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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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45 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Regarding sending the bike frame to Italy the link below might be helpful. They sell bike frame boxes as well as arranging transport.



thanks for the help.


I've just been chatting with 'Pippa' at 'sendbike.com' : even they (she) can't tell me what the fees will be. i got sent a general, vague, catch-all, reply : "the agents in the destination country may calculate and apply fees and charges - we do not profit from this..." 


(like i said, i've given up. but thought i'd have a look anyway)

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More peace and quiet in Northern Oirland overnight; only 42 police officers injured so far.


And the Sectarian bigots of the DUP and their drug-dealing allies the South East Antrim UDA are blaming  E V E R Y B O D Y  but themselves for the situation they willingly chose to put themselves in.


What's the Germanese word for taking pleasure in somebody elses misfortune?


Shade & Fraud?


Sounds like a nickname for the Tory party 🤣


Here we go:




‘Dishonesty’ over Brexit fuelled loyalist anger, says Stormont minister


Justice minister Naomi Long points finger at UK ministers after four nights of street violence in Northern Ireland


Northern Ireland’s justice minister has said the government’s “dishonesty” over the consequences of hard Brexit has contributed to the anger felt by loyalists, as police counted the cost of 41 officers injured during violence on the streets over four nights.


So the Sectarian bigots of the DUP and their drug-dealing allies the South East Antrim UDA start off by blaming the Tory government.


Naomi Long’s remarks came as tensions escalated in Northern Ireland, with the first minister and Democratic Unionist party leader, Arlene Foster, hitting out at the “arrogance of Sinn Féin” and telling the BBC the IRA council still existed.


Not finished there, Ol' Arlene continues by blaming the IRA.  Hey look over there, she says!  No, not there, where the Sectarian bigots of the DUP and their drug-dealing allies the South East Antrim UDA have been rioting and attacking Police officers. for several nights in a row!  No, look over there instead!  It's all the IRA's fault!!!


Long attributed the violence to a combination of loyalist protests over police success in cracking down on paramilitary gangs and disquiet she says has been stoked by Westminster leaders’ false rhetoric over Brexit.


In a swipe at both Boris Johnson, who claimed there would be no checks on goods crossing the Irish Sea, and the Northern Ireland secretary, Brandon Lewis, who said no border would be erected following Brexit, she said the government knew Brexit would be “felt most acutely in Northern Ireland, where identity issues are tied up with border issues”.


She told the BBC Radio 4 Today programme: “Instead of trying to work through the issues legally, it opted to promote lawlessness by suspending the Northern Ireland protocol.


So the Sectarian bigots of the DUP and their drug-dealing allies the South East Antrim UDA , who got into bed with BoJo the Clown (I meant metaphorically, but you never know with BoJo the sexual deviant) are now blaming the Tory government and the IRA for several nights of violence caused by the Sectarian bigots of the DUP and their drug-dealing allies the South East Antrim UDA.


And now she blames Brexit; the same Brexit the Sectarian bigots of the DUP wanted:


“They promised people unfettered access, which is not the case. And they denied the existence of borders, even as those borders were being erected. I think that that dishonesty, and the lack of clarity around these issues has contributed to a sense of anger in parts of our community.”


And then, at long last, she finally admits to what everybody was trying to warn her about known all along:


“We have to recognise, and this is fundamental, that when we decided that Brexit was the way forward, and when we choose a particularly hard Brexit, that there would be consequences. And those consequences would be felt most acutely in Northern Ireland, where there is some land border,” she added.


So there.


The Sectarian bigots of the DUP now admit that BoJo promised them everything they desired, but he has thrown Northern Oirland under a bus.


And always desperrate to get the last word in, Ol' Arlene makes one last effort to point the finger of blame at somebody else:


On Wednesday morning, Foster criticised the “arrogance” and “hypocrisy” of Sinn Féin condemning the violence when the IRA had subjected to “a campaign of violence for 40 years”.


Well, what do you think?


Should we have sympathy for the Sectarian bigots of the DUP and their drug-dealing allies the South East Antrim UDA?


They voted for a Hard Brexit.


They knew it would hurt them badly.


They believed BoJo's lies.


Or maybe they hate the Republic of Ireland so much they wanted to cut off their own face to spite their own nose? 


They wanted a Hard Brexit now they have it, they're still not happy.


Shall we bung them another £10 BILLION?


That might stop them rioting for a bit.


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8 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Ever since the Good Friday Agreement the criminal element of both communities have continued lawless activities without much media coverage . Yobs throwing petrol bombs and bottles has nothing to do with Brexit but the irresponsible media will do their best to find a link.

Irresponsible media?  ha ha, I've quoted an article from the Guardian, not the Mail 🤣


And it's the Sectarian bigots of the DUP who are doing all the complaning.


You know, the same Sectarian bigots of the DUP that supported a Hard Brexit, got a Hard Brexit, and are now rioting about it.



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28 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Ever since the Good Friday Agreement the criminal element of both communities have continued lawless activities without much media coverage . Yobs throwing petrol bombs and bottles has nothing to do with Brexit but the irresponsible media will do their best to find a link.

As we all know, there have been riots in N. I. long before the Good Friday Agreement & they have continued despite the GFA.  Its a well known phenomenon, specific to N. I. known as 'Recreational rioting.'


Regardless of the GFA,  Brexit, the eventual sorting of a hard / soft or any other border agreement, there will always be another excuse for a riot.


As someone who has relatives just over the border in RoI from Londonderry / Derry, (take your pick?), there are many acts of violence that never get reported this side of the Irish Sea, often down to  sectectarianism or gangs simply running drugs, etc, regardless of the GFA & long before Brexit was ever a twinkle in Cameron's eye. 

Edited by Baron99
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27 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I envisaged the border to be the brick wall that surrounded the polling station when I cast my vote. 

Essentially, you didn't know what you were voting for. :roll:


27 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The DUP are entitled to voice their concerns about Northern Ireland not being treated the same as the rest of the UK.

They supported the government throughout the entire process that led to the current arrangement, they facilitated it, so to complain now seems somewhat silly.


Edited by Magilla
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50 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The fact that you keep calling the DUP bigots show that you are bias.  The DUP are entitled to voice their concerns about Northern Ireland not being treated the same as the rest of the UK.  The DUP are not encouraging any lawless behaviour.

Woah there, I'm not biased at all.


Perhaps you are projecting your own feelings instead?


What do the initials DUP stand for?  It stands for Democratic Unionist Party


What's the first word again?  Democratic


Ol' Arlene and the Sectarian bigots of the Democratic Unionist Party voted democractically in a democratic election to democractically support the Tory party back in 2017.


Furthermore, Ol' Arlene and the Sectarian bigots of the Democratic Unionist Party voted democractically in a democratic referendum to democractically support Brexit.


And now that Ol' Arlene and the Sectarian bigots of the Democratic Unionist Party want the rules changed after the election, the Northern Oirish are now rioting.


How undemocratic is that?


My goodness, Ol' Arlene is behaving like an undemocratic remainer who lost the democratic referendum vote in the democratic referendum election and now wants to undermine democracy and the will of the people.








I fully support democracy and I will fully support the democratic right of Ol' Arlene and the Sectarian bigots of the Democratic Unionist Party to own the mess they democratically voted themselves into in a democratic election.


Ol' Arlene and the Sectarian bigots of the Democratic Unionist Party supported the Tory party.

Ol' Arlene and the Sectarian bigots of the Democratic Unionist Party wanted Brexit.

Ol' Arlene and the Sectarian bigots of the Democratic Unionist Party got Brexit.

Ol' Arlene and the Sectarian bigots of the Democratic Unionist Party can own it.


Edited by The Joker
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5 hours ago, apelike said:

Tensions over Brexit may have been rising but is this recent disorder a result of Brexit or could it be because of this:


Quoted from the Guardian:


"Anger ramped up further last week following a controversial decision not to prosecute 24 Sinn Féin politicians for attending a large-scale republican funeral during Covid-19 restrictions."




"Meanwhile, in County Antrim, a recent series of drug seizures against the South East Antrim UDA – a renegade faction of the main grouping – have caused particular ill-feeling towards police. The faction is believed to have been behind the disturbances in Newtownabbey on Saturday."



Although I agree entirely that there is a myriad of reasons for trouble starting again, it is difficult to see how this isn't going to escalate as a result of Brexit. Unionists are very annoyed with the new 'border arrangements' whilst Republicans don't want to see it change. It really isn't a difficult dilemma - by the UK leaving the EU, the freedom of movement between Ireland and NI has been compromised, knowingly, by the British government. 


Although folks keep saying it is the EU's fault ad infinitum does not make that truth any less valid. In this thread (all 9 parts of it) Brexit supporters repeatedly stated 'not to care about Northern Ireland'. That is not a position a responsible government of the United Kingdom can take; Whether Brexiteers in England like it or not, Northern Ireland is part of the United Kingdom and thus the responsibility of this government. 

Edited by tzijlstra
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4 hours ago, West 77 said:

The DUP didn't support the revised withdrawal agreement negotiated by Boris Johnson or elements of the Northern Ireland protocol. The DUP did support the Internal Markets Bill.

The internal market doesn't work, and can't be protected without a border :roll:



The DUP have been consistent throughout by supporting Brexit and lobbying for Northern Ireland to be treated the same as the rest of the UK after Brexit.

You can't support Brexit and also support NI being treated the same as the rest of the UK, they're mutually exclusive.


As such, the DUP are responsible for their own woes.

Edited by Magilla
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Police attacked as trouble flares:



... no connection with Brexit, obvs! :loopy:



‘Dishonesty’ over Brexit fuelled loyalist anger:


“They promised people unfettered access, which is not the case. And they denied the existence of borders, even as those borders were being erected. I think that that dishonesty, and the lack of clarity around these issues has contributed to a sense of anger in parts of our community.”





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29 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Police attacked as trouble flares:



... no connection with Brexit, obvs! :loopy:


That's the fifth night in a row that the so-called "Loyalists" and "Unionists" have shown their loyalty and support to the Queen and the United Kingdom . . . by setting it on fire.


Who gave them that stupid idea?  Maybe they got it from this episode of the Simpsons . . . which says it all







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