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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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2 hours ago, m williamson said:

Referendum to rejoin the EU no,  that ship has sailed. To rejoin the Single Market yes, it would benefit British business and is the pragmatic and commonsense thing to do.


So, given the way we've been performing over the past seven or eight years it's unlikely to happen.

But joining the single market would also mean we have to allow free movement of people from the EU


You want that to? 

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24 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

But joining the single market would also mean we have to allow free movement of people from the EU


You want that to? 

Would it make much difference as,  ever since Brexit,   there seems to be free movement for every other country in the world except Europe.

Some of them may be able to do the jobs that we apparently can't do any longer.

The word is,  that they will all come anyway,  because of Climate Change.

Surely like generous Mr Bundy,   you will be happy to share your house and possessions with them,  as do the Palestinians.

I never thought it would end up such a caring, sharing world.


Edited by Organgrinder
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22 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

But joining the single market would also mean we have to allow free movement of people from the EU


You want that to? 

 Brexiteers talked a complete load of lying twaddle  - and fooled the gullible - about how this country was going to 'Take Back Control'.


Taking back control would presumably have included border control and the ability to be in charge of inward immigration wouldn't it? In which case how is it that net migration into the UK has increased since 2016?

Why is it that migration from the EU has reduced, but migration from outside the EU has increased to the point we are taking in more immigrants than we were as EU members?



Immigration from outside the EU was always under the control of the UK, the EU had absolutely nothing whatsoever to do with it.

The EU ' Freedom of Movement ' requirement gives every EU member citizen the right to move to any other EU member state and live there For Ninety Days after which time if they can't prove that they are self sufficient and not dependent on the country they are in they can remain. If they can't provide such proof then they have to leave.

We are that incompetent that we didn't even try to implement that rule. So much easier to blame the EU.


So yes, providing we get our act together and operate the restriction I have no problem with free movement of people from the EU and free movement of our citizens into the EU.


In the meantime, what control and restrictions do we have with regard to immigrants arriving from outside the EU?



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5 hours ago, *_ash_* said:

I'm currently studying (last 9 months) in Asia, and meeting more Europeans than I ever have. 

This often comes up in conversation about the decision. 

From what I hear, all this arguing over 3.9% and 3.4% growth/loss this and that, is nothing. 

Germans, French, and northern Europeans that I chat to, in general are of the same feeling... their country is going downhill, and they realise why English voted for it. It's mainly the same reason too, immigration issues. The thing is, no one is allowed to discuss this in England, and from what they tell me, is the same in their countries. Fear of racism. They all say the same thing, far right groups are growing due to being told to shut up. 

Sounds like UK to me. 


Can't you read ?                        It's being discussed every day on this and other forums,  on TV News programs and political programs 7 days a week.

Why the sudden wish to pretend that the secret police are watching what we write ?

If you spoil your post with silly observations you've just made up,  no one will believe the rest of the post.

I'm not in any fear as I write so I fail to see why you should be.

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The tide is changing....the EU is crumbling and soon everyone will close their borders to stop the invasion from Africa and the Middle East 


"Some 13 of the EU's 27 member states have reintroduced internal border checks with their neighbours in recent months, a departure from the normal border-free travel enjoyed in the Schengen zone."



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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

The tide is changing....the EU is crumbling and soon everyone will close their borders to stop the invasion from Africa and the Middle East 


"Some 13 of the EU's 27 member states have reintroduced internal border checks with their neighbours in recent months, a departure from the normal border-free travel enjoyed in the Schengen zone."



It's hardly surprising is it.


Those pesky racists have been predicting this for years.



Reap what you sow.

Edited by Al Bundy
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4 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

The tide is changing....the EU is crumbling and soon everyone will close their borders to stop the invasion from Africa and the Middle East 


"Some 13 of the EU's 27 member states have reintroduced internal border checks with their neighbours in recent months, a departure from the normal border-free travel enjoyed in the Schengen zone."



Time has long past to scrap the Schengen zone and bring back border controls in all the EU countries. Angela Merkel's open invitation made a ridiculous agreement multiple times worse.  The UK should sue the EU for negligence and compensation for the collateral damage their Shengen zone has inflicted on our country.

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4 minutes ago, Axe said:

Time has long past to scrap the Schengen zone and bring back border controls in all the EU countries. Angela Merkel's open invitation made a ridiculous agreement multiple times worse.  The UK should sue the EU for negligence and compensation for the collateral damage their Shengen zone has inflicted on our country.

That would be a laugh.  Our government's not very good at winning court cases.     In fact,  they're not very good at anything.

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49 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

They were very good at helping millions of folk with financial assistance during COVID.

Well,  you could say that they LOANED us our money so that we could pay it back but they GAVE their pals a lot of money which they could keep.

Edited by Organgrinder
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