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Instore Shopping/Supermarkets During Coronavirus

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Just now, Buble Fan said:

Frankly all this panic buying makes my blood boil.  😡


Don't these Neanderthals realise that if everyone shops as normal, there will be plentiful supplies for everyone.  It's just so selfish to stack their trollies with products that they don't really need right now.  It will serve them right if some of the stuff they buy rots on their shelves at home and they have to throw it away.  Obviously things like pasta and toilet rolls won't degrade over time, but fresh food will.


The media have a lot to answer for too, enegendering panic.  Hopefully those with a little more coomon sense will refrain from the over the top behaviour and carry on as normally as possible. 

We are all, deep down, subconsciously stock piling. A couple of extra tins of dog food, maybe pack of paracetamol (good luck with the last one!) - Just little extras here and there. We’ve seen countries are our doorstep go on lockdown, something that could go on for weeks. Old people being told to self isolate for 14 weeks. It’s not surprising people are buying, or trying to, buy a bit more - they’re worried.


Yes, those buying bundles and bundles of bog rolls need a slap but a lot of the tinned stuff doesn’t surprise me, and there’s not normally a huge amount on the shelves anyway. An extra tin here and there, for those who are now working from home maybe. 

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1 minute ago, tinfoilhat said:

We are all, deep down, subconsciously stock piling. A couple of extra tins of dog food, maybe pack of paracetamol (good luck with the last one!) - Just little extras here and there. We’ve seen countries are our doorstep go on lockdown, something that could go on for weeks. Old people being told to self isolate for 14 weeks. It’s not surprising people are buying, or trying to, buy a bit more - they’re worried.


Yes, those buying bundles and bundles of bog rolls need a slap but a lot of the tinned stuff doesn’t surprise me, and there’s not normally a huge amount on the shelves anyway. An extra tin here and there, for those who are now working from home maybe. 

Good post TFH, its more or less what iv'e been saying..

To my way of thinking its a natural instinct to stock up, very worrying times ahead.

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On the beeb news the other week a journalist went to a toilet roll manufactures, the gaffer said no need to panic we are turning out ex amount and have an over whelming abundance in stock .  There is no food shortages in  main superstores warehouses,  so why are shelves bare.  :huh:

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People are buying more than the trucks can bring in, they just don't have the capacity to restock fast enough with the rate people are buying stuff.


When demand subsides the shelves will replenish, so people need to stop panic buying and the shops will have time to refill their stocks.

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Tesco have put a very strong and in my opinion,  sensible message out.


It's on their FB page and other social media.


Looks like they have accepted things are not normal and not going to be that way in the near future.


No more multi buys, 3 items per customer, reduced trading hours, closure of some areas of the store (deli, fresh), elderly to be given better access, use card payments where you can and some other pointers.


Summary- work together and we will all be ok.

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7 minutes ago, geared said:

People are buying more than the trucks can bring in, they just don't have the capacity to restock fast enough with the rate people are buying stuff.


When demand subsides the shelves will replenish, so people need to stop panic buying and the shops will have time to refill their stocks.

Completly agree.  :thumbsup:

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1 hour ago, Mr Fisk said:

Tesco have put a very strong and in my opinion,  sensible message out.


It's on their FB page and other social media.


Looks like they have accepted things are not normal and not going to be that way in the near future.


No more multi buys, 3 items per customer, reduced trading hours, closure of some areas of the store (deli, fresh), elderly to be given better access, use card payments where you can and some other pointers.


Summary- work together and we will all be ok.

Working together would be easy if everyone had the same idea but regardless of how much we like to preach about being kind to each other , helping each other out and keeping calm through any problems we have, at the last second the vast majority have the same "screw them as long I'm alright" mentality. We can clearly see it happening. Poor behaviour from the public if you ask me. I went to Aldi this afternoon, there was quite a lot if stuff there actually but the tinned stuff had gone and quite a lot of fresh meat, but the freezers were a lot more full than I expected. 

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7 hours ago, geared said:

Did you take a picture or anything?


Thats exactly the sort of thing trading standards are going to come down hard on.

What exactly are trading standards going to do? Shopkeeper paid  a premium to get loo roll in stock and is passing cost on to his customers so no  offence committed.

I own a shop by the way and no cash and carry’s had toilet roll, hand sanitiser, paracetamol or ibuprofen just to name a few items but if I got hold of some and paid extra then I would also pass the extra cost on to the customer. 

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Can anybody explain where the people who are stacking thier trolleys up day after day are getting the money from to do this, Just hope for thier sake they are not using credit cards Live within your means and stop this panic buying.

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