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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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2 hours ago, West 77 said:

Brexit is a democratic choice the British people made which is by enlarge respected worldwide.  It goes without saying there is a small minority of British people who don't respect democracy and use every opportunity to trash Brexit. France is the only single nation that want to see Britain punished for leaving the EU because they have a chip on their shoulder and an inferiority complex towards Britain,  The issuing of Jersey fishing licences is the job of the Jersey authorities and not the British government. The British government have only got involved because of the continued threats the French are making and have a duty to protect Jersey which is a Crown Dependency.  The British government have behaved in a reasonable manner unlike the French government and French authorities.

By your definition I am also undemocratic because I did not and would not vote for this Conservative Government,for many reasons including their responsibility for Brexit.

They were stampeded into the vote and carried the day by stirring up the divisive xenophobia of our population.

The deal was rushed through with the resulting failure to negotiate key issues which will continue to cause friction for years to come to the detriment of our economy.

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On 31/10/2021 at 17:33, tinfoilhat said:

Over missing paperwork about fishing boat.


Get a grip, you're hysterical.

It's not about missing paperwork, since 2010 the UK has allowed a very soft touch regulation of boats 10m and under fishing in UK waters, it's simply an app that skippers use to report the self assessment of the catch.

  If fisherman have been using the app as required there shouldn't be a problem...it's likely the ones refused either haven't been fishing  or alternatively they have, but have not been  reporting their catches.

Edited by sadbrewer
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Q) When is British pork not British pork? 


A) When pig carcasses are exported to the EU for butchering, then reimported back to the UK.




Meat carcasses sent to EU for butchering amid UK worker shortage


Great Britain’s beef producers export to Ireland before reimporting, while pork processors consider the Netherlands


Meat processors in Great Britain are having to export carcasses destined for domestic consumption to the EU for butchering because of the shortage of skilled workers in the industry.


Beef producers are exporting carcasses to Ireland for butchering and packing, says Nick Allen, the chief executive of the British Meat Processors Association, before the products are brought back to Great Britain to be sold in supermarkets.


Meanwhile, pork processors are looking into shipping pig carcasses to the Netherlands to be butchered, as first reported by the Financial Times.


One problem for pork producers is that any meat exported to the EU for butchering would not be allowed to be labelled as British pork when reimported to the UK for sale.




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Because Brexit is going so well (part 94);




UK’s Brexit losses more than 178 times bigger than trade deal gains


"All of Boris Johnson’s new post-Brexit trade deals put together will have an economic benefit of just £3 to £7 per person over the next 15 years, according to the government’s own figures.

The tiny economic boost – amounting to just 0.01 to 0.02 per cent of GDP, and less than 50p per person a year – is dwarfed by the economic hit from leaving the EU, which the government estimates at 4 per cent of GDP over the same period."

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14 hours ago, Longcol said:

Because Brexit is going so well (part 94);



Give it a little time: in Brussels, all the current signalling is that the hawks have finally won the doves over.




Irish minister warns EU could ditch entire Brexit deal: Simon Coveney says UK triggering Article 16 over N Ireland would prompt retaliatory action.


EU patience with Frost & Johnson is at an end.


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On 08/11/2021 at 14:44, L00b said:

EU patience with Frost & Johnson is at an end.

...and the US:


"We call on the UK to abandon this dangerous path, and to commit to implementing the Northern Ireland Protocol in full."

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Looks like the” no deal is better than a bad deal “ bandwagon is rolling again.

Johnson and Frost own the fudged bad deal which was hurried through to meet a self imposed deadline.

So far we have had no benefits,plenty of red tape and Priti Patel is presiding over record numbers of illegal immigrants and managing to eject only  4 Jamaicans on a jet this week due to a stay passed in British Courts.

Sovereignty and freedom to trade with the world.

The dream is a nightmare 

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Brexit has made it easier for small boat crossings to reach UK, refugees say


Refugees living in northern France say Brexit has made it easier for them to reach the UK in small boats


Refugees told the Guardian they believed the fact the UK was no longer part of the EU made it more appealing to risk the dangerous crossings because they could no longer be sent back to other European countries under EU legislation.


Previously, when the UK was part of the EU, under a mechanism known as Dublin the UK could ask other EU countries to take back people they could prove had passed through safe European countries before reaching the UK.


The UK could make “take charge” requests and officials were often able to prove that asylum seekers had passed through other countries thanks to the Eurodac fingerprint database. But since Brexit the UK no longer has access to that database, so it is harder to prove definitively which other European countries small boat arrivals to the UK have previously passed through.








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19 hours ago, The Joker said:

Brexit has made it easier for small boat crossings to reach UK, refugees say


Refugees living in northern France say Brexit has made it easier for them to reach the UK in small boats


Refugees told the Guardian they believed the fact the UK was no longer part of the EU made it more appealing to risk the dangerous crossings because they could no longer be sent back to other European countries under EU legislation.


Previously, when the UK was part of the EU, under a mechanism known as Dublin the UK could ask other EU countries to take back people they could prove had passed through safe European countries before reaching the UK.


The UK could make “take charge” requests and officials were often able to prove that asylum seekers had passed through other countries thanks to the Eurodac fingerprint database. But since Brexit the UK no longer has access to that database, so it is harder to prove definitively which other European countries small boat arrivals to the UK have previously passed through.





Wholly predictable consequence of Brexit.


Oh, and duly predicted, of course:


(...) Ditch the EU = ditch the Dublin Regs = ditch the "claim in 1st country of EU arrival" policy under which the UK is currently entitled to automatically (at least time, costs, resources) ship back illegals that made it to the UK through the EU back to France and elsewhere, rather than having to process their claim.

 The end of the world is nigh. - Page 13 - General Discussions - Sheffield Forum (2016)



(...) For the rest of it, you've got about 80 days left to ship'em back out under the (EU) Dublin Regulations. These cease to apply to the UK on 30 March 2019. Meaning you won't be able to easily ship them back across the Channel, you'll have to charter them back to Iran (when their asylum claim inevitably fails, under Sajid's HO tenure).

 A new influx of boat people from france. - Page 8 - General Discussions - Sheffield Forum (2018)

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30 minutes ago, L00b said:

yup lol, as usual it was a very simplistic brex**** idea, if we arent part of the EU, freedom of movement doesnt count




illegal immigration will carry on, they can still get to the french coast, and as you say not being part of the EU, means we cant just ship them back to EU countries, theres more red tape involved.

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