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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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31 minutes ago, West 77 said:

The current Government were given a mandate to rule Britain for the next 5 years as a consequence of winning a 80 majority in the December 2019 General Election. I'm guessing the next General Election will take place in May / June 2024 then both you and I will have  an opportunity to choose an alternative Government if we believe the current Government has done a bad job in ruling Britain.

I accept all of the above but it has nothing to do with the point that I was making.

This government has 5 years to make good at least some of their electioneering promises.

These included building houses,hospitals,improving and safeguarding the NHS,and addressing the increasing problem of social care for those who need it,including the elderly.

Most of the above requires skills and labour which do not score highly in the points scheme.

That is why I think it is a policy designed to appeal to the Farage supporters.

By all means make a pitch for the doctors and scientists,but we need nurses and carers at least as much.

We need plumbers,electricians,brickies ,joiners as much as graduate engineers and architects.

All this needs initiating now and I hope that THIS government will be able to square the circle.

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12 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I voted for the Conservative party in December 2019 because they were the only main party promising to get Brexit done. Thankfully Britain has now officially left the EU.  All you are doing is  pointless scaremongering,  I wish my Mother was still alive.  If I believe the Conservative party has done a bad job when 2024 arrives then if I believe there is a better alternative party to rule Britain then I will switch my vote. 

The first part of Brexit is concluded and the Conservative Government is in place for the foreseeable future.No argument there.

All I am saying is that they have made their promises ,and I do not think this intended policy sits well with what matters to most of the population.

The majority of immigration to the UK has been from outside the EU,and this has always been within the control of the ruling government.

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23 minutes ago, West 77 said:

I voted for the Conservative party in December 2019 because they were the only main party promising to get Brexit done. Thankfully Britain has now officially left the EU.  All you are doing is  pointless scaremongering,  I wish my Mother was still alive.  If I believe the Conservative party has done a bad job when 2024 arrives then if I believe there is a better alternative party to rule Britain then I will switch my vote. 

well done for sidestepping the point....again :rolleyes:

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13 hours ago, taxman said:

No more Polish plumbers or people who can't speak the Queen's English under new Govt proposals.


Looks like the plucky Brits will finally be able to fill all those meat packing jobs and jobs wiping the bottoms of people in care homes that they have wanted so much for so long.



I'm sure that at this very minute someone is organising a march of unemployed brexit voting Geordies down to London to work in all those restaurants and hotels.



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2 hours ago, West 77 said:

I voted for the Conservative party in December 2019 because they were the only main party promising to get Brexit done. Thankfully Britain has now officially left the EU.  All you are doing is  pointless scaremongering,  I wish my Mother was still alive.  If I believe the Conservative party has done a bad job when 2024 arrives then if I believe there is a better alternative party to rule Britain then I will switch my vote. 

In the meantime, that’s five years of dignity for those in care homes placed at risk.


The only saving grace being that Brexit voters came overwhelmingly from the over 50s, so some of them will struggle to get their arses wiped.


I feel very sad for the rest 

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3 hours ago, RJRB said:

If THIS government intends to build hospitals,preserve the NHS,tackle social care,build all the houses that are needed,then I think that it is THIS current government that will need to radically rethink this immigration policy.

However I fear that Pritti will take the hard line to appeal to the Faragistas and the rest of their policies will suffer accordingly.


A lot of unemployment is down to the jobs being in areas nowhere near areas of high unemployment. It doesn't matter how much you train people if they can't / won't move to where jobs are.

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55 minutes ago, Longcol said:

I'm sure that at this very minute someone is organising a march of unemployed brexit voting Geordies down to London to work in all those restaurants and hotels.



Yep, and all the blue rinse brigade and the embittered Brexiters shaking their fists in Doncaster Market demanding that Brexit be done...can't wait to see them picking asparagus in the fields of Lincolnshire next year or serving coffee in London restaurants. At least they'll have no-one to blame about the Johnny Foreigner taking their jobs in the future seeing as they will have such a surfeit of job opportunities.

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2 minutes ago, taxman said:

Yep, and all the blue rinse brigade and the embittered Brexiters shaking their fists in Doncaster Market demanding that Brexit be done...can't wait to see them picking asparagus in the fields of Lincolnshire next year or serving coffee in London restaurants. At least they'll have no-one to blame about the Johnny Foreigner taking their jobs in the future seeing as they will have such a surfeit of job opportunities.

Lol - I think the only blue rinsed brigade you'd find in Donny market would have spilled a bottle of  WKD over their head.


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13 minutes ago, taxman said:

Yep, and all the blue rinse brigade and the embittered Brexiters shaking their fists in Doncaster Market demanding that Brexit be done...can't wait to see them picking asparagus in the fields of Lincolnshire next year or serving coffee in London restaurants. At least they'll have no-one to blame about the Johnny Foreigner taking their jobs in the future seeing as they will have such a surfeit of job opportunities.

Wonder how the EU will cope with an influx of unemployed.

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Just now, retep said:

Wonder how the EU will cope with an influx of unemployed.

I think you'll find any EU citizen made unemployed in the UK will have very little difficulty finding a job in Europe given that they can speak more than one language, are willing to move where the work is etc.

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