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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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Here is a brilliant take on Brexit by James Dyson.


Brilliant, because once you start analysing what he is actually saying, you know that he is lying through his teeth about basically everything, but he is a Sir and an 'icon' of British ingenuity, so clearly he has to be right. The lack of criticality in this BBC article is disturbing to be honest.





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20 minutes ago, tzijlstra said:

Here is a brilliant take on Brexit by James Dyson.


Brilliant, because once you start analysing what he is actually saying, you know that he is lying through his teeth about basically everything, but he is a Sir and an 'icon' of British ingenuity, so clearly he has to be right. The lack of criticality in this BBC article is disturbing to be honest.



Yes I read it, made me laugh.


So many benefits... that he can't actually detail a single one!

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40 minutes ago, tzijlstra said:

Here is a brilliant take on Brexit by James Dyson.


Brilliant, because once you start analysing what he is actually saying, you know that he is lying through his teeth about basically everything, but he is a Sir and an 'icon' of British ingenuity, so clearly he has to be right. The lack of criticality in this BBC article is disturbing to be honest.





Does the chuff think that everyone who's worked on the AZ vaccine is British? Also, he was able to employ people from all over the world (subject to visa requirements) before Brexit, that's not a product of Brexit.


It's very likely there will be some benefits to Brexit, but having to invent some is not a good sign. If there were lots of benefits there'd be no need to make any up.

Edited by Delbow
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So, as it is my lunch-hour, here is a breakdown of the lies: 



First paragraph: Brexit has given the UK back its independence and boosted innovation, inventor Sir James Dyson has said. 


Truth: Science funding in the UK is down enormously compared to before Brexit and research institutions across the country have sounded the alarm bell at the lack of commitment from the government to invest in science. 



Second paragraph: we can employ people from all around the world 


Truth: Already could do that... It has just become a lot harder to recruit people from the EU though, so overall it is a net-loss. 




Paragraph 6 & 7: "We're a British company - I've put a lot into this country," he said.

"I can't make things here and bring over all the components from the Far East here, assemble them here and then send them back to the Far East. That just doesn't work."



Truth: Dyson is HQed in Singapore since 2019. It is no longer a British company therefore. It might want to sell more goods in SEA, but there is no reason to move the entire HQ (and thus tax responsibility) to Singapore, he could have just opened a regional office there, which is what most other companies have done. 



Sir James said the end of the UK's transition period with the EU, had enabled Dyson to hire the engineering talent it was lacking in the UK.

Although the new Points Based System might make it easier for Dyson to hire non-EU engineering talent, it has also lost the ability to hire EU engineering talent without any system required. It is very difficult to see how Dyson wins from the new system...



He said that the invention of the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine showed that the UK had "an independence of spirit" that was now able to shine through.

AstraZeneca is UK/Swedish, it works with an Italian manufacturer after the UK government asked Oxford to work with AZ and then thwarted the production agreement with a US manufacturer. Guess what, 2020 the UK was still operating as part of the EU. Also, I haven't a clue what 'independence of spirit' means but I am fairly sure every nationalist in the world will claim at least something similar. 



"It would be arrogant to think that we could design and develop products for Asia and Britain," he said.

Yes it would, as it would be to suggest that you couldn't move to Asia due to the EU. Because you moved to Asia, when the UK was still in the EU. Even though Dyson doesn't say it explicitly, the article is about how it is great to be out of the EU... Smoke, mirrors and all that. 

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19 hours ago, Magilla said:

They're moving jobs that were previously done in the UK, into the EU.

My bold. 


Er?  No they aren't.  Point out exactly in the BBC thread where it states jobs are being lost in the UK? 


Stating that the jobs could have been in the UK is different to actually loosing 1,000 jobs in the UK, which JD Sports are not doing.  


The BBC piece is actually an update of an earlier story from Feb 2021 now that the site has been chosen for the warehouse. 



There's a bit of 'Could have been / might have been' if not for Brexit in the piece from the J D Sports boss that people seem to misinterpret as gospel. 


"JD Sports' boss Peter Cowgill has said a 1,000-job warehouse that may have been constructed in the UK will now be built in the EU due to the impact of Brexit." 

Edited by Baron99
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19 hours ago, Magilla said:

They're moving jobs that were previously done in the UK, into the EU.

no they are not quote where it says that, if anything they are expanding into a new market which will be more cost effective and actually make more money because of not in spite of?, makes good business sense to me. 

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19 minutes ago, ab6262 said:

no they are not quote where it says that

"Goods which JD imports from East Asia to GB now incur tariffs when they are distributed onward to its stores across Europe."


You think the UK office is going to need the same number of staff to deal with a market of ~66m customers as they did for ~450m?



, if anything they are expanding into a new market

An old market, that was previously overseen by the UK office. :roll:



which will be more cost effective and actually make more money because of not in spite of?

For JD Sports, not the UK exchequer.



, makes good business sense to me. 

..indeed, and highlights the sheer stupidity of Brexit!

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1 minute ago, Magilla said:

"Goods which JD imports from East Asia to GB now incur tariffs when they are distributed onward to its stores across Europe."

they will import direct to EU warehouse it doesnt even touch uk. so tariffs will be as before, maybe even less in eu.

uk stock will come direct to UK

You think the UK office is going to need the same number of staff to deal with a market of ~66m customers as they did for ~450m?

have they announced any redundancies???? i would guess the admin side will still be handled here as before over tinternet lol, distribution will stay the same especially as they will expand.

An old market, that was previously overseen by the UK office. :roll:

its now a separate market which i am sure they will continue to target and probably with better margins so win win.



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