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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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7 minutes ago, Axe said:

I did not bring Margaret Thatcher into the discussion and have not stated whether she would have supported leaving the EU or remaining in the EU. 

You put

31 minutes ago, Axe said:

You really are a  poor contributor who cherry picks events to suit you own anti democratic agenda.  Supporting the formation of the single market is not the same as supporting staying in the single market at the time of the EU referendum vote. The Maastricht Treaty changed everything and would never have happened if Margaret Thatcher was still prime minister instead of John Major.  Margaret Thatcher died in 2013  three years before the EU referendum vote so it is ridiculous to use her name to support the UK rejoining the Single Market which would mean a return to freedom of movement.  

That's not a neutral opinion on whether she'd have supported remain or leave.


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1 hour ago, Axe said:

You are anti democratic because you want the UK to rejoin the single market which would make a mockery out of the democratic referendum result because it would mean the return of freedom of movement.

The  "democratic referendum" wasn't really democratic at all because it was based on lies which were intended to sway peoples votes towards leaving.

We know that you,  like many of the Tories you admire,  don't really recognise a lie when you hear one but many would inform you that was the case.  Remember a red bus for instance ?


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9 hours ago, Organgrinder said:

The  "democratic referendum" wasn't really democratic at all because it was based on lies which were intended to sway peoples votes towards leaving.

We know that you,  like many of the Tories you admire,  don't really recognise a lie when you hear one but many would inform you that was the case.  Remember a red bus for instance ?


It is time to stop having sour grapes.  The EU referendum was the largest democratic vote in British history.

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5 minutes ago, Axe said:

It is time to stop having sour grapes.  The EU referendum was the largest democratic vote in British history.

With the biggest number of lies told.       To those of us who recognise what a lie is.

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14 hours ago, Axe said:

You are anti democratic because you want the UK to rejoin the single market which would make a mockery out of the democratic referendum result because it would mean the return of freedom of movement.

Just as I thought, you have no idea what democracy actually means. In this country no parliament is bound by any law or legislation that was passed by a previous parliament.



The duty of a government is to pursue the interests of the country and react to current circumstances. Brexit has proven to be an unmitigated disaster. Even Farage says so.





The common-sense and obvious thing to do now is accept the facts, forget about unattainable  Sunny Uplands and Unicorns and work toward repairing as much of the self inflicted damage to the economy and the country's reputation as possible.


The Brexit ballot was a stupidly simplistic Yes  No question, Leave or Remain. There were no further conditions. We have Left the EU the requirement of the referendum has been met.

We are not going back, but other than that Brexiteers do not get to demand their own personal fantasy of what becoming a Third Country entails.

We will rejoin the Single Market, but no doubt in order to continue to gull the gullible and shut them up it will be disguised as something else.

The result will be the same, accepting EU regulations but without the input we had as members.


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The EU is planning to improve rail transport links throughout the Union with the aim of reducing domestic flights and how does the Daily Express report it? Scheming EU countries leave UK out of 'landmark' transport plans as map reveals betrayal. Have they not noticed we've left? Why would the EU include the UK in it's transport plans? We can all guess how the Express would have reported it if the EU had included us in their plans and suggested we join in with the scheme.

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8 hours ago, Mister M said:

Waaaah Waaaa - A betrayal of the Metric Martyrs - Waaa


Metric measurement rules to stay after Brexit review


Waaah - I was so looking forward to buying me bread for dipping with groats down at Castle Market  - What about me Ancient Liberties Waaaa


That last sentence is very telling:


But the government has now said it will not change the rules, after 98.7% of respondents to a consultation favoured using metric as the main measurement unit for sales, as now, or as the only unit.

98.7% prefer metric units as the primary or only units.



The Guardian's article has a slightly different slant on it:


“No one is going to make a pint-sized bottle,” said one English winemaker, who asked not to be named because the debate about imperial measures was so “toxic”. “In order to make a pint-sized bottle you’re going to have to invest a huge amount of money. It’s a silly measure.”

There are already 500ml wine bottles, so the change to allowing sparkling wine to be sold in 500ml bottles will be easy and cheap to implement. The tooling costs for producing and filling pint bottles instead make it unlikely anyone will bother - 500ml and 568ml are too close to it be worthwhile producing both. Anyone hoping to export will want 500ml ones.

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