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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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33 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Why? What's that got to do with anything? 

My point was that rejoining the Single Market would help British business and resolve the Northern Irish problem ( until the DUP come up with another one ) which would be a step toward improving the ridiculous situation we've managed to inflict on ourselves.

We were involved in the formation of the Single Market, the UK played a significant part. Even the most bigoted of xenophobes can't claim that its some terrible imposition by Johnny Foreigner.

“bigoted”   “xenophobes “  Well done 👏 

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5 minutes ago, Axe said:

Any good competent business copes well with the post Brexit arrangements.  It is only poorly run businesses who use Brexit as an excuse for their own inadequacies.

They are doing throughout Ireland... by switching a lot of their suppliers from the UK to the EU... and many UK businesses are setting up within the EU rather than expanding here.


Brexit's contribution overall, is a detriment to the UK economy. 🙄


9 minutes ago, Axe said:

Trading globally has never ever been easier for well run UK businesses.  

Trading globally isn't any easier now, than it ever was. :loopy:

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13 minutes ago, Axe said:

When the single market was established there were only 12 EU members.  It is irrelevant the part the UK played in creating the single market because we live in a different World today. The problems regarding freedom of movement  which is a requirement of the single market started when the EU expanded eastwards. It was made clear during the referendum campaign that if the UK voted to leave the EU then the UK would leave the single market.  The UK are not going to rejoin the single market because that would make a mockery of leaving the EU.  The UK has a free trade agreement with the EU and the Northern Ireland problem has been more or less sorted.  Any good competent business copes well with the post Brexit arrangements.  It is only poorly run businesses who use Brexit as an excuse for their own inadequacies.  Trading globally has never ever been easier for well run UK businesses.  

As it turns out Freedom of Movement between EU member countries wasn't quite the problem it was painted to be. Most of those who arrived here from other EU member states came here to work or study, both of which were contributors to our economy. Also UK citizens went to work, study or retire to other EU countries.


What we have now is a significant increase in immigration into the UK but with far more arriving from outside the EU.


Brexit has caused more problems than the ones we already had and hasn't resolved problems it promised that it would.


Immigration is not necessarily a bad thing. Providing it's controlled and the authorities have some idea as to who we're letting in it is in fact a good thing.

Unfortunately, I'm not at all convinced that our authorities at this particular time in our history have an acceptable level of competence in carrying out their duties.

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5 hours ago, Axe said:



And music-wise Australia is part of Europe thanks to the Eurovision song contest.

How much food on British tables and roofs over British  heads does the Eurovision song contest bring?


Trade, on the other hand…

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2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Your first paragraph is reasonably correct because the Foreign fishermen did overfish and ruin stocks in a big way.

Shouldn't you have raised that point around 30, 40 or 50 years ago instead of now.  Did you write to MP's or government ministers at the time.  Just seem a bit late and a bit futile now.


I'm not arguing with your second paragraph either except to say that I haven't heard anyone defend the EU fishing policy so I don't know what the rant's about.

By the way,  Which of us said we were  "EU lovers"    I think the people in the EU are pretty much like us,  some ok and some not.  Blanket coverage rarely works.


That's what people are doing mate and they do have a right to their opinions as you have a right to yours.

I did raise the point 30 years ago , I know lads in the fishing industry in Hull and Grimsby , saw them having to sell boats for pea nuts . 

Saw them in tears as those boats were scrapped or converted to pleasure craft ,

The few lads that have survived then had to contend with the EU giant fish hooverers . While they were given quota as to what they could land and a ruler to measure the fish . EU rules for some but different rules for others on the Continent and Ireland .

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:

I did raise the point 30 years ago , I know lads in the fishing industry in Hull and Grimsby , saw them having to sell boats for pea nuts . 

Saw them in tears as those boats were scrapped or converted to pleasure craft ,

The few lads that have survived then had to contend with the EU giant fish hooverers . While they were given quota as to what they could land and a ruler to measure the fish . EU rules for some but different rules for others on the Continent and Ireland .

My Bold:    Yes,  I remember all that happening as one of the prices we paid for being in Europe but,  if there were different rules governing others,  I was completely unaware of that and never heard of it.


1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Thank you.

Not everyone who voted Brexit was a racist bigot and xenophobe.  But every racist bigot and xenophobe voted Brexit. 💯

Yes,   that's quite well worded mw.

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21 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

My Bold:    Yes,  I remember all that happening as one of the prices we paid for being in Europe but,  if there were different rules governing others,  I was completely unaware of that and never heard of it.


Yes,   that's quite well worded mw.


1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Thank you.

Not everyone who voted Brexit was a racist bigot and xenophobe.  But every racist bigot and xenophobe voted Brexit. 💯

Well Williamson, I am not racist or I hope a bigot . I voted as said,    the rise of the far right in certain Countries in the mostly Eastern block .

If you want racism and xenophobia take a look  over there as well as nearer to the channel .

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6 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Why are we having such problems getting trade deals through then and why is our economy still worse than before the pandemic,  and why can we still not control our borders ???


Have a day off from contributing nonsense.  There are at least 33 new trades deals since Brexit covering over 100 countries.  We are also trading on the same terms before Brexit with countries we have not completed new trade deals with.   Our economy is doing better than most countries including Germany and France who are still in the EU.

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1 hour ago, cuttsie said:


Well Williamson, I am not racist or I hope a bigot . I voted as said,    the rise of the far right in certain Countries in the mostly Eastern block .

If you want racism and xenophobia take a look  over there as well as nearer to the channel .

As I said, not everyone who voted Leave was a racist ,bigot or xenophobe.  Are you denying that those who are wouldn't have voted for Brexit?

The problem we have at the moment isn't Remainers pointing out that we made a mistake, that has no impact on things whatsoever.

The problem is the Leavers refusing to acknowledge facts. 

Our politicians are self serving, they put themselves before the country's interests. They will not take action that they think will lose them their seats.

Until it's clear that the majority accept that it was the wrong decision they won't act to try to rectify the problem.








It's beginning to dawn on even the most committed Brexiteers but still not enough for the self servers ' running ' the country to risk it.

















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