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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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22 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

Well that could have been said for political figures & people from both sides of the argument.   A number, including failed politicians enjoyed their parties, (all sides), leavering them into the cushy, closeted & tax payers funded world of the EU.  


The UK was part & parcel of the EU in its various forms for 47 years before we decided we'd had enough.  I'm not sure how long on from 1973 it took until people decided that the UK was benefiting from membership & how much UK taxpayers had put in but I bet it wasn't less than 3 years? 


Shall we say, give it another 44 years? 

What complicated matters for us is that Joining Europe was never done in one move.

We originally joined the Common Market, simply for trading purposes with a view to looking at how European countries could work together for mutual advantage. 

This resulted in a series of British Prime ministerial trips where new treaties were signed such as the  Maastricht Treaty.

As many agreements were done piece by piece,  the public were not fully aware of how many of our powers had been given away to the Europe ideal.

The politicians were responsible for all the dealings and even today, as we have learned the hard way, they cannot be trusted to tell us the truth.


I am in disagreement with Harvey who thinks that, after a certain time,  we should forget the promises made without further protest.

Brexit is clearly not working and the only way to get it working is through REAL co-operation with Europe.  Something which has never happened for a long time.

We need to stop politicians lying and insist we are better informed, but above all,  we should not settle in a situation where our country is severely disadvantaged,   in meek acceptance.


Edited by Organgrinder
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3 hours ago, geared said:

There's also sufficient time passed to start asking where are all these things we were promised?


Brexit aside there's a very real issue here of political figures, and people acting in their interests, making sweeping promises to the electorate, and delivering very little.


The fishermen are an excellent example of an industry that was promised the world and immediately left out to dry.

The fishing industry was sold down the river by Ted Heath long time before Brexit .

Due to Brexit we are slowly regaining sovereignty in our coastal fishing grounds .

Its strange how some ignore the deals we are making World wide since we left that corrupt right wing so called union .

The car Industry is coming on leaps and bounds we are getting the largest electric car plant in the World .

Vauxhall have opened a  New commercial vehicle plant , 

Why do these investors put billions into these projects . Well take a look across the water , One wrong word from management and its down tools , take to the streets we are in the EU and can do what we want .

Chaos rules in France and the right are rising in Hungary ,Poland and a few more of the Eastern Union axis Countries .

Edited by cuttsie
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13 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The fishing industry was sold down the river by Ted Heath long time before Brexit .

Due to Brexit we are slowly regaining sovereignty in our coastal fishing grounds .

Its strange how some ignore the deals we are making World wide since we left that corrupt right wing so called union .

Usually because some are better ignored.

Do you want this deal with India concluding if it means we have to let so many come over here every year or something similar ?

Or do you want to accept American Chlorinated chickens to get a deal with USA ?

We had perfectly good deals with Europe  which are hard to replicate but don't worry,  we have taken back control over our borders.   But nobody's told the asylum seekers.

There's corruption in every country,  including ours.

As far as the car industry is concerned,  we are years behind everybody else.


Edited by Organgrinder
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11 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

The fishing industry was sold down the river by Ted Heath long time before Brexit .

Due to Brexit we are slowly regaining sovereignty in our coastal fishing grounds .

Its strange how some ignore the deals we are making World wide since we left that corrupt right wing so called union .

The expected GDP increase from those deals, very few of which are in effect, is very small, compared with the reduced GDP impact of Brexit.


Gives a government minister something to put on their Twitter feed though.

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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Usually because some are better ignored.

Do you want this deal with India concluding if it means we have to let so many come over here every year or something similar ?

Or do you want to accept American Chlorinated chickens to get a deal with USA ?

We had perfectly good deals with Europe  which are hard to replicate but don't worry,  we have taken back control over our borders.   But nobody's told the asylum seekers.

There's corruption in every country,  including ours.

As far as the car industry is concerned,  we are years behind everybody else.


And the rest of my post , cherry pick as usual on here 


8 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Usually because some are better ignored.

Do you want this deal with India concluding if it means we have to let so many come over here every year or something similar ?

Or do you want to accept American Chlorinated chickens to get a deal with USA ?

We had perfectly good deals with Europe  which are hard to replicate but don't worry,  we have taken back control over our borders.   But nobody's told the asylum seekers.

There's corruption in every country,  including ours.

As far as the car industry is concerned,  we are years behind everybody else.


And the rest of my post ignored cherry pick as usual .

4 minutes ago, Bargepole23 said:

The expected GDP increase from those deals, very few of which are in effect, is very small, compared with the reduced GDP impact of Brexit.


Gives a government minister something to put on their Twitter feed though.

Cherry picking as usual

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4 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

And the rest of my post , cherry pick as usual on here 


And the rest of my post ignored cherry pick as usual .

Cherry picking as usual

I didn't cherry pick. When I clicked quote, there was only half of it showing  (You can see that in my post )  so I presume you added to it afterwards.

What objection do you have to cherry picking.  that's what most of the people on the forum do.  There's no rule that we must answer every word.

Would you like to answer my comments with true facts ?


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1 hour ago, Organgrinder said:

What complicated matters for us is that Joining Europe was never done in one move.

We originally joined the Common Market, simply for trading purposes with a view to looking at how European countries could work together for mutual advantage. 

This resulted in a series of British Prime ministerial trips where new treaties were signed such as the  Maastricht Treaty.

As many agreements were done piece by piece,  the public were not fully aware of how many of our powers had been given away to the Europe ideal.

The politicians were responsible for all the dealings and even today, as we have learned the hard way, they cannot be trusted to tell us the truth.


I am in disagreement with Harvey who thinks,  we should forget the promises made without further protest.nks that, after a certain time.

Brexit is clearly not working and the only way to get it working is through REAL co-operation with Europe.  Something which has never happened for a long time.

We need to stop politicians lying and insist we are better informed, but above all,  we should not settle in a situation where our country is severely disadvantaged,   in meek acceptance.


I meant we can assume nothing will be done by the government  because of the passage of time.

2 hours ago, m williamson said:

The situation could be improved with one move. Rejoin the Single Market. That would immediately improve our economy by simplifying trade and reducing cost. It would resolve the Northern Irish problem and the pound would increase in value as a result, further decreasing costs.

Basically it would be the Brexit that many people thought they were getting when they voted for it, fairly straight forward and not damaging to the country.

Would this be the same as the Common market which we joined in 1974.?

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1 minute ago, harvey19 said:

I meant we can assume nothing will be done by the government  because of the passage of time.

I certainly agree with you there as they are well known for doing nothing about anything.

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