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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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2 minutes ago, Axe said:

I was being too kind when I called you an Irishman.  You are are obviously  a thick Irishman if you cannot make up your mind whether you are Irish or English.  

Why does his nationality matter so much to you   -    are you racist too ?   

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16 minutes ago, Axe said:

The best contribution ever.  Yes, Leave was the right vote because the majority of those who voted chose that option.  For Brexit to work perfect it has to be implemented perfectly which clearly has not happened.

Quite simple really.

2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Why does his nationality matter so much to you   -    are you racist too ?   

He was just trying to clarify a confusing point.

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3 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Quite simple really.

He was just trying to clarify a confusing point.

I don't see why he should be confused when it's nothing at all to do with him.  Minding his own business and sticking to the  subject, would have been an easier pathway.

One Englishman / Irishman on this forum doesn't alter our Brexit problems.

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1 minute ago, Organgrinder said:

I don't see why he should be confused when it's nothing at all to do with him.  Minding his own business and sticking to the  subject, would have been an easier pathway.

One Englishman / Irishman on this forum doesn't alter our Brexit problems.

I presume he was referring to the words, I am not an Irishman neither am I an Englishman, . which was part of a reply.I also find it confusing.


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4 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Quite simple really.

It is really that simple.  The rot set in on the day the referendum result was announced when David Cameron resigned as Prime Minister.  David Cameron should have triggered  Article 50 on the  24th June 2016 instead of resigning. 

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10 minutes ago, m williamson said:

First of all bigot, I'm not an Irishman, neither am I an Englishman, although I doubt that you can manage to understand that.


Secondly, before you once again prove how ignorant you are you should try reading the links provided  https://www.express.co.uk/news/uk/230675/Get-on-your-bike-Norman-Tebbit-says-again


That report states that Tebbit said it in February 2011 and as the Express is a Tory paper why would they say he did if he didn't?


Obviously they could be lying, it's a habit of both extreme right wing and also extreme left wing people, that's one of the reasons why I dislike them and their politics.

Man who walks on White line in middle of road gets hit by trucks going both way

 .  W ell I will never understand how those who live here for generations still think of them selves as Irish , Pakistani , Yemini , Jamaican or any other Country for that matter . 

America has a even worse problem with the Irish more or less dominating politics , the police and so on , Then they sing God bless America when it suites . Sorry Williamson don't get it , I my self had  a brother in law who's family originated from Ireland but was the most fervent Supporter of everything English , that included the England footi team , and Sheffield United .

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1 minute ago, harvey19 said:

I presume he was referring to the words, I am not an Irishman neither am I an Englishman, . which was part of a reply.I also find it confusing.


What I'm pointing out is that it shouldn't matter enough to bother getting confused.

I've never asked axe or anyone else on here,  what their nationality is because it's none of my business.


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