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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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1 hour ago, altus said:

Nonsense. The ERG wanted to[1] dump legislation without any consideration of whether it was desirable or not. That is why the original legislation proposed ditching so many laws so quickly. They new the civil service would never be able to cope without massively increasing the number of suitably trained civil services and the government were never going to allow that.


[1] And still do. Look at the way they have been complaining about Badenoch's announcement.


The ERG want all the changes needed to benefit the UK made before the next general election otherwise they might not happen,  There is a possibility after the next general election there could be a Labour / Liberal Democrat coalition with the untrustworthy, anti democratic , dishonest Keir Starmer being prime minister.  


1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

That's a load of tory propaganda which I wouldn't expect you to understand and they are just conning you all the way.
They have just removed the protection animals had from being used in science labs to test makeup so Europe cares about animals and the British don't.

Shameful - for those with a conscience and some morals anyway.

The tories will tell you anything because they know you are silly enough to believe anything.

Another poor contribution.

  • Rishi Sunak
    Rishi Sunak
Nicholas Cecil
Thu, 11 May 2023 at 1:13 pm BST·1-min read
In this article:
  • Rishi Sunak
    Rishi Sunak
    Prime Minister of the United Kingdom
(Stefan Rousseau/PA) (PA Wire)
(Stefan Rousseau/PA) (PA Wire)

Rishi Sunak on Thursday categorically ruled out watering down Britain’s ban on animal testing for cosmetic products for consumers.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “It’s important that the public are reassured here.

“The ban on using animals to test cosmetic products or ingredients for the consumer remains completely in force.


“There are absolutely no plans to change that.

“It also remains the case that it is unlawful for any business to sell cosmetic products or their ingredients that have been tested for the consumer on animals. “So to be crystal clear this is never going to happen.

“Any changes in EU law on this will not impact our position.

“We will take the necessary steps to ensure this is the case.

“There will be no weakening on our position on animal testing and indeed we have some of the highest animal welfare standards and are exploring ways to enhance our position as a leader on animal welfare.”

https://uk.news.yahoo.com/animal-testing-cosmetics-won-t-121129390.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAKvjpvS1_sLsT3-xgjK8LuFkMlXlNbyWiHXP5rbIZ7wKHR5GY0m9PVNmr0o42QdJpZDpxYcK1-YWWNhUA1iouvlFaKd7xwXaPiGMiLx51PkUx6SIgMFvZWDTGaboByG_O5ZKewv-4tfhJ5dFt0Zc-OP0Rr7qCCEJRr0U0YcS9E5b#:~:text=“The ban on using animals,for the consumer on animals.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

The civil servants have deliberately been causing problems to slow down the process because too many of them have not accepted the democratic choice the electorate made to leave the EU. 


The Tory government  want UK laws and rules to bespoke our country's needs now the UK has left the EU.  It has never been intended to change all the laws and rules because UK governments over the decades have supported many of the laws and rules the EU introduced.   

Do you plan on exporting anything at all, anywhere, after doing that?


Asking for a British business friend.

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Post-Brexit power trade model adds £1.1bn to bills:


"Energy UK, which represents power generators and traders, said UK households were paying the price for “inefficient trading” arrangements since 2021, with electricity no longer exchanged through the EU market coupling regime.
A mismatch of different trading arrangements has led to a less efficient, more complex and costly model for the trade of electricity over the interconnectors between the EU and GB, as well as adding to the regulatory and administrative burdens of energy traders

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Rishi Sunak on Thursday categorically ruled out watering down Britain’s ban on animal testing for cosmetic products for consumers.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “It’s important that the public are reassured here.

“The ban on using animals to test cosmetic products or ingredients for the consumer remains completely in force.


“There are absolutely no plans to change that.

“It also remains the case that it is unlawful for any business to sell cosmetic products or their ingredients that have been tested for the consumer on animals. “So to be crystal clear this is never going to happen.

“Any changes in EU law on this will not impact our position.

“We will take the necessary steps to ensure this is the case.

“There will be no weakening on our position on animal testing and indeed we have some of the highest animal welfare standards and are exploring ways to enhance our position as a leader on animal welfare.”



What our Prime Ministers say,  and what they actually do,  are often two very different things. so this statement counts for nothing.

The tory party of late,  is the most untrustworthy party this country has ever seen with it's lies, deceit, excuses  and cover ups.

As has been pointed out to you,   Do you want to trade with the EU or not? 

We certainly need to so they should take great care what rules they tear up.

I know they said we can take back complete control but,  they were lying.  You can't do that if you want to trade. 


Edited by Organgrinder
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UK participation in EU Horizon programme delayed over talks on costs:



The central irony:

"UK officials say the offer of a discount for 2021 and 2022, when the Britain was not part of Horizon, is not enough to account for the low levels of participation by British scientists, who have been reluctant to apply to Horizon-backed projects due to uncertainty over the UK’s future association with the scheme."


In translation:

"The UK is complaining that it should pay less due to the lack of confidence of its own scientists as a result of the UK's own policy decisions" :loopy:


Nothing says 'holding all the cards' like scratching at the door begging to be let in on the cheap. :hihi:


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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Rishi Sunak on Thursday categorically ruled out watering down Britain’s ban on animal testing for cosmetic products for consumers.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “It’s important that the public are reassured here.

“The ban on using animals to test cosmetic products or ingredients for the consumer remains completely in force.


“There are absolutely no plans to change that.

“It also remains the case that it is unlawful for any business to sell cosmetic products or their ingredients that have been tested for the consumer on animals. “So to be crystal clear this is never going to happen.

“Any changes in EU law on this will not impact our position.

“We will take the necessary steps to ensure this is the case.

“There will be no weakening on our position on animal testing and indeed we have some of the highest animal welfare standards and are exploring ways to enhance our position as a leader on animal welfare.”



What our Prime Ministers say,  and what they actually do,  are often two very different things. so this statement counts for nothing.

The tory party of late,  is the most untrustworthy party this country has ever seen with it's lies, deceit, excuses  and cover ups.

As has been pointed out to you,   Do you want to trade with the EU or not? 

We certainly need to so they should take great care what rules they tear up.

I know they said we can take back complete control but,  they were lying.  You can't do that if you want to trade. 


It infuriates me also that Brexit is used as an excuse for all sorts of things and people are looking for any excuse to undermine our prime minister.

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8 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Rishi Sunak on Thursday categorically ruled out watering down Britain’s ban on animal testing for cosmetic products for consumers.

The Prime Minister’s official spokesman said: “It’s important that the public are reassured here.

Rishi said he was going to deal with the migration backlog, but all he did was make a new backlog... so no new ones got added to the original one :?


The backlog has increased since Rishi made his commitment.

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1 minute ago, Magilla said:

Rishi said he was going to deal with the migration backlog, but all he did was make a new backlog... so no new ones got added to the original one :?


The backlog has increased since Rishi made his commitment.

I can't see any problems with that the P.M. said, in fact it is praiseworthy.

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