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Rescued From Oblivion


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If you’re feeling a little bit low

why not purchase my poems below?

diverting and cheap

with nothing too deep

you carry them round as you go.


When going by bus or by train

you can read ‘em again and again

just put up your feet

on the opposite seat

and ignore all the jerks who complain.


By keeping the volume close by

you can use it for swatting a fly

it is lethal and keen

and will quickly wipe clean

- another good reason to buy.


It can also be placed on the floor

to firmly prop open a door

Or by cracking the loaf

of an indolent oaf

you could gain more respect than before.


You’ll notice how carefully I’m

promoting my writing in rhyme

which works a lot better

than sending a letter

or trying to say it in mime.

Or strolling around with a bell -

Proclaiming! - to help the thing sell

or hawking my wares

at small village fairs

with a talented lady named Nell

(who’s pretending to die of TB

so they stop and take pity you see)

‘Please purchase my book,

for my daughter’s sake look’

- disgraceful I’m sure you’ll agree.


So this is a much better way -

Now I‘ve said what I wanted to say.

Just a quick cheeky note

to briefly promote

my volume of poems today.


Rescued from Oblivion – all my poems now in one fat book. Available now at https://www.feedaread.com/profiles/10661/


Edited by Sir_Nigel
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