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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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11 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Time for you to accept that other people have their views too.

Of course,  your difficulty is that about 95% of those views are opposite to those which you express,  although you should be used to being in the minority.

Time then,  for people to say or do, exactly as they please and ignore your authoritarian views.

How are silly Sunak's  pledges coming along ?????????

It is not my view on the single market because it is a fact.  



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2 minutes ago, Axe said:

It is not my view on the single market because it is a fact.  



Silly boy    -    I'm referring to your admonishment  "Time to move on or move to a country that is in the single market".

I understand that to mean that other people are not allowed a view so they should move.

Sorry    -    but I'm still here laughing at your idiocy.

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14 minutes ago, Mister Gee said:

Morning Westy, I don’t remember the words “single market” being on the ballot paper back in 2016.

You are confused again because it is Axe here.  If you had been well informed and listened  to all the debates before the referendum vote then you would have understood leaving the EU also meant leaving the single market.  Your lack of understanding and ignorance is a good reason why there should not be anymore referendums. 


18 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

Silly boy    -    I'm referring to your admonishment  "Time to move on or move to a country that is in the single market".

I understand that to mean that other people are not allowed a view so they should move.

Sorry    -    but I'm still here laughing at your idiocy.

Yes, anyone who wants to be in the single market should move to a country that is still in the EU if they are unhappy rather than continuing to whinge about a democratic choice.  Get on your bike!

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1 minute ago, Axe said:

You are confused again because it is Axe here.  If you had been well informed and listened  to all the debates before the referendum vote then you would have understood leaving the EU also meant leaving the single market.  Your lack of understanding and ignorance is a good reason why there should not be anymore referendums. 


Yes, anyone who wants to be in the single market should move to a country that is still in the EU if they are unhappy rather than continuing to whinge about a democratic choice.  Get on your bike!

The doubt regarding your identity is because you sound exactly as silly as old westy was.


Hard luck for you but we are all staying,   and will continue to whinge to our hearts content until the promises which were made are honoured.

Being a rabid tory supporter, you'll not know the meaning of the word "honoured" will you.

Roughly translated to a simple language that you might understand       -       it means that if one side don't keep their promises,  the other side keeps shouting.


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Instead of all the anti Brexit posts why not just say......we are disappointed with the outcome of Brexit but must get on with our lives.

This could reduce anger and frustration and realise people are working to improve our economy.

24 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

The doubt regarding your identity is because you sound exactly as silly as old westy was.


Hard luck for you but we are all staying,   and will continue to whinge to our hearts content until the promises which were made are honoured.

Being a rabid tory supporter, you'll not know the meaning of the word "honoured" will you.

Roughly translated to a simple language that you might understand       -       it means that if one side don't keep their promises,  the other side keeps shouting.


 At the weekend I attended the Grassington 1940s weekend, plenty of singing and dancing in the streets. Thought you may enjoy such an event with your musical background.

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31 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

The doubt regarding your identity is because you sound exactly as silly as old westy was.


Hard luck for you but we are all staying,   and will continue to whinge to our hearts content until the promises which were made are honoured.

Being a rabid tory supporter, you'll not know the meaning of the word "honoured" will you.

Roughly translated to a simple language that you might understand       -       it means that if one side don't keep their promises,  the other side keeps shouting.


It makes no difference to me whether you whingers go or stay.  I just think you might be happier living in the EU.


You are confused because Brexit was never a Tory policy.  The Tory government gave our electorate the chance to decide whether our country remained in the EU or left the EU.  The only promise the Tory government made was to implement the democratic referendum result.  David Cameron failed to implement the referendum result.  Theresa May failed to implement the referendum result.  However, Boris Johnson did implement the referendum result meaning the Tory government promise to implement the referendum result has been honoured.

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1 hour ago, Axe said:

We had a referendum campaign in which it was made perfectly clear if the UK voted to leave the EU then the UK would also leave the single market.  The UK is not Noway or the Republic of Ireland who were bullied into having another referendum by the EU.  Time to move on or move to a country that is in the single market.

And once again you demonstrate your abysmal ignorance of the facts. It was not made perfectly clear that leaving would mean leaving the Single Market. Once again you come out with utter made up nonsense.



And then just to prove beyond doubt that you really are clueless you say that Ireland was bullied into taking another referendum.  The EU accepted Irelands misgivings about some of the terms in the first Lisbon Treaty, altered those terms accordingly, then asked for Irelands acceptance of the change.

In other words Ireland with a population of less than 5.5 million had its say in the Lisbon Treaty while the UK with a population of over 67 million just did what its parliament told it to do without any consultation.

In a true democracy the people are sovereign, not politicians.


One of several concessions Ireland gained was the retention of full time Irish representation on the EU Commission. The EU wanted to restrict Commission members to representatives of the larger countries, they did not get their way, they backed down.

Perhaps you will accept the words of the UK House of Commons Library on the matter?



Try to stop making such a regular fool of yourself, I know that will be difficult for you. but you should give it a go.



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3 minutes ago, Axe said:

It makes no difference to me whether you whingers go or stay.  I just think you might be happier living in the EU.


You are confused because Brexit was never a Tory policy.  The Tory government gave our electorate the chance to decide whether our country remained in the EU or left the EU.  The only promise the Tory government made was to implement the democratic referendum result.  David Cameron failed to implement the referendum result.  Theresa May failed to implement the referendum result.  However, Boris Johnson did implement the referendum result meaning the Tory government promise to implement the referendum result has been honoured.

No,  I'm happier living where I am once this useless government has sorted some of our many problems.


WRONG.   Leaving Europe has always been the ambition of many in the Tory party,  hardly anyone in the Labour party and no one in the Lib Dems party.

We already know the potted history but what we don't know is why the promises were not kept.

Do you remember "there will be no customs border"

Do you remember "trade will be easier"

Do you remember "we will take control of our borders"

Do you remember  "we  will stop the boats"

I could think of more but it's boring.

Chief clown BoJo did the easy bit and left the rest    -    all he implemented was trouble.


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9 minutes ago, m williamson said:

And once again you demonstrate your abysmal ignorance of the facts. It was not made perfectly clear that leaving would mean leaving the Single Market. Once again you come out with utter made up nonsense.



And then just to prove beyond doubt that you really are clueless you say that Ireland was bullied into taking another referendum.  The EU accepted Irelands misgivings about some of the terms in the first Lisbon Treaty, altered those terms accordingly, then asked for Irelands acceptance of the change.

In other words Ireland with a population of less than 5.5 million had its say in the Lisbon Treaty while the UK with a population of over 67 million just did what its parliament told it to do without any consultation.

In a true democracy the people are sovereign, not politicians.


One of several concessions Ireland gained was the retention of full time Irish representation on the EU Commission. The EU wanted to restrict Commission members to representatives of the larger countries, they did not get their way, they backed down.

Perhaps you will accept the words of the UK House of Commons Library on the matter?



Try to stop making such a regular fool of yourself, I know that will be difficult for you. but you should give it a go.



You can keep googling to your heart is content but that will not alter the fact it was made perfectly clear by both the remain and leave campaigners in the Tory government that a vote to leave the EU would mean the UK would also leave the single market. Grow up and accept you are wrong.


Here is the evidence again from the horses mouths ...................


Edited by Axe
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