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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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1 minute ago, Magilla said:

As Stellantis makes clear: from next year "trade between the UK and EU would be subject to 10% tariffs"


Nissan, Ford & BMW have already cancelled EV production in the UK :?



How is wait and see any different to saying you should wait until your house has burned to the ground... before you call the fire brigade?


Which is precisely why Stellantis is highlighting what a disaster Brexit is for their business.



It's not just big business getting squeezed out, either... Look North had this firm on last night...


Nursery pulls out of RHS Chelsea Flower Show because of 'ridiculous' post-Brexit law:



Sudden issue importing plants:



I wonder if he can afford to wait?

I fully agree that Brexit should have been implemented better and quicker.

Ref, car manufacturing I still say wait and see what happens. Brinkmanship.

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3 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

It's going to take a lot more than a positive attitude and this government is creating negativity instead. 

You can't just wish yourself out of a deep hole just with positive thinking or poor people would no longer be poor.  That counts all over the planet and not just here.


We are waiting to see but,  it looks like being a very very long  and, a very futile wait.  This government will be exiting next year,  without having completed a proper Brexit.

They are brilliant at making promises,  absolutely useless at fulfilling them as you can see with the boat people.

They are, in fact, in such a mess with everything, they haven't got time to deal with the drawbacks of Brexit.

13 years of promises, guarantees and all the rest.   13 years of failure.    Who could be positive about that?


Can't really argue with you but my remark "positive forward looking attitudes " is aimed at politicians and business leaders.

Government ministers should be held to account for failing to efficiently implement Brexit and also allowing the boat situation to continue.


We can not allow Brexit to be continually blamed as an excuse for failings by other causes..

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7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I fully agree that Brexit should have been implemented better and quicker.

You can't polish a turd.


7 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Ref, car manufacturing I still say wait and see what happens. Brinkmanship.

...either the public has to subsidise them, or their business is no longer viable.


The brinkmanship here is over how much the UK is prepared to lose... not gain!

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26 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

I fully agree that Brexit should have been implemented better and quicker.

Ref, car manufacturing I still say wait and see what happens. Brinkmanship.

Brinksmanship with who, with what?


Car manufacturers? “Keep production here or we’ll tax you more”?

You’re not hearing Stellantis, then.


The EU? “Give us a better deal for automotive, or we’ll stop exporting cars to the EU”?

You checked automotive industry statistics for the UK and EU countries recently?


Noticed the recent FTA between the EU and Japan and its sunset clauses about automotive tariffs?


<sigh>…How many times…you-cannot-make-Brexit-work-economically.


All the UK can hope to do, is to gradually row back towards Single Market membership-like trading arrangements. It will take many years and, short of full-fat membership like you had and left, there will always be an economic ball and chain getting dragged.

It’s simple economics, politics doesn’t come into it. It never did, that’s what we’ve been trying to get Brexiters (of either left or right persuasion alike) to understand all along 🙄

Edited by L00b
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31 minutes ago, harvey19 said:


Government ministers should be held to account for failing to efficiently implement Brexit and also allowing the boat situation to continue.


We can not allow Brexit to be continually blamed as an excuse for failings by other causes..

Yes,  I fully agree with you.

We are, at this moment,  waiting in limbo again, to see what the DUP are going to do regarding Sunak's efforts to get thing moving.

I will at least, give Sunak credit for making an effort but it's never long before everything grinds to a halt again.

I believe all these negotiations should be done in full public view so the public know who's dragging their feet and threaten the obstructive politicians at the polls.

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1 hour ago, harvey19 said:


Wait and see the outcome.

Harvey you sound very much like a religious zealot.  " I cannot provide you with any facts to prove my contention, there is no evidence which can  prove my claims, however despite that you should accept what I say as the truth. "


Except that you are even more gullible. The religious have no proof of the existence of God but at the same time atheists who are arguing against them have no proof of the non existence of God.

But those of us who argue that Brexit was disastrous self inflicted damage to the country have loads of proof, even Farage says so.


Your lack of knowledge of the situation is typical of many Brexiteers, you bought the anti EU guff without bothering to question it.

For example you stated that every proposal put forward by the UK was rejected when we were members. Take a look at this link for a bit of clarification.



Incidentally, the description Remainer is redundant we have left and I doubt very much that the EU would allow us back. All 27 members have to agree to a new member and the foot in mouth pantomime act that has been ' running ' the country has managed to insult just about all of them at some time over the past few years.

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Harvey you sound very much like a religious zealot.  " I cannot provide you with any facts to prove my contention, there is no evidence which can  prove my claims, however despite that you should accept what I say as the truth. "


Except that you are even more gullible. The religious have no proof of the existence of God but at the same time atheists who are arguing against them have no proof of the non existence of God.

But those of us who argue that Brexit was disastrous self inflicted damage to the country have loads of proof, even Farage says so.


Your lack of knowledge of the situation is typical of many Brexiteers, you bought the anti EU guff without bothering to question it.

For example you stated that every proposal put forward by the UK was rejected when we were members. Take a look at this link for a bit of clarification.



Incidentally, the description Remainer is redundant we have left and I doubt very much that the EU would allow us back. All 27 members have to agree to a new member and the foot in mouth pantomime act that has been ' running ' the country has managed to insult just about all of them at some time over the past few years.

Faith is the word you are looking for !!

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2 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Faith is the word you are looking for !!

No doubt faith is great (for some) to heal the soul. But it doesn’t do owt to put food on the table and a roof over your head.


EU membership never had anything to do with ‘faith’, but all to do with improving socio-economic performance and outlook, through levelling crossborder opportunities.


So opposing EU membership, or seeking to vindicate its abandonment, on the basis of ‘faith’ is worse than being away with the fairies, quite frankly.


I very much doubt m williamson or any other reader, including those with even a very limited grasp of economics, are looking for ‘faith’, as a word or otherwise, in the particular context of Brexit.


Rather, we’re looking, still, for a scintilla of self-awareness from your political class, to finally start escaping the  crassly stupid ‘emperor new clothes’ syndrome that it, and your national media, locked itself in over Brexit for the last 7 years 🙄

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29 minutes ago, L00b said:



I very much doubt m williamson or any other reader, including those with even a very limited grasp of economics, are looking for ‘faith’, as a word or otherwise, in the particular context of Brexit.


You are correct in that assumption LOOb, I have no faith whatsoever in the ability of the politicians in this country to resolve the problem they created without some revelation on the road to Damascus, or in our case Brussels.


The situation requires drastic action, applying to rejoin the Single Market should be the first step. That would resolve the Northern Ireland and the vehicle manufacturers problem and also benefit normal trade arrangements.

The partys are only interested in holding on to power or gaining power and that is their priority, the public and the country itself come distant runners up.

58 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Faith is the word you are looking for !!

No, competence is the word I'm looking for.

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

You are correct in that assumption LOOb, I have no faith whatsoever in the ability of the politicians in this country to resolve the problem they created without some revelation on the road to Damascus, or in our case Brussels.


The situation requires drastic action, applying to rejoin the Single Market should be the first step. That would resolve the Northern Ireland and the vehicle manufacturers problem and also benefit normal trade arrangements.

The partys are only interested in holding on to power or gaining power and that is their priority, the public and the country itself come distant runners up.

No, competence is the word I'm looking for.

I thought you were meaning that I had FAITH in the efficient implementation.

Competence is needed and the will to make it work now it has happened.

In 20 years from  now we (if still alive !) will wonder what all the fuss was about because solutions to many problems will have been resolved.


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