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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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Guest sibon


3 minutes ago, apelike said:

This current lot of rioting is just an example and anyone can easily see it is being caused by opportunists who just wish to stir up trouble for the sake of it.

It was indeed.


It was caused by the opportunists who triggered our catastrophic hard Brexit.

Edited by sibon
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36 minutes ago, apelike said:

It seems like you as well as many others on this thread seem to want a single market and a customs union just for the sake of sparing NI any problems. NI will always have problems despite Brexit as it is still a very troubled country and has had suffered from problems despite the GFA. This current lot of rioting is just an example and anyone can easily see it is being caused by opportunists who just wish to stir up trouble for the sake of it.

Northern Ireland is part of the Union not an country yes with an troubled past  it took decades to get both sides to talk resulting in The Belfast Agreement. The rioting is not down to ' opportunists' but the DUP and loyalists encouraging their supporters to make petrol bombs and target anyone that does not agree with them. It is only a matter of time before an bomb goes astray and lands in an republican area  then all hell will break lose. The bone of contention is the border the republicans want an open one the DUP want an hard one and certainly not happy about an border in the Irish sea when the UK was in the Single Market and Custom Union their was no border most were happy with that only the headline DUP was not. They thought Brexit would give them an hard border to keep the influence of the Republic out it has not turned out that way. My fear is this will get out of control and spread to the mainland you can not sweep Northern Ireland under the carpet.

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1 hour ago, GabrielC said:

The question I have about the Brexit saga is during the referendum we were told even if we voted leave we would still be in the Single Market and the Custom Union repeatedly by both sides. Roll on to Theresa Mays time this was dropped and the slogan ' Brexit means Brexit was pumped out by the government even though Mays deal would have the back stop to avoid an border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland to me that was fair. But the deal was defeated a number of times but no real answers on what to do on the border issue. Given the unrest in Northern Ireland pulse the benefits to business surely it would have made more sense to stay in the Single Market and the Custom Union remember Norway have this arrangement yes I am aware the hard core Brexiteer would say no way but we need to face reality the EU is our nearest trading partner but the government seem L -bent on a US deal though Biden does not seem that keen on the idea.

The leave campaigns didn't say we'd stay in the single market/customs union but that we'd keep all the benefits of doing so without having any of the responsibilities. This allowed them to avoid any questions about the consequences of leaving the EU - such as what about the border with Ireland or access to EU markets for our fishing fleets. Those leading the leave campaigns were either delusional as to what they could achieve or simply lying to get people to vote for them.

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24 minutes ago, GabrielC said:

Northern Ireland is part of the Union not an country yes with an troubled past  it took decades to get both sides to talk resulting in The Belfast Agreement.

Yes I agree, Northern Ireland is just part of the Union and not a country in its own right so my apologies for that mistake.  :)


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18 minutes ago, altus said:

The leave campaigns didn't say we'd stay in the single market/customs union but that we'd keep all the benefits of doing so without having any of the responsibilities. This allowed them to avoid any questions about the consequences of leaving the EU - such as what about the border with Ireland or access to EU markets for our fishing fleets. Those leading the leave campaigns were either delusional as to what they could achieve or simply lying to get people to vote for them.

So many lies told and still are. 




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