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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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11 hours ago, The_DADDY said:


Can't prove brexit was influenced by racists then....

Thought not. Stop obsessing about racism. It's not a good look. It makes you look daft.

I'd hate for that to happen, looking daft is your speciality on this forum. 

 For instance.






Now, do your thing and prove that racism played no part in the Brexit vote. Of course, if you can't prove that - which you can't - then you prove once again that you are indeed the daftest of the daft. 

Never in doubt really. 😉


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10 minutes ago, m williamson said:

I'd hate for that to happen, looking daft is your speciality on this forum. 

 For instance.






Now, do your thing and prove that racism played no part in the Brexit vote. Of course, if you can't prove that - which you can't - then you prove once again that you are indeed the daftest of the daft. 

Never in doubt really. 😉


You do know both the Independent and the Guardian are anti Brexit newspapers?

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11 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

You are over simplifying things there. People vote Labour not just because they hate Tories but because Tory policies are not what are best for them and vice versa.

Why should a Labour voter vote Tory because  I can't remember Tories having better policies than labour for working class families. The only good policy they came up with in my 83 years, was the right to buy your house.

So, if some people vote on prejudice, I ask you, what do you think we can do about it and don't you vote on prejudice too?

Whether you like it or not, that's the way the world works.

Isn't everyone a little prejudiced to some extent?  It could be said that you are because you want what's best for your grandchildren as does everyone else for theirs, not yours..

BREXIT'S DONE,  on a proper democratic vote, by citizens who may be little angels,  racist or prejudiced but they all had the right to vote

Every vote we have ends like that, some like the result and some don't but we just have to live with it.




"Isn't everyone a little prejudiced to some extent? ' 


That was exactly the point I was making. I know people that vote Labour because their parents voted Labour and people that vote Conservative for the same reason.

Yes, there are those who consider the policies before deciding but many don't. The problem being that a one off referendum needed everyone to consider what would be best for the country and decide accordingly.


That's not what happened people were lied to and played by those with a vested interest. The Remain campaign was pathetic, concentrating on ' Project Fear ' rather than pointing out the benefits. Of course they had a bit of a problem there, because for years they had been blaming the EU for everything unpopular and claiming the credit for everything popular.

The country was let down by it's politicians of all party's.


Brexit is indeed done and now we need to do something about the mess that's been created as a result. Brexiteers are always on about Remainers accepting the result, well Brexiteers need to accept the result of their decision as well. There haven't been any benefits, it was a mistake which has cost billions and destroyed the country's reputation for good governance.


Three PMs and four Chancellors in four months is a complete shambles. We're a laughing stock.

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22 minutes ago, Axe said:

You do know both the Independent and the Guardian are anti Brexit newspapers?

Which in your mind prevents them from pointing out facts if they differ from your interpretation of events?


Don't blame the messenger come up with some alternative information which contradicts their points. Are you denying the use of this poster?



Take a good look at that poster and try to spot the white face then come back and tell us again how racism played no part.


As you appear to place importance on the editorial opinion of newspapers as to whether or not you are prepared to accept their articles I thought you might be interested in this.


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23 minutes ago, m williamson said:

"Isn't everyone a little prejudiced to some extent? ' 


That was exactly the point I was making. I know people that vote Labour because their parents voted Labour and people that vote Conservative for the same reason.

Yes, there are those who consider the policies before deciding but many don't. The problem being that a one off referendum needed everyone to consider what would be best for the country and decide accordingly.


That's not what happened people were lied to and played by those with a vested interest. The Remain campaign was pathetic, concentrating on ' Project Fear ' rather than pointing out the benefits. Of course they had a bit of a problem there, because for years they had been blaming the EU for everything unpopular and claiming the credit for everything popular.

The country was let down by it's politicians of all party's.


Brexit is indeed done and now we need to do something about the mess that's been created as a result. Brexiteers are always on about Remainers accepting the result, well Brexiteers need to accept the result of their decision as well. There haven't been any benefits, it was a mistake which has cost billions and destroyed the country's reputation for good governance.


Three PMs and four Chancellors in four months is a complete shambles. We're a laughing stock.

BOLD - In your first paragraph, I've already explained that most people will consider what is best for them personally rather than the country.  That's human nature.


2nd paragraph - I fully agree that people were lied to etc. I also agree that the remain campaign was pathetic and yes, the government had blamed the EU for everything.

So, I agree you are right with all that paragraph.  Why then, blame the people who voted in good faith, whatever their reasons for voting when it's  bent and lying politicians to blame.


I would expect that most Brexiteers do accept that it has been a  total failure but would tell you that it's not their fault but the  governments who lied to them and lied about the oven ready deal.

They lied that there would be no border and they said that i would be a great success and our economy would be better off.

If you want to protest about what's happened, then don't protest about ordinary voters, who can only go on what they are told, but about politicians who have turned lying into an art form.


Last paragraph - I agree fully with that too but I think we have been a laughing stock ever since Thatcher was PM because we have given away our jobs and let the rest of the world

make us dependant on them.




Edited by Organgrinder
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1 hour ago, m williamson said:



Now, do your thing and prove that racism played no part in the Brexit vote. Of course, if you can't prove that - which you can't - then you prove once again that you are indeed the daftest of the daft. 

Never in doubt really. 😉


That's not how it works. You are making the allegations, it's down to you to prove it.

Looks like I'm not the only daft one on here eh🙄

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5 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

BOLD - In your first paragraph, I've already explained that most people will consider what is best for them personally rather than the country.  That's human nature.


2nd paragraph - I fully agree that people were lied to etc. I also agree that the remain campaign was pathetic and yes, the government had blamed the EU for everything.

So, I agree you are right with all that paragraph.  Why then, blame the people who voted in good faith, whatever their reasons for voting when it's  bent and lying politicians to blame.


I would expect that most Brexiteers do accept that it has been a  total failure but would tell you that it's not their fault but the  governments who lied to them and lied about the oven ready deal.

They lied that there would be no border and they said that i would be a great success and our economy would be better off.

If you want to protest about what's happened, then don't protest about ordinary voters, who can only go on what they are told, but about politicians who have turned lying into an art form.


Last paragraph - I agree fully with that too but I think we have been a laughing stock ever since Thatcher was PM because we have given away our jobs and let the rest of the world

make us dependant on them.




My problem with Brexiteers is that too many of them failed to look closely at the situation and take everything into consideration. It was a life changing decision which was going to alter everything and too many of them didn't treat it as such.

Yes, politicians lied and others were incompetent but surely anyone with any experience of life knows that that's what they do.

They can't be trusted, so you have to give things some thought.


I don't consider myself to be any kind of intellectual genius but I managed to foresee the problems that would be caused, and I'm afraid that I do believe Brexiteers deserve blame, if only in a 'Driving without due care and attention ' rather than a ' Reckless driving ' kind of way.

When every major country is an a Trade Bloc and the closest and most successful one is your main trading partner then what kind of sense did it make to leave?

The idea that you can leave an organisation, resign from the committee making the decisions yet continue on as before enjoying all the benefits was preposterous, yet Brexit politicians gave that impression and the gullible fell for it.

The problem with Ireland was obvious but leavers either didn't understand or didn't care.


The question now is what do we do to try to recover from this shamble?. Do we continue in isolation and be unable to return to the position we were in before leaving or do we take the pragmatic route, bite the bullet and rejoin the Single Market which would solve most of the issues including Northern Ireland?

I doubt that our politicians have the guts to take that decision in case it damages their careers which is what they care about the most.

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7 minutes ago, m williamson said:

My problem with Brexiteers is that too many of them failed to look closely at the situation and take everything into consideration.


In your opinion. You've no idea what was in people's minds. Seems like your real problem with brexiteers is they voted to leave.


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17 minutes ago, The_DADDY said:

That's not how it works. You are making the allegations, it's down to you to prove it.

Looks like I'm not the only daft one on here eh🙄

No, unsurprisingly you don't understand how it works. I provided two links to published newspaper articles which agreed with my opinion. Then in another post I provided a link to a Ukip poster which also gave credence to my point.


Your only response was to complain that you didn't like the newspapers involved. Now having been provided with support for my opinion it is down to you to provide any contradicting evidence, the ball is in your court.


Oh, and don't worry your title as the Non- Pareil King of the Dafties remains unchallenged. 

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2 minutes ago, m williamson said:

No, unsurprisingly you don't understand how it works. I provided two links to published newspaper articles which agreed with my opinion.


Awww bless, providing links that agree with you isn't proof. Providing actual unibiased, irrefutable proof is. Have you got any?


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