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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

And you are saying it again blunt axe.  why not show some originality for a change ?


Oh,  and about this Brexit    -    could have been good but,  it's disastrous.

The   DEMOCRATIC  vote worked ok,   but the chief clown's arrangements were no good.

You do follow some leaders.

I think someone has forgotten to give you your medication again. Enough said.

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2 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Maybe we should all agree that Leave was the right vote but the implementation has not been perfect.

The best contribution ever.  Yes, Leave was the right vote because the majority of those who voted chose that option.  For Brexit to work perfect it has to be implemented perfectly which clearly has not happened.

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3 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

Why does claiming Brexit a disaster not respect democracy ?   whether Brexit actually works or not is nothing to do with democracy.   You don't know  what you're talking about.

People can accept a democratic vote to leave Europe but saying it isn't working is the truth and nothing to do with democracy. 

That's more to do with you trying to silence freedom of speech and if people want to whinge,  they will damn well whinge,  so you either have to put up with it or don't bother reading it.

It doesn't work.


Tell , why is Brexit not working , start with immigration from the East Euro Countries that has led to the ****e house areas in our City 

The the rise of the far right through out the EU  or maybe you agree with that .

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18 minutes ago, Axe said:

Oh dear the Irishman has been googling again.  Next time google the original comment made by Norman Tebbit.


First of all bigot, I'm not an Irishman, neither am I an Englishman, although I doubt that you can manage to understand that.


Secondly, before you once again prove how ignorant you are you should try reading the links provided  https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/230675/Get-on-your-bike-Norman-Tebbit-says-again


That report states that Tebbit said it in February 2011 and as the Express is a Tory paper why would they say he did if he didn't?


Obviously they could be lying, it's a habit of both extreme right wing and also extreme left wing people, that's one of the reasons why I dislike them and their politics.

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8 minutes ago, cuttsie said:

Tell , why is Brexit not working , start with immigration from the East Euro Countries that has led to the ****e house areas in our City 

The the rise of the far right through out the EU  or maybe you agree with that .

I've told you before but you must have forgotten.   It may be a complete surprise to you but the asylum seekers are still coming   -   they keep calling them the boat people if you didn't know.

The government could have sent back many of those you refer to from Eastern Europe under the Dublin Agreement but they didn't bother.  Boris has thrown away the Dublin agreement now.

The far right is rising everywhere including here and this is the most right wing government we've had since WW2.

If you think Brexit's good,  then fine  -  you've got it,   so enjoy it whilst we carry on.


Edited by Organgrinder
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1 minute ago, m williamson said:

First of all bigot, I'm not an Irishman, neither am I an Englishman, although I doubt that you can manage to understand that.


Secondly, before you once again prove how ignorant you are you should try reading the links provided  https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/230675/Get-on-your-bike-Norman-Tebbit-says-again


That report states that Tebbit said it in February 2011 and as the Express is a Tory paper why would they say he did if he didn't?


Obviously they could be lying, it's a habit of both extreme right wing and also extreme left wing people, that's one of the reasons why I dislike them and their politics.

I was being too kind when I called you an Irishman.  You are are obviously  a thick Irishman if you cannot make up your mind whether you are Irish or English.  

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26 minutes ago, Axe said:

I think someone has forgotten to give you your medication again. Enough said.

Got it wrong there.  It's you who needs medication for delusions

And fancy arguing with the Express,  one of you Tory boys biggest supporters.

Don't know what you believe do you ?


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11 minutes ago, Axe said:

The best contribution ever.  Yes, Leave was the right vote because the majority of those who voted chose that option.  For Brexit to work perfect it has to be implemented perfectly which clearly has not happened.

Now you're spouting communist excuses. "It hasn't been implemented correctly"  is the reason that extreme left wing communists give when it's pointed out to them that communism doesn't work.


Do please enlighten us, what exactly should have been done in order to have made the nonsense work?



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