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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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12 hours ago, Baron99 said:

The most important thing needed in order to allow the country to move on is for the minority to realise they need to accept a vote that was over 7 years ago & accept the result was the will of the voting majority of those adults who could be bothered to actually go out & vote on that day.

Like leave voters couldn't... for 40 years? 🤣


Brexit has happened, the result of the vote has been accepted.


The only person harping on about something from 7 years ago... is you! 🙄


Everyone else is talking about ways to fix the damage it has caused... it is understandable you'd rather talk about anything else. :thumbsup:

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10 hours ago, Baron99 said:

And there you have it.  Enough to form the Remainer quorum or support group. 


What no stupid old photo?  You do disappoint. 

We are out of Europe,  and staying out,  and there's  only you who doesn't know.

The only remainer is you who stubbornly remains, clinging to an old argument which went away when we left Europe for ever.

Doesn't surprise me though,  as I've come across snippets of your "wisdom" on other threads too.


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11 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Ah!  Have I upset you - AGAIN?

All because you didn't get your own way 7 years ago 😭


Best put the big clown shoes on & you walk away then. 

Brexit was a mistake by the majority.


I suggest you offer M. Williamson a Remainer's shoulder to continue crying on. 


A simple no was sufficient from the idiot, you cannot play another tune.


Are you still waiting for Boris and Farage to put out a few more soundbites for you to repeat ad infinitum?


Boring Brexit idiot is boring.

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15 hours ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


The most important thing needed in order to allow the country to move on is for the minority to realise they need to accept a vote that was over 7 years ago & accept the result was the will of the voting majority of those adults who could be bothered to actually go out & vote on that day. 




It is clear that you haven't a clue as to how democracy works. You don't vote for something  then no matter what the outcome continue down that path  even as it becomes blindingly obvious that a mistake has been made and ongoing damage is being caused.


That's why we hold General Elections at regular intervals. We voted in the party in government, however that doesn't give them the job for life. When the next election comes along we look at the result of the governance which has taken place since the last election and decide whether or not to continue along the same path or whether it's time for a change. 


As I said,  We're not going back into Europe, that ship has sailed it isn't even an option because we've made ourselves objectionable with the ridiculous behaviour of some of our politicians and EU membership requires a 100% agreement from all existing members.

Everybody needs to face facts and try to rectify the situation as much as possible, re-joining the Single Market - of which Thatcher was a huge fan - would be a major start.




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11 hours ago, Magilla said:

Like leave voters couldn't... for 40 years? 🤣


Brexit has happened, the result of the vote has been accepted.


The only person harping on about something from 7 years ago... is you! 🙄


Everyone else is talking about ways to fix the damage it has caused... it is understandable you'd rather talk about anything else. :thumbsup:

My bold. 


Are they?  Have they really moved on? 



I'm guessing you & the rest of the support group on here didn't get the invite to London or were just to busy moaning on SF how hard done by you are since Brexit? 


Moved on?  Mon cul, as my mate Jaques would say. 

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11 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


Are they?  Have they really moved on? 



I'm guessing you & the rest of the support group on here didn't get the invite to London or were just to busy moaning on SF how hard done by you are since Brexit? 


Moved on?  Mon cul, as my mate Jaques would say. 

Extremely surprised to find you have a mate but anyway    -    Brexit is done with    -    we are out    -    and we are not going back in    -    savvy ?

For those that maybe still  unhappy about it,  they have a right to their own views and not yours.

Don't know about anyone else but I don't reckon much to London., but that's another story


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11 hours ago, Baron99 said:

My bold. 


Are they?  Have they really moved on? 



I'm guessing you & the rest of the support group on here didn't get the invite to London or were just to busy moaning on SF how hard done by you are since Brexit? 


Moved on?  Mon cul, as my mate Jaques would say. 

Baron continues his quest to talk about anything but the result of his own stupidity. :thumbsup:



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1 hour ago, Magilla said:

Baron continues his quest to talk about anything but the result of his own stupidity. :thumbsup:



It's all an attempt to shut down the debate over the consequences of Brexit but he's not doing very well as everyone can see through him.


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4 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

It's all an attempt to shut down the debate over the consequences of Brexit but he's not doing very well as everyone can see through him.


I see the Remainer Support Group meets on Friday mornings then.  What only two of you?  


It's not an attempt to shut down any debate at all Mr Dimwit, (your view of yourself from the Climate Change thread), so wrong again.  Your ineptitude across a number of threads knows no bounds but I enjoy your ramblings occasionally. 

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