that...


We need a proper PM, someone who is shrewd, canny and perceptive, really gets it, and and can run things appropriately. I don't care what party they represent as long as they can do a better job than Johnson and lead us through the quagmire with vision and determination. 

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