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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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12 minutes ago, m williamson said:


The Prime Minister has just announced in Northern Ireland that the statelet has gained a wonderful economic advantage by remaining part of the Single Market.

We're not rejoining the EU, I doubt they'd have us, but rejoining the Single Market would be a step on the way to recovery.


No we aren't. Get used to it.

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

That's just silly 🙄

Let me ask. You have a friend, said friend seems OK, a good sort, you develop a friendship over time.

Turns out your friend is a thief. You know this because you saw him/her steal something.

Do you A, Keep them as a friend?


B, Kick them to the curb?

As I earned my living for over thirty three years in an industry where all employees were vetted, carried ID cards and were privy to security  information worth considerable amounts of money and more importantly entrusted with providing protection for peoples lives I made sure that I didn't consort with criminals in the first place.

However, I have had a few friends who's opinions I disagree with. None of them are criminals and none of them would ever harm another person but they tend to hold views on immigration for instance that I disagree with. Life would be boring if we all agreed on everything wouldn't it?

3 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:


No we aren't. Get used to it.

What did I post? What comment of mine did you reply to? You even highlighted it.


" We're not rejoining the EU "


What part of that did you struggle to understand?


Going to watch a film now bye bye.

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18 minutes ago, m williamson said:


What did I post? What comment of mine did you reply to? You even highlighted it.


" We're not rejoining the EU "


What part of that did you struggle to understand?


Going to watch a film now bye bye.


You said. ...




The Prime Minister has just announced in Northern Ireland that the statelet has gained a wonderful economic advantage by remaining part of the Single Market.


We're not rejoining the EU, I doubt they'd have us, but rejoining the Single Market would be a step on the way to recovery."


Enjoy your film 👍

18 minutes ago, m williamson said:

As I earned my living for over thirty three years in an industry where all employees were vetted, carried ID cards and were privy to security  information worth considerable amounts of money and more importantly entrusted with providing protection for peoples lives I made sure that I didn't consort with criminals in the first place.

However, I have had a few friends who's opinions I disagree with. None of them are criminals and none of them would ever harm another person but they tend to hold views on immigration for instance that I disagree with. Life would be boring if we all agreed on everything wouldn't it?

So does that make them racist?


By the way, you never answered my question.

Are you saying, assuming, asking if I'm a brexiteer?

Edited by The_DADDY
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6 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:





The Prime Minister has just announced in Northern Ireland that the statelet has gained a wonderful economic advantage by remaining part of the Single Market.


We're not rejoining the EU, I doubt they'd have us, but rejoining the Single Market would be a step on the way to recovery.


Enjoy your film 👍

So does that make them racist?


By the way, you never answered my question.

Are you saying, assuming, asking if I'm a brexiteer?

Are you?

Edited by Mister Gee
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4 hours ago, L00b said:

The xenophobic component of the Leave vote is long-established.




Not all Leavers were racists, I’m sure. But I’m equally sure that all racist voters voted Leave.

Famously, Will Self posed something like that to little Mark Francois on live TV, which fried Mark's brain cell :hihi:.


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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

The only three people that I know pesonally that admit they voted Leave are all xenophobic to some degree. Daily Mail readers and not particularly interested in politics, so didn't do any deep research before the referendum. They have in the past told me that immigration and Take Back Control were their main reasons for voting the way they did. All three of them are decent people and none of them would harm someone because they were of a different ethnicity but it's a fact they hold non PC views.

One of them died over a year ago and the other two no longer wish to discuss Brexit. Yes, it's only three and by no means all Brexiteers are racist but to attempt to say that those views didn't play a part in the result isn't on. 


Nobody said that racist view didn't play a part in Brexit

I don't want unlimited immigration and I have explained the reason why. The country cannot cope with the population it has already.

We don't have enough housing, hospitals, doctors , nurses, schools, nursery places, teachers, district nurses. How are we expected to cope with more and more people arriving.

People are saying they don't want to pay more taxes - How are we supposed to find the money then to house, feed, clothe and give medical care to more people?

It isn't a simple case of being racist, or not liking foreigners and, in any case, how do you define racist?  To me, it's not a question of racism but, a question of common sense.

It's time people stopped herding everybody into one group and saying you are all racists or terrorists or marxists or whatever just because you have cast a vote in a particular way.

We are all completely different and everything we do is for our own different reasons and NOBODY knows what makes us all tick. If they do, they must think they are god.





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A further point to this discussion is.

What the hell gives anyone the right to question how another person has voted and then, to even go further and decide without knowing them, what reason they voted that way?

Time some people climbed down from their high horses and realised that  some of us, maybe even most of us, will always do WHAT WE WANT and anyone else can go to hell.

I believe, with good reason,  that I am not racist but, if some idiot comes along and insists I am, I would just say - up yours pal.

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4 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

A further point to this discussion is.

What the hell gives anyone the right to question how another person has voted and then, to even go further and decide without knowing them, what reason they voted that way?

Time some people climbed down from their high horses and realised that  some of us, maybe even most of us, will always do WHAT WE WANT and anyone else can go to hell.

I believe, with good reason,  that I am not racist but, if some idiot comes along and insists I am, I would just say - up yours pal.


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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Fair enough, but that doesn't prove that all racists weren't Brexit voters. Those I know/knew were all mildly racist, that doesn't mean that certain very PC people didn't vote Brexit as well. I get tired of hearing how it was the elderly hankering after the empire that swung the vote. I'm in my mid 70s and voted Remain for purely pragmatic economic reasons, plus I'm half Irish and it was bleeding obvious what the problem was going to be there.

There were undoubtably a number of reasons and a dislike of foreigners was definitely one of them.


Brexit was a vote that effected us all and it was a vote that ensured that the general public would be worse off while members of the Rich List would become richer. That's what's happened, it's been a colossal mistake that has seriously damaged the wealth and reputation of the country.

Does it really matter if some Brexit voters were racist people?   So what?

The fact that voters may turn out to be racist does not affect their right to vote and, once the vote is done, the numbers are still the same in the end.

Unless you say that racist people are not allowed to vote and,  you can find some foolproof way of proving whether they are racist, there is nothing you can do about it anyway.

We had the referendum and we went with the majority vote, which is how it should be.

Why argue afterwards about how many of the voters were racists?  I'm inclined to think that some of the voters were criminals and maybe even drug dealers. There may have been quite a few with mental problems too.

As for PC people,  who cares what they do  if they are daft enough to hold such PC views.  Let's get a life

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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

Does it really matter if some Brexit voters were racist people?   So what?

The fact that voters may turn out to be racist does not affect their right to vote and, once the vote is done, the numbers are still the same in the end.

Unless you say that racist people are not allowed to vote and,  you can find some foolproof way of proving whether they are racist, there is nothing you can do about it anyway.

We had the referendum and we went with the majority vote, which is how it should be.

Why argue afterwards about how many of the voters were racists?  I'm inclined to think that some of the voters were criminals and maybe even drug dealers. There may have been quite a few with mental problems too.

As for PC people,  who cares what they do  if they are daft enough to hold such PC views.  Let's get a life

What an absolute cavalcade of bobbar.

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