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Consequences Of Brexit [Part 9] Read First Post Before Posting

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16 minutes ago, Delayed said:

Cat meet Pigeon's 




(This is not an indication of my opinion on Brexit I'm just being an agent of chaos)

A good contribution



Britain's high position in the global rankings is due to the strength of services exports which hit a record £470billion last year.

It comes as trade barriers estimated to be worth over £15billion to UK businesses over a five-year period have been removed since the start of 2022 making it easier to export goods and services.




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2 hours ago, Axe said:

It is only your bias opinion that Brexit is a mistake.  The vast majority of the UK population are just getting on with their lives post Brexit.  It is time for everyone to move on and embrace Brexit and be grateful we live in a democracy where the choice of the electorate has been implemented. 

It is my opinion that Brexit was never a good idea and that the so called benefits that appealed to some will never be delivered.I don’t see that as bias.

The “success” of Brexit is reflected in the demise of the Conservatives and right wingers who campaigned to get it through .

Where are they now?



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17 minutes ago, RJRB said:

It is my opinion that Brexit was never a good idea and that the so called benefits that appealed to some will never be delivered.I don’t see that as bias.

The “success” of Brexit is reflected in the demise of the Conservatives and right wingers who campaigned to get it through .

Where are they now?



The Conservatives never campaigned for Brexit.  After the  democratic referendum result the Conservatives correctly campaigned for Brexit to be implemented.  In fact the Conservatives were the only main political party who supported the democratic EU referendum result being implemented.  The demise of the Conservative party has nothing to do with Brexit but everything to do with their decision to remove Boris Johnson as their party leader and prime minister. 

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3 hours ago, Axe said:

A mistake has not been made.   Democracy can never be a mistake.  The UK's world standing is just as prestigious post Brexit and our economy is holding it own with coping with global events.  

Once again you contribute uninformed nonsense.

The UKs  exports and imports have contracted by 13.2% and 7.4% since 2019 and by more than any other G7 country. 

The UK is the second worst performing economy in the G7.

https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/#:~:text=UK GDP in Q4 2023,in Germany up by 0.1%.  The House of Commons Library.


We aren't in the top ten exporting countries in the world but are number 4 in the top ten importing countries in the world,https://uk.worldoptions.com/news/worlds-top-exporters-and-importers 


The only part of the economy that is holding its own is the service sector.  The service sector consists of financial services and other intangible products.

The main actor in the service industry in this country is the City of London Corporation which is an autonomous jurisdiction not subject to parliament and able to pick and choose the laws it is prepared to conform to. 

It is also the centre of the biggest money laundering and tax evasion business in the world.



' Singapore upon Thames' is what the people who campaigned for Brexit wanted. Those were people like Rees-Mogg, Farage and Crispin Odey, the very people who would benefit by The City prospering and to hell with the rest of the country. These people  https://www.businessinsider.com/twenty-one-biggest-donors-to-the-leave-brexit-campaign-2017-5


All they needed to succeed was enough gullible ill-informed jingoists who believed the crap spoon fed to them by the Daily Mail and other rags and who lacked the gumption to look into things for themselves.

There were/are plenty of them around, and some of the clowns are still unable to accept reality and are still waiting for the Sunlit Uplands and gambolling unicorns.

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12 minutes ago, m williamson said:

Once again you contribute uninformed nonsense.

The UKs  exports and imports have contracted by 13.2% and 7.4% since 2019 and by more than any other G7 country. 

The UK is the second worst performing economy in the G7.

https://commonslibrary.parliament.uk/research-briefings/sn02784/#:~:text=UK GDP in Q4 2023,in Germany up by 0.1%.  The House of Commons Library.


We aren't in the top ten exporting countries in the world but are number 4 in the top ten importing countries in the world,https://uk.worldoptions.com/news/worlds-top-exporters-and-importers 


The only part of the economy that is holding its own is the service sector.  The service sector consists of financial services and other intangible products.

The main actor in the service industry in this country is the City of London Corporation which is an autonomous jurisdiction not subject to parliament and able to pick and choose the laws it is prepared to conform to. 

It is also the centre of the biggest money laundering and tax evasion business in the world.



' Singapore upon Thames' is what the people who campaigned for Brexit wanted. Those were people like Rees-Mogg, Farage and Crispin Odey, the very people who would benefit by The City prospering and to hell with the rest of the country. These people  https://www.businessinsider.com/twenty-one-biggest-donors-to-the-leave-brexit-campaign-2017-5


All they needed to succeed was enough gullible ill-informed jingoists who believed the crap spoon fed to them by the Daily Mail and other rags and who lacked the gumption to look into things for themselves.

There were/are plenty of them around, and some of the clowns are still unable to accept reality and are still waiting for the Sunlit Uplands and gambolling unicorns.


The UK has become the world’s fourth largest exporter thanks to a boost in services, fresh trade figures have shown.

It comes after the UK ranked seventh in 2021, moving up three places in the figures for exporting goods and services in 2022, the United Nations (UN) has confirmed.

According to the latest statistics from the UN Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD), which leads on global trade for the UN, the UK has overtaken France, Netherlands and Japan to take fourth position, behind only China, the US, and Germany.

Business and trade secretary Kemi Badenoch welcomed the news, and said: “These new figures show how the UK is punching above its weight on trade, and is on track to reach our ambition of exporting a trillion pounds of goods and services a year by 2030.”


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28 minutes ago, geared said:

Johnson resigned

He resigned because he lost the support of the Tory  MPs   The  demise of the Tory party had been self inflicted and nothing to do with Brexit.


In fact it is Game Set And Match For Brexit.   The UN would not be stating the UK is the World's 4th Largest Exporter if Brexit has been the disaster that the anti democratic contributors who haunt this thread wrongly claim. 

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Actually it's 5th largest for exports and 4th largest for imports.  Not sure if they've revised the figures or we went up, then down.


Accordingly our largest export market is America, obviously not something effected by Brexit, but could be if we get some kind of trade agreement signed.

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