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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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59 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Your response doesn't surprise me.

Censoring discussion by throwing inappropriate labels around seems to be the way things are done at times.

Who is censoring discussion? 🤨


I’ve lost count of how many times posters here have labelled me ‘left wing’ and/or ‘liberal’, usually indirectly with some doublespeak posting, simply because I don’t drink the ‘immigrants bad’ KoolAid of the last decade.


They couldn’t be further from the truth (I’m centrist right, making no secret about it whatsoever), doesn’t mean I take their s**t for brains posts as ‘censoring’.


Quite on the contrary, it proves their hard right credentials, and make ‘throwing inappropriate labels’ all the more accurate - and entertaining at times: rather a lot of very triggered people in here lately 😏


It’s actually very much like the widespread take on invasive policing initiatives: if you’ve nothing to reproach yourself, you’ve nothing to be concerned about…


…Right? 😉

Edited by L00b
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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

Your response doesn't surprise me.

Indeed.... you didn't understand it... like last time, and the time before, etc... :roll:



Censoring discussion by throwing inappropriate labels around seems to be the way things are done at times.

Making claims that don't stand the most basic of scrutiny, that you have to suspend thought to accept, does though... clearly! :thumbsup:


I look forward to your explanation of how any failings of government and society should be bourne by only those who feel strongly enough about them to actually bring the issues to the fore... and why they're somehow hypocrites if they can't?


If, for example, I campaigned for people to see a doctor in a reasonable time, am I a hypocrite for not "Doctoring Up" and providing that service myself? If I did campaign for that, should I be obliged to?


If Al's post was as sensible as you claim... I'd have to be... right? :suspect:



While you're at it, perhaps you can have a think about why actual, genuine racists might use the cover of "concerned about immigration"... and why the sweeping statement "Concerned about immigration=RACIST" is also one of the ways they would use to dismiss that reality. :roll:


Nah... you're not censored or labelled, at all.


Al though, given the previous gripes that any given news item isn't all about the race of those involved, despite it having no relevance whatsoever...


...can make of it what he will.



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18 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Indeed.... you didn't understand it... like last time, and the time before, etc... :roll:


Making claims that don't stand the most basic of scrutiny, that you have to suspend thought to accept, does though... clearly! :thumbsup:


I look forward to your explanation of how any failings of government and society should be bourne by only those who feel strongly enough about them to actually bring the issues to the fore... and why they're somehow hypocrites if they can't?


If, for example, I campaigned for people to see a doctor in a reasonable time, am I a hypocrite for not "Doctoring Up" and providing that service myself? If I did campaign for that, should I be obliged to?


If Al's post was as sensible as you claim... I'd have to be... right? :suspect:



While you're at it, perhaps you can have a think about why actual, genuine racists might use the cover of "concerned about immigration"... and why the sweeping statement "Concerned about immigration=RACIST" is also one of the ways they would use to dismiss that reality. :roll:


Nah... you're not censored or labelled, at all.


Al though, given the previous gripes that any given news item isn't all about the race of those involved, despite it having no relevance whatsoever...


...can make of it what he will.



I just can't be bothered with all this rubbish any more.

If you are happy to stick labels on people when they try to discuss a topic that is your choice.

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18 hours ago, harvey19 said:

I just can't be bothered with all this rubbish any more.

Imagine my surprise! :hihi:



If you are happy to stick labels on people when they try to discuss a topic that is your choice.

Yes! It is :thumbsup:

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18 hours ago, harvey19 said:

I just can't be bothered with all this rubbish any more.

If you are happy to stick labels on people when they try to discuss a topic that is your choice.

He only does that because he doesn't have an argument but doesn't want to back down.

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43 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

He only does that because he doesn't have an argument but doesn't want to back down.

Well, in Harveys case any question was always going to be rhetorical ;)


My arguments are laid out in my post... feel free to counter the points made...


...ideally, not with stuff that never happened, like last time! :P



Still interested why the people Al invented in his head should be characterised as hypocrites... any views on that?

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Biden rebuffs UK bid for closer cooperation on tech:


Britain is at risk of being sidelined as the US and EU set standards, tech and trade experts warn.


“This initiative [the TTC] between the world’s two regulatory powerhouses risks sidelining the U.K.,” warned lawmakers on the UK Parliament's Foreign Affairs Committee in a report last October. Britain may become “a rule-taker rather than a rule-maker,” MPs noted, citing the government’s “ambiguous” position on technology standards. Britain has yet to publish a formal semiconductor strategy, and others on critical minerals — like those used in EV batteries — or AI are also missing.


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Q: “is Britain an attractive place to invest?”

A: “not really, because of Brexit”

Q: “can you elaborate on that?”

A: “making it more difficult to trade with your biggest market is a dumb thing to do”


Mic drop, tbh.

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