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Inexcusable Quality From Bbc

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18 hours ago, Chaddamp said:

Sorry I don't agree with you at all. None of the license payers have a say on what happens within the quango organisation. Steve Wright gets £500000 for his show,he doesn't even pick what's played ! Tot up all the time he's on air per show and I bet its not longer than 45 minutes. BBC weather are over loaded with presenters whether it be on TV or radio,jobs are duplicated for every region in every department when most of news is got from central news so all they do is read it,not collate it.

If it ever gets to a vote to keep it or sell it  I'd vote to get rid along with Channel 4, like we did with BT,B Gas,British steel,water,British Leyland ,coal etc etc,they were all over manned over paid set ups heavily reliant on government to bail them.I don't want to pay the license fee as I don't want to watch the BBC,but I have no choice,and I don't like that.BBC need to be more efficient like LBC,BBC are not good value now.

IF....IF... you pay a licence, (note the spelling!), you paid £153 last year for news, sport, entertainment, information such as weather reports, local news and travel information.  There were 365 days in 2019. So you paid 41 pence a day for all that.  I don't know how many people are in your household but you can divide the 41 pence up accordingly.  If you take the free Metro tabloid with its scanty news coverage, pun intended, you get it free for FIVE days a week not seven and you will discard it as read in 30 minutes.  You cannot buy any other reliable and credible newspaper for less. ITV News does not have a comprehensive on-line service, nor does SKY.   They certainly do not have local reporters covering local issues.  If you want to know what life would be like without the BBC visit Australia, New Zealand or the USA where absolute drivel pours out of the speaker in the name of news, information and entertainment.  Sponsored news bulletins cannot possibly be un-biased. What is more, the link between sponsoring companies and all the data they have on you via Google, Facebook etc is looking sinister, to say the least. But you DO have a measure of input on BBC policy. There are various listener representative councils to whom you can make your views known if you take the trouble. You could even put yourself forward to serve on one.  It might help if you did a bit more homework first, though.  The truth is that a Better Britain needs both the BBC and a strong independent press as players in the world's best democracy. When did you last buy The Star ?

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You may as well offer me an Arsenal season ticket....I'm a Spurs fan,in other words you don't convince me,I detest having to pay for something I don't want.

Looks like government are with me on the BBC,they are asking for fee to be dropped and viewers subscribe to what channels they want to.As for the 41p  per day....perhaps you could pay for mine as I live totally on benefits due to being a full time carer for my wife who is seriously ill with Multiple sclerosis,shall I forward you my sort code?

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32 minutes ago, Chaddamp said:

You may as well offer me an Arsenal season ticket....I'm a Spurs fan,in other words you don't convince me,I detest having to pay for something I don't want.

Looks like government are with me on the BBC,they are asking for fee to be dropped and viewers subscribe to what channels they want to.As for the 41p  per day....perhaps you could pay for mine as I live totally on benefits due to being a full time carer for my wife who is seriously ill with Multiple sclerosis,shall I forward you my sort code?

Well dont pay for it then.    Nobody is forcing you.   If you have been continuing to pay the licence fee when you dont have to that's your own stupid fault.


Simple solution.   Dont watch broadcast television services and you dont have to pay for a licence.  The law is very clear.


Maybe if you had put a fraction of the effort into finding out basic facts like that as you have with your clearly anti-bbc anti-public sector ranting you could have saved a lot of money. 

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2 hours ago, Chaddamp said:

You may as well offer me an Arsenal season ticket....I'm a Spurs fan,in other words you don't convince me,I detest having to pay for something I don't want.

Looks like government are with me on the BBC,they are asking for fee to be dropped and viewers subscribe to what channels they want to.As for the 41p  per day....perhaps you could pay for mine as I live totally on benefits due to being a full time carer for my wife who is seriously ill with Multiple sclerosis,shall I forward you my sort code?

So we should only pay for things we want to pay for? Can I opt out of the part of my tax/NI contribution which ends up in your pocket? No, I can't, and I wouldn't ever want to. Sometimes it is worth paying for something which contributes to the good of society, and I count most of what the BBC does in that category. 

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17 hours ago, Jim Hardie said:

The public sector is an essential part of the economy but it wouldn't and couldn't exist without the private sector. The idea that it could bail out the private sector is laughable. It might be unkind to say so, but stripped down to the basics, one is a fountain and the other is a drain.

Do you think the billions of public money poured into banks in order to bail them out since 2008 is laughable ?

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4 hours ago, Chaddamp said:

You may as well offer me an Arsenal season ticket....I'm a Spurs fan,in other words you don't convince me,I detest having to pay for something I don't want.

Looks like government are with me on the BBC,they are asking for fee to be dropped and viewers subscribe to what channels they want to.As for the 41p  per day....perhaps you could pay for mine as I live totally on benefits due to being a full time carer for my wife who is seriously ill with Multiple sclerosis,shall I forward you my sort code?

Presumably  you think tax payers who are not in receipt of any welfare benefit should be able to opt out of paying for benefits such as yours then ?

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14 hours ago, jonnyhonda said:

Presumably  you think tax payers who are not in receipt of any welfare benefit should be able to opt out of paying for benefits such as yours then ?

My situation is passed by act of parliament and in law. My wife and I paid into the system for 35 years and still would be now if personal circumstances hadn't dictated .Your answer is pathetic, you sound like a discriminatory type and are cruel to think that way .Do you really think Linaker and all the rest of the over paid should get money like they do from public subscription TV and my wife and I should be left out because her health is in severe continual decline? I bet you backed government spending on all the public sector inefficient industries ,steel,gas coal telecoms  electric etc etc


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1 hour ago, Chaddamp said:

My situation is passed by act of parliament and in law. My wife and I paid into the system for 35 years and still would be now if personal circumstances hadn't dictated .Your answer is pathetic, you sound like a discriminatory type and are cruel to think that way .Do you really think Linaker and all the rest of the over paid should get money like they do from public subscription TV and my wife and I should be left out because her health is in severe continual decline? I bet you backed government spending on all the public sector inefficient industries ,steel,gas coal telecoms  electric etc etc


So is the BBC's but you seem to be complaining about paying that despite CHOOSING to use its services.  

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