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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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2 hours ago, The_DADDY said:


You said. ...




The Prime Minister has just announced in Northern Ireland that the statelet has gained a wonderful economic advantage by remaining part of the Single Market.


We're not rejoining the EU, I doubt they'd have us, but rejoining the Single Market would be a step on the way to recovery."


Enjoy your film 👍

So does that make them racist?


By the way, you never answered my question.

Are you saying, assuming, asking if I'm a brexiteer?

That's what he said, which made the point that being in the Single Market is beneficial to a country's economy. We are Not , as I said going to rejoin the EU.  Joining the Single Market however is not the same thing and would help to repair some of the financial damage, if not the reputational damage.

Farage repeatedly advocated the Norway option during the run up to the referendum, Norway are not members of the EU.


When their views on immigration tend toward a preference for Europeans over Asians ( for reasons of ease of cultural assimulation ) then racism could be involved I suppose.


I don't care one way or the other whether or not you're a Brexiteer, some of your comments are the type that brexiteers are fond of making but it's immaterial.

Both Leavers and Remainers need to accept the situation as it stands and move forward. Remainers need to accept there is no return to the EU in the foreseeable future, and Leavers need to accept that it's been a disaster and some tough decisions need to be made in order to try to recover.

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10 minutes ago, m williamson said:

That's what he said, which made the point that being in the Single Market is beneficial to a country's economy. We are Not , as I said going to rejoin the EU.  Joining the Single Market however is not the same thing and would help to repair some of the financial damage, if not the reputational damage.

Farage repeatedly advocated the Norway option during the run up to the referendum, Norway are not members of the EU.


When their views on immigration tend toward a preference for Europeans over Asians ( for reasons of ease of cultural assimulation ) then racism could be involved I suppose.


I don't care one way or the other whether or not you're a Brexiteer, some of your comments are the type that brexiteers are fond of making but it's immaterial.

Both Leavers and Remainers need to accept the situation as it stands and move forward. Remainers need to accept there is no return to the EU in the foreseeable future, and Leavers need to accept that it's been a disaster and some tough decisions need to be made in order to try to recover.

And yet you seemed to choose to focus on it.

You said

"some of your comments are the type that brexiteers are fond of making"


What comments?


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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

You are missing the point that, whether they were or were not racist, they would still have voted the same, because if they wanted to leave, they would have voted to leave.

so the result would have been the same and, whether they were racist or not, would not have made any difference.


You need to realise that, if someone is racist, that might make them a not very nice person but it still has nothing to do with you so why all the shout about it.

People have their own opinions as you do and, they vote the way they want, like you do. Don't you believe in freedom and democracy?

The vote went the way it did and if some voters are racist, or criminals or even murderers, then that is nothing to do with the vote, so why are you so het up about it?





And what you need to realise, is that when the electorate are required to vote on a matter that will effect the entire country the very least that should be expected of them is that they take time to consider the consequences, and that they vote for the result that will benefit the country and their fellow citizens.

Voting for reasons of prejudice which have nothing to do with the welfare of the country is obnoxious. And no before we get into all that again I do not believe that all Brexiteers voted for those reasons, but I do believe that enough did to influence the result.

Incidentally, prisoners aren't allowed to vote so hopefully that will reduce the number of murderers at the ballot box.


I'm not het up about it, it's done. I am however disgusted by the fact that my grandchildrens future has been negatively effected by what's happened.

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2 minutes ago, m williamson said:

And what you need to realise, is that when the electorate are required to vote on a matter that will effect the entire country the very least that should be expected of them is that they take time to consider the consequences, and that they vote for the result that will benefit the country and their fellow citizens.

Voting for reasons of prejudice which have nothing to do with the welfare of the country is obnoxious. And no before we get into all that again I do not believe that all Brexiteers voted for those reasons, but I do believe that enough did to influence the result.

Incidentally, prisoners aren't allowed to vote so hopefully that will reduce the number of murderers at the ballot box.


I'm not het up about it, it's done. I am however disgusted by the fact that my grandchildrens future has been negatively effected by what's happened.

My bold

As is assuming people voted for reasons of prejudice when you have absolutely no proof of that.

You're obsessed with the racist angle.

You're clearly the racist, yeah?

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1 minute ago, The_DADDY said:

My bold

As is assuming people voted for reasons of prejudice when you have absolutely no proof of that.

You're obsessed with the racist angle.

You're clearly the racist, yeah?

There are people who vote Labour because they hate the Tory's,  also some people vote Conservative becase the hate Labour, many of them take absolutely no notice of the policys of either party, they vote on prejudice. In Northern Ireland many people vote on sectarian lines.  Anyone who thinks that no one ever votes for reasons of prejudice is so completely ignorant of how the world works as to be not worth debating with.



4 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

I don't play those games. 

You want me to read it then either quote it or link it .

Couldn't care less what you do. You asked a question I answered it.

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Just now, m williamson said:

There are people who vote Labour because they hate the Tory's,  also some people vote Conservative becase the hate Labour, many of them take absolutely no notice of the policys of either party, they vote on prejudice. In Northern Ireland many people vote on sectarian lines.  Anyone who thinks that no one ever votes for reasons of prejudice is so completely ignorant of how the world works as to be not worth debating with.




Can't prove brexit was influenced by racists then....

Thought not. Stop obsessing about racism. It's not a good look. It makes you look daft.

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3 minutes ago, m williamson said:

And what you need to realise, is that when the electorate are required to vote on a matter that will effect the entire country the very least that should be expected of them is that they take time to consider the consequences, and that they vote for the result that will benefit the country and their fellow citizens.

Voting for reasons of prejudice which have nothing to do with the welfare of the country is obnoxious. And no before we get into all that again I do not believe that all Brexiteers voted for those reasons, but I do believe that enough did to influence the result.

Incidentally, prisoners aren't allowed to vote so hopefully that will reduce the number of murderers at the ballot box.


I'm not het up about it, it's done. I am however disgusted by the fact that my grandchildrens future has been negatively effected by what's happened.

When people vote, they vote according to their own wishes.  That's what living in a democracy allows us to do.

It sounds very good to talk about benefitting the whole country but, everything we do leaves some winners and some losers.

Who knew what the consequences might be?  You claim that you knew it would be a failure but, others will tell you that they honestly believed Boris and it would be a success.

When I talked about murderers voting, it was as a figure of speech meaning all kinds of people vote.  Don't kid yourself though that ALL murderers are in prison.

The deed was done anyway and other people will have been considering their own grandchildren and not yours.  That's how life works mate

I do think it's time people accept the result AT LAST, and that nothing can be done except work together for the future.

It won't be helped along by levelling accusations of racist at people

We will never see the day when everybody votes, not for themselves but for the benefit of the country as a whole so you will always be disgusted.

Humans  can tend to be selfish, greedy, and sometimes, very very unpleasant and I'm afraid you won't change human nature.




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10 minutes ago, m williamson said:

There are people who vote Labour because they hate the Tory's,  also some people vote Conservative becase the hate Labour, many of them take absolutely no notice of the policys of either party, they vote on prejudice. In Northern Ireland many people vote on sectarian lines.  Anyone who thinks that no one ever votes for reasons of prejudice is so completely ignorant of how the world works as to be not worth debating with.


You are over simplifying things there. People vote Labour not just because they hate Tories but because Tory policies are not what are best for them and vice versa.

Why should a Labour voter vote Tory because  I can't remember Tories having better policies than labour for working class families. The only good policy they came up with in my 83 years, was the right to buy your house.

So, if some people vote on prejudice, I ask you, what do you think we can do about it and don't you vote on prejudice too?

Whether you like it or not, that's the way the world works.

Isn't everyone a little prejudiced to some extent?  It could be said that you are because you want what's best for your grandchildren as does everyone else for theirs, not yours..

BREXIT'S DONE,  on a proper democratic vote, by citizens who may be little angels,  racist or prejudiced but they all had the right to vote

Every vote we have ends like that, some like the result and some don't but we just have to live with it.




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