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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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16 hours ago, Jack Grey said:

Interesting article on The Guardian


"I’ve got news for those who say Brexit is a disaster: it isn’t. That’s why rejoining is just a pipe dream."



Life long Euroskeptic and vocal Brexiteer makes a load of highly selective and easily debunked claims, while avoiding any mention of cost :?


Didn't dare to open comments, which would quickly and succinctly show why he's wrong... says it all.



Sadly for Larry, the public isn't as daft as he is...



UK voters want closer relationship with EU in ‘significant’ shift since Brexit:


52% of the public would now like the UK to have a closer relationship with the EU, with only 12% saying it should have a more distant one, and 27% in favour of maintaining the status quo.

Asked which relationship they regarded as most important for peace, prosperity and stability, almost half of respondents (48%) ranked the EU first, above the US (27%) and the Commonwealth (25%).

The poll found 61% of people now favour closer co-operation over both trade and science and research with the EU. Some 68% back closer co-operation over crime and terrorism, 57% on customs arrangements and 57% on international health.


Beyond Brexit: Public perspectives on the future UK-EU relationship





At this rate, and given just how desperate, opportunistic and craven the Tories have become.... won't be long before they're campaigning on a platform of rejoin 🤣



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9 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Life long Euroskeptic and vocal Brexiteer makes a load of highly selective and easily debunked claims, while avoiding any mention of cost :?


Didn't dare to open comments, which would quickly and succinctly show why he's wrong... says it all.



Sadly for Larry, the public isn't as daft as he is...



UK voters want closer relationship with EU in ‘significant’ shift since Brexit:


52% of the public would now like the UK to have a closer relationship with the EU, with only 12% saying it should have a more distant one, and 27% in favour of maintaining the status quo.

Asked which relationship they regarded as most important for peace, prosperity and stability, almost half of respondents (48%) ranked the EU first, above the US (27%) and the Commonwealth (25%).

The poll found 61% of people now favour closer co-operation over both trade and science and research with the EU. Some 68% back closer co-operation over crime and terrorism, 57% on customs arrangements and 57% on international health.


Beyond Brexit: Public perspectives on the future UK-EU relationship





At this rate, and given just how desperate, opportunistic and craven the Tories have become.... won't be long before they're campaigning on a platform of rejoin 🤣



If youre going to quote that people want to rejoin the EU then don't use The Guardian as a reference 


Because it's simply not true


A media outlet that never wanted to leave the EU and didn't respect the referendum 🙄

Edited by Jack Grey
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1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

If youre going to quote that people want to rejoin the EU then don't use The Guardian as a reference 

You mean... like you did? The Guardian was your source too!


The article does not claim rejoining the EU is a reality, the Guardian isn't the reference... just an overview from it (which was also linked) 🙄


1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

Because it's simply not true

No-one claimed it was! Not I, nor the article! :suspect:


ATM, they wouldn't have us anyway. 🤣


Significantly closer ties and a softening of Brexit is supported by the vast majority, and increasing.


1 hour ago, Jack Grey said:

A media outlet that never wanted to leave the EU and didn't respect the referendum 🙄

And yet, the columnist you linked to voted "no" in '75, and has campaigned for Brexit most of his life and did so before the referendum and long after Brexit... in The Guardian 🙄




Any news on those Brexit benefits yet Jack?  Be honest! 🤣

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36 minutes ago, Magilla said:



Any news on those Brexit benefits yet Jack?  Be honest! 🤣

Yep....600 million Europeans have to now apply for a visa and cannot just walk into the country with their entire family and claim benefits and housing 


That's an incredible benefit


How is project Fear going?


Are the supermarket shelves empty? 


Are you living in poverty?


Or has nothing changed for you since we left the EU?


Be honest 

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36 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Yep....600 million Europeans have to now apply for a visa and cannot just walk into the country with their entire family and claim benefits and housing 


That's an incredible benefit

Not to the economy, exports and certainly not the immigration numbers :?


It also means you can't do the same.


The way you tell it, gouging your eye's out so you can't see those immigrants would be a benefit too! 🤣


36 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

How is project Fear going?

It's now called "Project Reality", as those immigration numbers attest! 🤣


36 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Are the supermarket shelves empty? 

They have been... and if not a third of price rises are a direct result of Brexit. :?


36 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Are you living in poverty?

I'm not, but certainly many people are.


Brexit has, and continues, to exacerbate issues re: poverty (and just about everything else).


36 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Or has nothing changed for you since we left the EU?

I've already answered this question.


36 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

Be honest 

One genuine advantage of Brexit is that it has destroyed the Tory party at it's core... probably for a generation  :thumbsup:



 So... to sum up... the best you can "honestly" manage are all things that Brexit has made worse... some benefit! 🤣

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41 minutes ago, Magilla said:

Not to the economy, exports and certainly not the immigration numbers :?


It also means you can't do the same.


The way you tell it, gouging your eye's out so you can't see those immigrants would be a benefit too! 🤣


It's now called "Project Reality", as those immigration numbers attest! 🤣


They have been... and if not a third of price rises are a direct result of Brexit. :?


I'm not, but certainly many people are.


Brexit has, and continues, to exacerbate issues re: poverty (and just about everything else).


I've already answered this question.


One genuine advantage of Brexit is that it has destroyed the Tory party at it's core... probably for a generation  :thumbsup:



 So... to sum up... the best you can "honestly" manage are all things that Brexit has made worse... some benefit! 🤣

The whole world has inflation especially your beloved EU


And the Tories arent destroyed



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39 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The whole world has inflation especially your beloved EU

None of them also cut ties with their closest trading partners, reduce their exports, and added a multitude of costs for no benefit though 🙄


Brexit is losing the UK, compared to our closest peers... more then the entire UK defence budget, every year... at current rates, is on course to be 3 times that by 2035!


39 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

And the Tories arent destroyed

The party is currently ripped apart with two completely incompatible factions and differing idealogies.


In all but name, the current crop is.

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15 minutes ago, Jack Grey said:

The whole world has inflation especially your beloved EU


And the Tories arent destroyed



What a laugh.  The Tories are now the most comedic government in the developed world.

The once rich and mighty British Empire who feared no one has now reduced to a set of rich playboy politicians who care more for  their own wealth than their country.

The nation that stopped armadas can no longer stop a few rubber dinghies and they are completely at a loss as to dealing with  the unfortunates and wanderers who turn up

on our shores and never even considered that,  to make an impression,  they should process them twice as fast as they arrive and not twice as slow.

The government which keeps telling us what  "WE"  ( no,  it's THEM really ),  "need to do"    and haven't yet realised that it's  what "THEY" need to do.

They could always call a General Election to prove they're still fighting fit.

Poor old Jack ?


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34 minutes ago, Organgrinder said:

What a laugh.

Funny thing about Jack are his rants about people who (in the vast majority) did precisely what he's hoping to do himself... they got the equivalent of a "green card", legally.


All benefit scroungers apparently! 🙄




So one wonders what would make Jacks application any different...


...a profession needing advanced degrees, or an exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, education, or athletics? 🤣


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9 hours ago, Magilla said:

Funny thing about Jack are his rants about people who (in the vast majority) did precisely what he's hoping to do himself... they got the equivalent of a "green card", legally.


All benefit scroungers apparently! 🙄




So one wonders what would make Jacks application any different...


...a profession needing advanced degrees, or an exceptional ability in the sciences, arts, education, or athletics? 🤣


Must be a shortage of trade plate drivers in Florida.





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