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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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There appears to be a constant criticism of our country’ s  past by many of its population.

Criticism is easy but constructive improvement harder.

Pride in who we are and what we were seem  to be looked on as faults instead of virtues.

Politicians  are belittled as a matter of course instead of respected for having been willing to represent others.

Fault finding and sensationalism replace praise and objective thinking.

Just look at the improvements in living conditions in our country over the past generations and feel proud

Looking to the future is needed instead of constantly moaning about the past.




Edited by harvey19
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56 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Fault finding and sensationalism replace praise and objective thinking.

A bit rich coming from you Harvey, given you have consistently avoided *any* objective thinking at every possible stage... repeatedly relying on "faith" instead of anything based in fact.


Your post is, again, an attempt at doing precisely that! 🙄


Your description above is more an apt of leave voters... sensationalist claims about the EU with little relation to fact, misplaced blame for the issues facing the UK... a textbook description of no objective thinking!


56 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Looking to the future is needed instead of constantly moaning about the past.

This is precisely the reason the mistakes of Brexit need to be highlighted and addressed.



In other news:


UK rare earth producer pivots to EU and US:


Britain’s only rare earths metal producer is prioritising expansion in the US and EU and putting the brakes on UK growth after Brexit created obstacles for exporting to mainland Europe, the company’s managing director has said.


New UK banks’ post-Brexit investment only one third of lost EU funds:


New public sector lenders created by the government since Brexit are investing two-thirds less than the UK was receiving from the EU’s European Investment Bank



The Brexit bad news continues apace. 🙄

Edited by Magilla
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13 minutes ago, Magilla said:

A bit rich coming from you Harvey, given you have consistently avoided *any* objective thinking at every possible stage... repeatedly relying on "faith" instead of anything based in fact.


Your post is, again, an attempt at doing precisely that! 🙄


Your description above is more an apt of leave voters... sensationalist claims about the EU with little relation to fact, misplaced blame for the issues facing the UK... a textbook description of no objective thinking!


This is precisely the reason the mistakes of Brexit need to be highlighted and addressed.



In other news:


UK rare earth producer pivots to EU and US:


Britain’s only rare earths metal producer is prioritising expansion in the US and EU and putting the brakes on UK growth after Brexit created obstacles for exporting to mainland Europe, the company’s managing director has said.


New UK banks’ post-Brexit investment only one third of lost EU funds:


New public sector lenders created by the government since Brexit are investing two-thirds less than the UK was receiving from the EU’s European Investment Bank



The Brexit bad news continues apace. 🙄

Carry on moaning and criticising if you want.

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

All your nitpicking has established is that both Norway and the Republic of Ireland are part of mainland Europe for insurance purposes.  If you go on a travel guide website you will find Norway is not part of Mainland Europe


  Mainland Europe is the contiguous mainland of Europe excluding its surrounding islands. The UK, Ireland, Malta, Majorca etc are not part of mainland Europe, they are however part of the European continent.

Contiguous means sharing a common border, touching. Norway shares a land border with two other European countries one of which, Finland shares a border with western Russia which is also part of the European mainland. Western Russia shares a land border with three other European countries, which together with all other countries on that same European land mass form the European Mainland.


Yes, Norway is one of the Scandinavian countries but they are all on the mainland of Europe. Similarly Spain, Portugal, Andorra, Gibraltar and a small area of southern France  form the Iberian Peninsula, and that is also part of the European Mainland.




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3 hours ago, cuttsie said:

Watch my lips 💋. The fishing industry was murdered years before Brexit by Ted Heath and his mob who allowed all and sundry to fish in our waters , Then the bloody EU popped up and promptly sent massive trawler ships into our waters that actually hoover all living creatures from the sea .Spain and Holland were the big culprits among others , but that don't matter to EU lovers does it .

Now we are slowly taking our fishing grounds back when current agreements with the EU end .


But many of our trawler men gave up trying years ago due to the bleeeeedin EU gangster trawlers . 

Now just a few risk their lives by carrying on . 

Go on defend the EU fishing policy thats left our seas empty . Can't wait to hear the crap .

Your first paragraph is reasonably correct because the Foreign fishermen did overfish and ruin stocks in a big way.

Shouldn't you have raised that point around 30, 40 or 50 years ago instead of now.  Did you write to MP's or government ministers at the time.  Just seem a bit late and a bit futile now.


I'm not arguing with your second paragraph either except to say that I haven't heard anyone defend the EU fishing policy so I don't know what the rant's about.

By the way,  Which of us said we were  "EU lovers"    I think the people in the EU are pretty much like us,  some ok and some not.  Blanket coverage rarely works.


1 hour ago, harvey19 said:

Carry on moaning and criticising if you want.

That's what people are doing mate and they do have a right to their opinions as you have a right to yours.

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13 hours ago, harvey19 said:

What is the difference between the common market and single market ?

Why? What's that got to do with anything? 

My point was that rejoining the Single Market would help British business and resolve the Northern Irish problem ( until the DUP come up with another one ) which would be a step toward improving the ridiculous situation we've managed to inflict on ourselves.

We were involved in the formation of the Single Market, the UK played a significant part. Even the most bigoted of xenophobes can't claim that its some terrible imposition by Johnny Foreigner.

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2 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Why? What's that got to do with anything? 

My point was that rejoining the Single Market would help British business and resolve the Northern Irish problem ( until the DUP come up with another one ) which would be a step toward improving the ridiculous situation we've managed to inflict on ourselves.

We were involved in the formation of the Single Market, the UK played a significant part. Even the most bigoted of xenophobes can't claim that its some terrible imposition by Johnny Foreigner.

My bold;    That's correct.  Many leavers will rail at this statement but unfortunately, it happens to be true.

Brexit itself wouldn't have been a problem if it had been done properly with all the correct agreements made but,  chief clown BoJo was intent on bulldozing it through and telling Europe to FO.

Now we pay the price for thinking we were big enough and good enough to manage without Europe's co-operation so what do we do now,  apart from wait and wait and get poorer and weaker ?


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7 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Why? What's that got to do with anything? 

My point was that rejoining the Single Market would help British business and resolve the Northern Irish problem ( until the DUP come up with another one ) which would be a step toward improving the ridiculous situation we've managed to inflict on ourselves.

We were involved in the formation of the Single Market, the UK played a significant part. Even the most bigoted of xenophobes can't claim that its some terrible imposition by Johnny Foreigner.

When the single market was established there were only 12 EU members.  It is irrelevant the part the UK played in creating the single market because we live in a different World today. The problems regarding freedom of movement  which is a requirement of the single market started when the EU expanded eastwards. It was made clear during the referendum campaign that if the UK voted to leave the EU then the UK would leave the single market.  The UK are not going to rejoin the single market because that would make a mockery of leaving the EU.  The UK has a free trade agreement with the EU and the Northern Ireland problem has been more or less sorted.  Any good competent business copes well with the post Brexit arrangements.  It is only poorly run businesses who use Brexit as an excuse for their own inadequacies.  Trading globally has never ever been easier for well run UK businesses.  

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38 minutes ago, Axe said:

When the single market was established there were only 12 EU members.  It is irrelevant the part the UK played in creating the single market because we live in a different World today. The problems regarding freedom of movement  which is a requirement of the single market started when the EU expanded eastwards. It was made clear during the referendum campaign that if the UK voted to leave the EU then the UK would leave the single market.  The UK are not going to rejoin the single market because that would make a mockery of leaving the EU.  The UK has a free trade agreement with the EU and the Northern Ireland problem has been more or less sorted.  Any good competent business copes well with the post Brexit arrangements.  It is only poorly run businesses who use Brexit as an excuse for their own inadequacies.  Trading globally has never ever been easier for well run UK businesses.  

Why are we having such problems getting trade deals through then and why is our economy still worse than before the pandemic,  and why can we still not control our borders ???


Edited by Organgrinder
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