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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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4 minutes ago, Axe said:

I am the poster who has contributed real facts from politicians  who were part of the government at the time of the EU referendum. What you have contributed is not facts and are only snippets from cherry picked comments from numerous websites.  Grow up and accept the democratic choice the UK electorate made. 

No you haven't contributed facts, you have made incorrect claims and then repeated them. Your claim that it was made perfectly clear that we would leave the Single Market is absolute nonsense.

When politicians from the same party contradicted each other on the same subject it was not perfectly clear, no matter how many times you try to say it was.





Those are facts and you going on about websites simply makes you look ridiculous. That's how normal people look for information and check facts in this day and age.

Obviously, you have little use for facts so you don't bother, but that doesn't change reality does it?


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5 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

But you're not,   and still believe what politicians say after they've fallen down on the job ?

If they told you the moon was made of green cheese you would believe them.  More fool blunty

And your clown like behaviour continues. I have provided video evidence of high profile politicians from both the remain and leave campaign who all stated the UK would leave the single market if the UK electorate voted to leave the EU. The UK have left the single market after leaving the EU meaning it is ludicrous for you to imply I am at fault or stupid for believing politicians who stated the UK would leave the single market before the referendum vote.  As my grandma used to say the proof of the pudding is in the eating.

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15 minutes ago, m williamson said:

No you haven't contributed facts, you have made incorrect claims and then repeated them. Your claim that it was made perfectly clear that we would leave the Single Market is absolute nonsense.

When politicians from the same party contradicted each other on the same subject it was not perfectly clear, no matter how many times you try to say it was.





Those are facts and you going on about websites simply makes you look ridiculous. That's how normal people look for information and check facts in this day and age.

Obviously, you have little use for facts so you don't bother, but that doesn't change reality does it?


I will repost the video again which is all the proof that is needed to back up my claim that is was made perfectly clear that the UK would leave the single market  if the electorate voted to leave the EU.


How many times do I need to post this video for you to admit you are wrong?

Edited by Axe
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17 minutes ago, Axe said:

I will repost the video again which is all the proof that is needed to back up my claim that is was made perfectly clear that the UK would leave the single market  if the electorate voted to leave the EU.


How many times do I need to post this video for you to admit you are wrong?

How long will it take you to understand that when members of the same political party make contradictory statements about the same subject it cannot under any definition of the phrase be perfectly clear?


That was the claim you made and which you repeated it in your above post. You could have said " people should have been aware that there was a possibility that we might leave the Single Market " and that would be accurate, but to claim as you have that it was perfectly clear is nonsense it wasn't. How could it be when it wasn't clear to some Tory MPs that it might happen?


It was pointed out in the House of Commons during a debate on Brexit after the referendum that whilst the referendum gave a mandate for leaving the EU it did not give a mandate on the terms of leaving.

How could it, it was a straight yes no question. Having been members of the European trade organisation for over 40 years it wasn't as simple as that, and anyone who thought it was was an idiot.




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15 minutes ago, m williamson said:

How long will it take you to understand that when members of the same political party make contradictory statements about the same subject it cannot under any definition of the phrase be perfectly clear?


That was the claim you made and which you repeated it in your above post. You could have said " people should have been aware that there was a possibility that we might leave the Single Market " and that would be accurate, but to claim as you have that it was perfectly clear is nonsense it wasn't. How could it be when it wasn't clear to some Tory MPs that it might happen?


It was pointed out in the House of Commons during a debate on Brexit after the referendum that whilst the referendum gave a mandate for leaving the EU it did not give a mandate on the terms of leaving.

How could it, it was a straight yes no question. Having been members of the European trade organisation for over 40 years it wasn't as simple as that, and anyone who thought it was was an idiot.




Stop contributing nonsense.  Brexit was never a Tory policy however the Tory government were the only party that had the authority to implement Brexit and their interpretations  of the leaving procedure before and after the referendum vote are the benchmark.  Both remain and leave supporters in the Tory government agreed that leaving the EU would mean leaving the single market and this was made clear at the time meaning there is no dispute about this issue.  The very fact a Tory government eventually implemented Brexit and left the single market is enough proof needed to support my  truthful and honest claim.  All you are doing is behaving dishonestly and acting like a spoilt child who continues to throw their toys out of the pram because you have not got you own way.  Grow up!

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2 hours ago, Axe said:

Stop contributing nonsense.  Brexit was never a Tory policy

No point reading the rest.     Who's policy was it then because Labour tried to avoid it by calling for a second referendum,   and the Lib Dems said they would take us straight back in.

You get worse every day for denying the truth.     Just look up who each of the Brexit gang were and tell us one by one which party they belonged to.


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10 hours ago, Axe said:

Stop contributing nonsense.  Brexit was never a Tory policy however the Tory government were the only party that had the authority to implement Brexit and their interpretations  of the leaving procedure before and after the referendum vote are the benchmark.  Both remain and leave supporters in the Tory government agreed that leaving the EU would mean leaving the single market and this was made clear at the time meaning there is no dispute about this issue.  The very fact a Tory government eventually implemented Brexit and left the single market is enough proof needed to support my  truthful and honest claim.  All you are doing is behaving dishonestly and acting like a spoilt child who continues to throw their toys out of the pram because you have not got you own way.  Grow up!

Poor attempt at diversion. The argument was about your ridiculous statement that it was perfectly clear. When members of Parliament who's job it is to acquaint themselves with the facts regarding policy are making contradictory statements it is obvious to anyone other than a moron that it was not made perfectly clear.


You are incapable of being truthful and honest.

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41 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Poor attempt at diversion. The argument was about your ridiculous statement that it was perfectly clear. When members of Parliament who's job it is to acquaint themselves with the facts regarding policy are making contradictory statements it is obvious to anyone other than a moron that it was not made perfectly clear.


You are incapable of being truthful and honest.

There is no doubt you are the dishonest contributor who ignores evidence that does not suit your biased agenda.  


9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

No point reading the rest.     Who's policy was it then because Labour tried to avoid it by calling for a second referendum,   and the Lib Dems said they would take us straight back in.

You get worse every day for denying the truth.     Just look up who each of the Brexit gang were and tell us one by one which party they belonged to.


Brexit was not a Tory policy, but implementing it became a Tory policy.  Both the Labour party and the Lib Dems were a disgrace in their ambitions to keep blocking the implementation of Brexit which is the democratic choice of the electorate.  Keir Starmer was the shadow Brexit secretary who wanted to have another referendum with the option of Leave being effectively not on the ballot paper.  A dishonest person such as Keir Starmer who sought to cheat the electorate does not deserve to lead any political party let alone be a candidate to be prime minister.

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3 hours ago, Axe said:

There is no doubt you are the dishonest contributor who ignores evidence that does not suit your biased agenda

Hilarious 🤣 I have to admit that made me laugh. That is a perfect description of you, a not very sharp axe. Were you looking at yourself in the mirror when you came up with that?


It occurred to me that there are a couple of explanations for your nonsense. Either you really are as lacking in logic, comprehension and honesty as you appear to be with your ridiculous posts on here, or alternatively you are someone with a warped  sense of humour who responds to posts with the daftest comments he/she can think of as a wind up.


For the sake of those that know you and have to put up with your antics I hope it's the latter, unfortunately it's far more likely to be the former.


They have my sympathy.



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On 19/09/2023 at 23:45, Organgrinder said:

No point reading the rest.     Who's policy was it then because Labour tried to avoid it by calling for a second referendum,   and the Lib Dems said they would take us straight back in.

You get worse every day for denying the truth.     Just look up who each of the Brexit gang were and tell us one by one which party they belonged to.


The Labour Party position wasn't a second referendum at the time though, that came in the 2019 manifesto. In 2017 the position was to respect the result of the referendum, reject a hard Brexit and have Parliament vote on the deal Labour would negotiate.  The 2019 manifesto position was for a further referendum on Labour's deal, with Remain as an option. 

Edited by sadbrewer
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