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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:


Yes I'm sure there are some who need benefits


But come on....you know the vast majority are just work shy layabouts and baby machines


Just be honest FFS but you embarrass yourself when you look so naive 

So I was correct then.

I know there are some workshy but I wouldn't say  "the vast majority"  and neither should you if you don't have proof.

It seems to be you,  the one who's guessing at everything instead of using facts,  who's "naive".

Ne'er mind,  he'll get something right one day  -  maybe

or maybe not.


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Labour's voters and attitudes to Brexit:



2016 leave voters whose support Labour have gained since the 2019 election are atypical leave voters in that they tend to be those who now support re-joining the EU.

People who did vote Labour in 2019 are even more likely to be opposed to Brexit now than they were then.

New voters, who were too young to vote in 2016 and/or 2019 are overwhelming pro-Labour and anti-Brexit.


Labour could have a policy of seeking to re-join the EU, single market, or customs union with the EU... without threatening its chances of winning the election.

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2 hours ago, Magilla said:




Labour could have a policy of seeking to re-join the EU, single market, or customs union with the EU... without threatening its chances of winning the election.

Which if they had a measure of commonsense and some cojones is exactly what they should do. Rejoining the EU wouldn't be the thing to campaign for though. It would be far too complicated and divisive.


There's a question as to whether the EU would allow us to rejoin. https://www.theneweuropean.co.uk/would-europe-want-us-back-dave-keating/ Every member has to agree, one veto and it's a no.

Also, if we were to rejoin we'd have to give up all the opt outs we had. We had more opt outs than any other member and our one sided unrequited love affair with America was always a drawback, bit like being married but having a known mistress on the side.


I think that the way to go would be a campaign under the slogan  " We Will Bring You the Brexit You voted for ",  A promise to rejoin the Single Market ( Like Norway ) the advantages of doing so highlighted along with the lies told by Brexiteers before the referendum that gave  the impression that we would retain those benefits as a Third Country.


It would also provide a ' Get Out of Jail Card ' for a lot of people who voted Leave,  they could - truthfully or not - claim that that's what they voted for in 2016.

Will it happen?  Don't hold your breath.



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15 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Which if they had a measure of commonsense and some cojones is exactly what they should do. Rejoining the EU wouldn't be the thing to campaign for though. It would be far too complicated and divisive.

Absolutely, and of course, that would enable the Tories to re-group and rally around a ‘defend Brexit’ campaign, hoovering up Reform Party voters who look set to split their vote.


Would also become the dominant political issue for their entire first term. Not ideal.


Interesting to hear Curtice say they could, though.


18 minutes ago, m williamson said:

I think that the way to go would be a campaign under the slogan  " We Will Bring You the Brexit You voted for ",  A promise to rejoin the Single Market ( Like Norway ) the advantages of doing so highlighted along with the lies told by Brexiteers before the referendum that gave  the impression that we would retain those benefits as a Third Country.

This appears to be the direction of travel with the "Make Brexit Work" slogan,


26 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Will it happen?  Don't hold your breath.

I won't be doing that, but it's clear as the bad news continues to mount that it will ultimately be the direction of travel (IMHO).


SM/CU access are both entirely compatible with the 2016 referendum result.


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I see the straw grasping, mutual admiration society of dwindling Remainers are having one of their support group meetings.   Let me hand you some tissues to mop up all the lip frothing. 


Wanting (hoping) Labour will defy the democratic majority & rejoin the EU.  Well as we all know, it ain't going to happen. 



During a visit to the London Stock Exchange, Sir Keir told broadcasters: "I have repeatedly said that there's no case for going back into the EU and that includes the single market and the customs union."


So there you are.  Sir Blair Starmer has spoken.   You can now move on with your lives.  Spend some time on fantasising about something else, that will never happen in your lives but you can still dream. 

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26 minutes ago, Baron99 said:

I see the straw grasping, mutual admiration society of dwindling Remainers are having one of their support group meetings.   Let me hand you some tissues to mop up all the lip frothing. 


Wanting (hoping) Labour will defy the democratic majority & rejoin the EU.  Well as we all know, it ain't going to happen. 



During a visit to the London Stock Exchange, Sir Keir told broadcasters: "I have repeatedly said that there's no case for going back into the EU and that includes the single market and the customs union."


So there you are.  Sir Blair Starmer has spoken.   You can now move on with your lives.  Spend some time on fantasising about something else, that will never happen in your lives but you can still dream. 

Fortunately, most voters aren't stuck in a single moment of time almost a decade ago like you... their views change, as does the politics of the party they vote for, per Curtices comments.


"Actually we don't want to diverge, we don't want to lower standards, we don't want to rip up environmental standards, working standards for people at work, food standards and all the rest of it."... that means alignment since the UK now lags on standards, the EU has moved on.


Maybe they'll call it the UK's Customs Union... leave voters will be cheering it on... like last time, completely oblivious to what it actually means 🤣





Sir James Dyson loses libel claim against Daily Mirror publisher:


"The vacuum-cleaner tycoon who championed Vote Leave due to the economic opportunities it would bring to British industry before moving his global head office to Singapore.

Kids, talk the talk but then screw your country and if anyone complains, tell them to suck it up."



The claims were "substantially correct" :?


Edited by Magilla
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6 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Interesting article on The Guardian


"I’ve got news for those who say Brexit is a disaster: it isn’t. That’s why rejoining is just a pipe dream."






I am more shocked that the Guardian hasn't said that Brexit was sexist.

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10 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Interesting article on The Guardian


"I’ve got news for those who say Brexit is a disaster: it isn’t. That’s why rejoining is just a pipe dream."







4 minutes ago, Al Bundy said:

I am more shocked that the Guardian hasn't said that Brexit was sexist.

What a pair of Righty's  who have to use a lefty newspaper which they scoff at every day,  to back up their claim.

You are all still wrong and the Office of National statistics says so officially.

You are bent enough to jump on any passing bandwagon  -  even one you sneer at.



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15 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Interesting article on The Guardian


"I’ve got news for those who say Brexit is a disaster: it isn’t. That’s why rejoining is just a pipe dream."



The author journalist is a Brexiteer that has written books on the subject, that is how he makes a living, spreading Brexit lies.

There are no real facts in there, just blaming Brexit for upcoming populist politicains.

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