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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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1 hour ago, El Cid said:

In March, in a blow to the London stock market, Arm announced that it would move forward in the US.

Hermann Hauser, who was involved in the development of the first Arm processor, told the BBC's Today programme that the UK's decision to leave the European Union was partly to blame for the shares being listed in the US rather than the UK, as it had affected the standing of the London Stock Exchange.



Quite correct   -   I watched that myself.

The UK's importance in the world is taking a nosedive and UK families are paying a price for this control which  doesn't seem to work..


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31 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

And those East Europeans who were flooding into Page Hall and similar areas all over the UK have been stopped in their tracksuits,

They had no intention of working here and most of those who some how remain still do not . 

Take a walk around have a look 

Despite which immigration into this country has increased far more than it was when we were EU members. The difference being that immigrants are now mainly coming from outside the EU.

https://www.politico.eu/article/three-years-after-britain-left-eu-net-migration-never-been-higher-brexit/#:~:text=LONDON — It's official%3A net migration,the highest number on record.




The EU requirement was that any citizen of any member country could move to any other EU country and work there.

The regulation also stated that that right was only for 90 days. After which time if the person couldn't prove that they could support themselves without state aid they had to leave.

A number of EU member states including Denmark and The Netherlands enforced that requirement. Obviously in order to do so a certain amount of efficiency and competence is required. Our government did not enforce the requirement 🙄 instead they did what they always did back then, blame the EU.




As a matter of interest were you aware of that cuttsie?

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3 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

You mean Labour didn't enforce it, and then neither did the tories.

Correct,  nobody enforced it because the situation provided plenty of cheapish Labour and kept wages down.

It's only when politicians see that there are votes to be won by tackling immigration problems that they suddenly show an interest. but find out they have thrown away the means to do anything.


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9 minutes ago, *_ash_* said:

You mean Labour didn't enforce it, and then neither did the tories.

Yes, as I said ' our government '. I have never given my commitment to any political party as I regard all of them with a fair amount of scepticism.

It seems to me -  apart from a few honourable exceptions  - politicians are first and foremost concerned with their own self interest. Being loyal to a particular party whatever nonsense they come up with doesn't make sense to me.


Both of them failing to take the opportunity to apply some control to immigration during that period illustrates the point.

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2 hours ago, Bargepole23 said:

I have to get a work permit for contracting jobs in EU.

That was always going to happen after the UK left the EU. 



2 hours ago, cuttsie said:

And those East Europeans who were flooding into Page Hall and similar areas all over the UK have been stopped in their tracksuits,

They had no intention of working here and most of those who some how remain still do not . 

Take a walk around have a look 

A lot of people voted to leave because of Eastern European criminals causing havoc in our country.



2 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

The real world apparently is your own head which makes it no surprise that you are always wrong in your efforts to back up silly Sunak.


In the real World I and my family are no worse off as a consequence of Brexit.



6 hours ago, m williamson said:

I wasn't looking for negatives, I was looking for facts. All you are doing is talking nonsense with no evidence to support it.


As I said, my family and I live here, the welfare of the country matters. I would much prefer that the country prospered rather than my belief that leaving the EU was going to be a disaster for the country's economics and international reputation was proved correct.

Unfortunately it has been proved correct, and I can't even enjoy the feeling of Schadenfreude because it effects me and mine.


Now, if you can provide some evidence of Brexit benefits that we didn't have as EU members please provide them, I could do with some cheering up.

Your claims alone are not enough, evidence please.



If being in the EU would suit you and your family better then why not go and live in the Republic of Ireland?



6 hours ago, geared said:

I very clearly remember Boris saying negotiating a deal with the EU would be very easy and quick, Rees Mogg said the same thing. 



You make stuff up you giant windbag

I do not make any stuff up.  I voted to Remain in the EU because I have Dutch friends  who live near me and was not sure whether they and my own family would be better off after leaving the EU.  My Dutch friends are happy and my family are no worse off because of Brexit.  The truth is too many Remain voters who haunt this discussion forum are an embarrassment and spend too much time looking for negatives rather than acknowledging Brexit has not been detrimental to their own life. 

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8 minutes ago, Axe said:

That was always going to happen after the UK left the EU. 



A lot of people voted to leave because of Eastern European criminals causing havoc in our country.



In the real World I and my family are no worse off as a consequence of Brexit.



If being in the EU would suit you and your family better then why not go and live in the Republic of Ireland?



I do not make any stuff up.  I voted to Remain in the EU because I have Dutch friends  who live near me and was not sure whether they and my own family would be better off after leaving the EU.  My Dutch friends are happy and my family are no worse off because of Brexit.  The truth is too many Remain voters who haunt this discussion forum are an embarrassment and spend too much time looking for negatives rather than acknowledging Brexit has not been detrimental to their own life. 

I’m hoping a lot of people won’t vote Conservative at the next election because the Tory criminals have been causing havoc in this country.

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1 hour ago, m williamson said:

Both of them failing to take the opportunity to apply some control to immigration during that period illustrates the point.

0ur Government have gone from failing to control immigration, to actively encouraging it, with 600,000 net immigration!

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24 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

I’m hoping a lot of people won’t vote Conservative at the next election because the Tory criminals have been causing havoc in this country.

The Cheeky Girls are two embarrassing Remain posters that spring to mind.

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24 minutes ago, Axe said:

That was always going to happen after the UK left the EU. 

 Was that spelt out to everyone, or was leaving sold to the gullible as " one of the easiest deals inhuman history " as said by Liam Fox?


A lot of people voted to leave because of Eastern European criminals causing havoc in our country.

Read my post at number 

Read my post # 6636, our government had control over the situation but failed to act on it.



In the real World I and my family are no worse off as a consequence of Brexit.


How nice for you, obviously you don't care about any one or anything else.

If being in the EU would suit you and your family better then why not go and live in the Republic of Ireland?


The response of a five year old, but not at all surprising.


I do not make any stuff up.  I voted to Remain in the EU because I have Dutch friends  who live near me and was not sure whether they and my own family would be better off after leaving the EU.  My Dutch friends are happy and my family are no worse off because of Brexit.  The truth is too many Remain voters who haunt this discussion forum are an embarrassment and spend too much time looking for negatives rather than acknowledging Brexit has not been detrimental to their own life. 


You were asked by me in post # 6628 to provide actual evidence of benefits to the country which were unavailable to us while we were EU members. You have failed respond to that because you can't, you are some kind of delusional oddity who makes things up as you go along and you are unable to justify any of your nonsense.



Put up or shut up.


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