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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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27 minutes ago, harvey19 said:

Instead of all the anti Brexit posts why not just say......we are disappointed with the outcome of Brexit but must get on with our lives.

This could reduce anger and frustration and realise people are working to improve our economy.

 At the weekend I attended the Grassington 1940s weekend, plenty of singing and dancing in the streets. Thought you may enjoy such an event with your musical background.

We are disappointed VERY, with the outcome of Brexit and we are getting on with our lives,    although the anger & frustration doesn't diminish because we still have a host of unsolved problems.

There is no way that anger and frustration will abate until the promises which were made materialise.


I'm sure I would have enjoyed Grassington ( especially as I love the 40's ),  had I known about it,  although I don't travel well these days.  Far happier walking but it's a bit far for me.


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7 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

No,  I'm happier living where I am once this useless government has sorted some of our many problems.


WRONG.   Leaving Europe has always been the ambition of many in the Tory party,  hardly anyone in the Labour party and no one in the Lib Dems party.

We already know the potted history but what we don't know is why the promises were not kept.

Do you remember "there will be no customs border"

Do you remember "trade will be easier"

Do you remember "we will take control of our borders"

Do you remember  "we  will stop the boats"

I could think of more but it's boring.

Chief clown BoJo did the easy bit and left the rest    -    all he implemented was trouble.


We will regain our coastal fishing grounds ,  well we are almost there getting rid of the bandits from the EU who hoover every living thing from the sea bed . Pity it is to late for most of our trawler lads who have been ruined by the EU policy on catch landings . While allowing the bandits from main land Europe to do as they please .


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2 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

We are disappointed VERY, with the outcome of Brexit and we are getting on with our lives,    although the anger & frustration doesn't diminish because we still have a host of unsolved problems.

There is no way that anger and frustration will abate until the promises which were made materialise.


I'm sure I would have enjoyed Grassington ( especially as I love the 40's ),  had I known about it,  although I don't travel well these days.  Far happier walking but it's a bit far for me.


There is a 1940s weekend at Pickering on Sat 14th October, Cawthornes Travel have a coach going to it. I went several years ago and it is very good. There is plenty to see and the opportunity to just sit and listen to the singers and watch the dancing. Unfortunately I can not make it this year.

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Just now, cuttsie said:

We will regain our coastal fishing grounds ,  well we are almost there getting rid of the bandits from the EU who hoover every living thing from the sea bed . Pity it is to late for most of our trawler lads who have been ruined by the EU policy on catch landings . While allowing the bandits from main land Europe to do as they please .


I  do absolutely love a bit of fish cuttsie and have agreed in the past how our fishing industry was savaged,   but Europe was,   and still is,  about much more than fish.

We need to restore good relations and we need to work together with them even though we have left the union.

If our land was covered with fish,  we would still have some immense problems to solve which need the co-operation of Europe to be solvable at all.

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7 minutes ago, Axe said:

You can keep googling to your heart is content but that will not alter the fact it was made perfectly clear by both the remain and leave campaigners in the Tory government that a vote to leave the EU would mean the UK would also leave the single market. Grow up and accept you are wrong.


Here is the evidence again from the horses mouths ...................


You want me to take the word of a consistent congenital liar over research carried out by Full Fact a London Based organisation set up for the specific purpose of researching and correcting misleading information?

You really are hopeless at this game. You should try Googling, you might learn some facts as opposed to making BS up as you go along.

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10 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You want me to take the word of a consistent congenital liar over research carried out by Full Fact a London Based organisation set up for the specific purpose of researching and correcting misleading information?

You really are hopeless at this game. You should try Googling, you might learn some facts as opposed to making BS up as you go along.

The video clip shows David Cameron who was the UK prime minister at the time warning the electorate that if they voted to leave the EU then the UK would also leave the single market.  You are confused because your own link refers to the custom union that was not discussed as much as the single market.  However, it was clear to me that the UK would leave both the single market in order to end freedom of movement and leave the customs union in order to negotiate our own trade deals.  I do not need to google anything because I remember the debates and discussions at the time before the referendum vote.  You are a dishonest contributor who  attempts to rewrite history.


the video clip again , pay attention to the words of both David Cameron and George Osborne who both supported remaining in the EU and staying in the single market


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3 minutes ago, Axe said:

The video clip shows David Cameron who was the UK prime minister at the time warning the electorate that if they voted to leave the EU then the UK would also leave the single market.  You are confused because your own link refers to the custom union that was not discussed as much as the single market.  However, it was clear to me that the UK would leave both the single market in order to end freedom of movement and leave the customs union in order to negotiate our own trade deals.  I do not need to google anything because I remember the debates and discussions at the time before the referendum vote.  You are a dishonest contributor who  attempts to rewrite history.


the video clip again , pay attention to the words of both David Cameron and George Osborne who both supported remaining in the EU and staying in the single market


Cameron was campaigning ( very badly ) for Remain, his words were included in the ' Project Fear 'category by Brexiteers.


Here's your mate Boris saying the opposite https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-eu-referendum-single-market-brexit-a7104846.html


And here we have a list of the times that Brexiteers stated that we wouldn't be leaving the Single Market 



My favourite quote being " Only a madman would actually leave the market "  Owen Paterson MP.  Vote Leave backer.

He was definitely correct about that wasn't he?


So it wasn't Clear, was it?   With different politicians making contradictory statements how was it Clear?

Your memory isn't quite as good as you think it is.



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23 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Cameron was campaigning ( very badly ) for Remain, his words were included in the ' Project Fear 'category by Brexiteers.


Here's your mate Boris saying the opposite https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-eu-referendum-single-market-brexit-a7104846.html


And here we have a list of the times that Brexiteers stated that we wouldn't be leaving the Single Market 



My favourite quote being " Only a madman would actually leave the market "  Owen Paterson MP.  Vote Leave backer.

He was definitely correct about that wasn't he?


So it wasn't Clear, was it?   With different politicians making contradictory statements how was it Clear?

Your memory isn't quite as good as you think it is.



David Cameron was the prime minister at the time who implemented the referendum vote.  He clearly stated leaving the EU would mean leaving the single market.  The fact he campaigned to remain in the EU and was prime minister at the time  adds more providence to the fact.  Again you are googling rather than admitting you are wrong.   Theresa May who also voted to remain in the EU also made it perfectly clear that the UK would leave both the single market and customs union otherwise it would make a mockery out of the referendum result.  It is irrelevant whether it is bad or good to leave the single market but what is relevant is that the referendum result has been fully and honestly implemented and Brexit has been done.  

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5 minutes ago, Axe said:

David Cameron was the prime minister at the time who implemented the referendum vote.  He clearly stated leaving the EU would mean leaving the single market.  The fact he campaigned to remain in the EU and was prime minister at the time  adds more providence to the fact.  Again you are googling rather than admitting you are wrong.   Theresa May who also voted to remain in the EU also made it perfectly clear that the UK would leave both the single market and customs union otherwise it would make a mockery out of the referendum result.  It is irrelevant whether it is bad or good to leave the single market but what is relevant is that the referendum result has been fully and honestly implemented and Brexit has been done.  

You really are obtuse aren't you?  Cameron tried to use  scare tactics to stop people voting leave. A totally stupid move, it simply put peoples backs up and was used against him by Brexiteers with their Project Fear jibes. He should have concentrated on the benefits of membership but I suppose after years of 'Gold- Plating' and blaming the EU for everything anyone didn't like it was difficult to do a U turn, even if the facts were there. Brexiteers did the opposite assuring the gullible that they " Could have their cake and eat it ".


I provided you with proof that Brexiteers including Johnson stated that we would remain in the Single Market. Attempting to ignore facts is a speciality of yours isn't it? 

Two more quotes for you.


" Absolutely no one is threatening our place in the Single Market " Daniel Hannon MEP Conservative.


" Wouldn't it be terrible if we were really like Norway and Switzerland?  Really? They're rich, They're happy. They're self-governing ." Nigel Farage Ukip leader.


You're the one that's wrong and won't admit it. You having the brass neck to call someone dishonest when you make crap up and refuse to accept facts when presented to you is hilarious.

You are a deluded wilfully perverse person who through your inability to understand how the world works today has caused serious  damage to this country's economy and reputation.

Britain could do without people like you, I suggest you look for somewhere where the population simply accepts what their rulers do without question and regard those who question things as disloyal. How about North Korea or China?


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20 minutes ago, m williamson said:

You really are obtuse aren't you?  Cameron tried to use  scare tactics to stop people voting leave. A totally stupid move, it simply put peoples backs up and was used against him by Brexiteers with their Project Fear jibes. He should have concentrated on the benefits of membership but I suppose after years of 'Gold- Plating' and blaming the EU for everything anyone didn't like it was difficult to do a U turn, even if the facts were there. Brexiteers did the opposite assuring the gullible that they " Could have their cake and eat it ".


I provided you with proof that Brexiteers including Johnson stated that we would remain in the Single Market. Attempting to ignore facts is a speciality of yours isn't it? 

Two more quotes for you.


" Absolutely no one is threatening our place in the Single Market " Daniel Hannon MEP Conservative.


" Wouldn't it be terrible if we were really like Norway and Switzerland?  Really? They're rich, They're happy. They're self-governing ." Nigel Farage Ukip leader.


You're the one that's wrong and won't admit it. You having the brass neck to call someone dishonest when you make crap up and refuse to accept facts when presented to you is hilarious.

You are a deluded wilfully perverse person who through your inability to understand how the world works today has caused serious  damage to this country's economy and reputation.

Britain could do without people like you, I suggest you look for somewhere where the population simply accepts what their rulers do without question and regard those who question things as disloyal. How about North Korea or China?


I suggest you watch the video again and listen to what Boris Johnson said on the Andrew Marr Show  (6th June 2016) in which he clearly stated the UK would leave the single  market.  I am the one who is providing proof from high profile politicians both who supported remain and leave who were in government at the time rather than using google in attempt to rewrite history. 



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