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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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11 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

If some of the catholics had accepted the 1921 treaty there would have been no trouble or ongoing attempt to disrupt N. Ireland.

Many ways to look at the situation.

The 1921 treaty left them with (from the Britannica link I posted earlier):


Over and above the long-standing dominance of Northern Ireland politics that resulted for the Ulster Unionist Party (UUP) by virtue of the Protestants’ sheer numerical advantage, loyalist control of local politics was ensured by the gerrymandering of electoral districts that concentrated and minimized Catholic representation. Moreover, by restricting the franchise to ratepayers (the taxpaying heads of households) and their spouses, representation was further limited for Catholic households, which tended to be larger (and more likely to include unemployed adult children) than their Protestant counterparts. Those who paid rates for more than one residence (more likely to be Protestants) were granted an additional vote for each ward in which they held property (up to six votes). Catholics argued that they were discriminated against when it came to the allocation of public housing, appointments to public service jobs, and government investment in neighbourhoods. They were also more likely to be the subjects of police harassment by the almost exclusively Protestant RUC and Ulster Special Constabulary (B Specials).

It's not surprising that some looked for an alternative.



All this talk of NI is a nice way of you distracting people from talking about the problems caused by the Tories' chosen form of brexit.

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1 minute ago, altus said:

The 1921 treaty left them with (from the Britannica link I posted earlier):

It's not surprising that some looked for an alternative.



All this talk of NI is a nice way of you distracting people from talking about the problems caused by the Tories' chosen form of brexit.

If you look back I did not start this talk I replied to a post which resulted in a reply to me and so on.

No one including yourself needed to deviate from Brexit but you have done and so added to the deviation.

Why not post a post on Brexit to bring us back on course ?

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5 minutes ago, altus said:


All this talk of NI is a nice way of you distracting people from talking about the problems caused by the Tories' chosen form of brexit.

There is only one form of Brexit that respects the democratic choice the electorate made and that is why the UK are no longer in the single market and customs union.

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12 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

If you look back I did not start this talk I replied to a post which resulted in a reply to me and so on.

No one including yourself needed to deviate from Brexit but you have done and so added to the deviation.

Why not post a post on Brexit to bring us back on course ?

Yes. I'm annoyed at myself for falling into fir it.



Here's a duplicate of a post I made on the Labour thread that brings things back on topic.

8 minutes ago, altus said:

Without considering and understanding what is wrong, how can you decide the best way of improving things? The Tories have belatedly started doing this with brexit, e.g. abandoning the UKCA nonsense, although they are still avoiding the really tough issues - and still keep delaying implementing border checks. It looks like Starmer is planning to look at things more generally.


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11 minutes ago, Axe said:

There is only one form of Brexit that respects the democratic choice the electorate made and that is why the UK are no longer in the single market and customs union.

The Tories' brexit implementation hasn't respected the democratic choice to have 'all the benefits without any of the costs' promised.

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38 minutes ago, altus said:

The 1921 treaty left them with (from the Britannica link I posted earlier):

It's not surprising that some looked for an alternative.



All this talk of NI is a nice way of you distracting people from talking about the problems caused by the Tories' chosen form of brexit.

They should have used birth control .as should the third World Countries.it makes sense dunt it 

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3 hours ago, harvey19 said:

Completely wrong in all areas.

I understand what you posted and made a statement of my own. You referred to the future and I referred to the present.

The point about about is very relevant as it is a realistic scenario and not just a view which may not be supported by action. 

As an ex serviceman you swore a lifetime oath of allegiance to the Crown.

Ref. Mr. Williamsons nationality, he is the one who brought up the subject and it is something which needs clarifying  regarding ethnicity and official status.


Where is your birth registered on your birth certificate.?

You have previously stated you have a British and Irish passport.

Having a certain passport only relates to citizenship and not nationality.

I never stated that I have a British passport. I have stated that I have a birthright of dual nationality which I have, but I have never claimed to have a British passport because I haven't .

Read more carefully. 

3 hours ago, Axe said:

Had the IRA not formed in the late 1960's and committed terrorists acts the Troubles would not have happened.

Your ignorance of what happened in Ireland and Irish affairs in general is astounding, but not in the least surprising.


The Troubles started in 1966 and the ' loyalist ' UVF under the leadership of Gusty Spence an ex British soldier were responsible for that. Sectarian scum they couldn't stand the thought of nationalist Catholics being treat as equals if the Civil Rights Movement succeeded.

They carried out the first bombings and the first murders of innocent civilians including that of an elderly protestant lady when they tried to fire bombed a Catholic pub she was living next to.

They were also responsible for the murders of the first RUC policeman and the first RUC policewoman to be killed in the conflict.

The PIRA weren't formed until December 1969 and didn't carry out any actions until 1970.

Either educate yourself or stop posting bigoted uninformed bilge.





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4 hours ago, harvey19 said:

As an ex serviceman you swore a lifetime oath of allegiance to the Crown.


So I did,   but that was when I was young enough,   daft enough and unknowledgeable enough,   to be willing to lay down my life for the crown.

I have learned a lot in the many years since then and decided that I would fight for my country,  but not some daft Disney fantasists who likes riding in gold coaches and wearing preposterous uniforms.

The days of the British Empire are long gone as I expect,  will be the Royal family,   unless they start acting like real people instead of tin soldiers.

You bow and bend your back if you wish but I never will.


3 hours ago, Axe said:

Had the IRA not formed in the late 1960's and committed terrorists acts the Troubles would not have happened.

The IRA was formed  long before the 1960's  so you clearly don't know what you are talking about and can safely be ignored.

Edited by Organgrinder
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3 hours ago, harvey19 said:

If some of the catholics had accepted the 1921 treaty there would have been no trouble or ongoing attempt to disrupt N. Ireland.

Many ways to look at the situation.

What makes you think that anyone,  catholic or not,  should accept a treaty pushed on them by someone who  invaded their country.

People throughout history have resisted invaders  who tried to take what they want by force,  and who force subservience on their populations.

We would have done the same if Hitler had manged to take Britain.

Note:  No one has ever claimed that all faults were confined to one side.  They never are and it's pointless bringing that up.


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