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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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3 hours ago, L00b said:

Wew, problem over for now, Jersey gave in.



Downing Street said the UK fully supported the way Jersey and Guernsey were handling the issue, which was "entirely in line" with the provisions of Britain's trade deal with the EU

Rule, Britannia!, Britannia rule the waves’.

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On 27/10/2021 at 21:45, RJRB said:

I’ve no idea who he is but I agree with him.


Chair of the "Office For Budget Responsibility".




"The Office for Budget Responsibility (OBR) is a non-departmental public body funded by the UK Treasury, that the UK government established to provide independent economic forecasts and independent analysis of the public finances."


The organisation that says;




"the long-term impact of Brexit will be more than twice as great as Covid. It thinks that Brexit will reduce UK productivity, and hence GDP per capita, by 4%, while the impact of Covid on GDP will only be 2%".

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19 hours ago, L00b said:

Now implemented and set to start next Tuesday 02 November, unless the UK grants the balance of fishing licenses to which it contractually agreed before then.

For the avoidance of doubt, that is the outstanding 50% of licenses agreed, not the ‘2%’ disingenuously peddled by Johnson’s supporters.


This is very inauspicious. Johnson & Frost may not have enough time to manoeuvre this away by then and, as France interdicted a ‘British’ trawler fishing in its waters without a license today, they don’t have the luxury of privacy from the public eye for that manoeuvring, either.

I think this is an issue where there's no need to take sides. Sod all of them, ban fishing. Imagine if there was a machine that drove across the countryside scooping up rabbits to sell for food, but also dragged in lots of other wildlife which was then chucked overboard dead as 'by-catch'. There'd be uproar. But because it happens under the sea it's ok? Don't think so. No sides to pick here.

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This little incident demonstrates much of what was always a fundamental of Brexit.

Confrontation replaces cooperation.

George Eustice (Environment Minister) put forward as spokesman on the radio and rattling his sabre.

He also commented that he was prepared to accept the  negative impact on our GDP in the name of Sovereignty.


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1 hour ago, Delbow said:

I think this is an issue where there's no need to take sides. Sod all of them, ban fishing. Imagine if there was a machine that drove across the countryside scooping up rabbits to sell for food, but also dragged in lots of other wildlife which was then chucked overboard dead as 'by-catch'. There'd be uproar. But because it happens under the sea it's ok? Don't think so. No sides to pick here.

I like fish, whoever catches it. Naturally, I’d be very happy for still more environmentally friendly techniques to be developed. Off to your drawing table with your sliding rule.


And I did not take sides, btw. I just commented about yet another consequence of Brexit, lamenting the adversarial development.


There would not need to take any side, if everyone involved did as they agreed on paper. And if -not taking side, just a commonsensical comment- the British government stopped testiculating over Brexit, acknowledged what it signed the country up for, and just got on with it.

7 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Jersey are giving the French fishermen more time to provide the information to prove they have a history of fishing in the area,  The Jersey and British authorities are behaving reasonably unlike the French.

So, err…when can we expect similarly-reasonable behaviour from the British authorities about implementing the NI Protocol?

(still-) can’t have it both ways, Westy 😉

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2 hours ago, West 77 said:

The NI protocol has and still is an ongoing situation.  I understand the EU are behaving more reasonable now.  I'm not aware of the British making any threats to anyone like the French are doing regarding the fishing issue.

Lol yup blame those pesky French people again

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3 hours ago, West 77 said:

The NI protocol has and still is an ongoing situation.  I understand the EU are behaving more reasonable now.  I'm not aware of the British making any threats to anyone like the French are doing regarding the fishing issue.

You don’t say! 😂

Let me help you with those aircraft carrier-sized blinkers:  the will of the Northern Irish people is to stick with the NI Protocol. The English government is hellbent on binning it, and currently drumming a notification under Article 16. But according to you, the English government is not threatening anyone.



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1 hour ago, West 77 said:

Exactly correct the pesky French have a long history of being troublemakers.  If the pesky French hadn't wanted to punish Germany as much after World War l and behaved more like the British and the Americans then World War II most likely wouldn't have happened.  The pesky French clearly still have a chip of their shoulder today  

The chief people responsible for the Treaty of Versailles were U.S. Pres. Woodrow Wilson, French Premier Georges Clemenceau, and British Prime Minister David Lloyd George.


1 hour ago, West 77 said:

You conveniently forget the EU quickly forgot the NI protocol when they originally wanted to prevent covid-19 vaccines from crossing the Irish border into NI.  Enough said.       

 No, I remember quite well how that intention was caused by the British hoarding UK-produced vaccines in breach of its reciprocal agreement with the EU (with Astra Zeneca later taken to court over it, and losing for breach of contract) and, equally well, how the EU listened to Varadkar’s input about the mooted measure and very promptly u-turned on its intention for the sake of safeguarding RoI / NI harmony.


About a ton more than can be said for the English government, continually moaning about and misrepresenting the NI Protocol, whilst not implementing it and stoking sectarian tensions with the DUP and Unionist paramilitaries. To say nothing of how much the ‘British’ government has been listening and engaging with devolved assemblies about how it’s been handling Brexit for the last 5 years: not whatsoever.


Enough said indeed.


And all the same, quite telling that you conveniently side-stepped the issue of the will of the Northern Irish people, who want the NI Protocol implemented in full. They’re still in the Single Market, no bare shelves or empty forecourts in Belfast or Newry.

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