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Instore Shopping/Supermarkets During Coronavirus

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3 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Just seen the news.  At last Sainsbury's are going to limit the number of goods sold to customers. 


Only 3 of the same items per person & when it comes to the likes of toilet rolls, only 2 items. 

And early morning shopping for OAPs and disabled only.

Freshly stocked shelves.

Set the alarm😷😷

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26 minutes ago, steve68 said:

I'd add not to allow trolleys, only baskets to that list. 

So the old , infirm and those with chronic illness have to struggle round the supermarket (possibly using a walking aid) carrying a basket , getting heavier with every item . Then , when the OAP shopping time ends , the selfish hoarding cretin families can come back and fill a large trolley each again ? 

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4 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Just seen the news.  At last Sainsbury's are going to limit the number of goods sold to customers. 


Only 3 of the same items per person & when it comes to the likes of toilet rolls, only 2 items. 

But still nothing to stop someone going in, doing a shop, sticking it in their car and then going back in and using another till.

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26 minutes ago, alchresearch said:

But still nothing to stop someone going in, doing a shop, sticking it in their car and then going back in and using another till.

Whats your proposal? stamp their foreheads when they come in so they cant come back (or go to any other store that day)


Jesus, the stores finally do something positive about trying to limit panic buying and supporting people to gain access to shops and SF still finds a way to criticise it. 

wonder how many of the posters in this thread have put a little extra into their shop in the last couple of weeks.

Edited by sheffbag
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Woman in Asda Queens Road told me yesterday they had £2000 worth of toilet rolls delivered they didn’t make it to the shelves as people were dragging them out of the crates a man and woman had a proper old stand up fist fight over the last 2,police were called who said this is the 3rd supermarket fight we’ve been to today.

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5 hours ago, Baron99 said:

Just seen the news.  At last Sainsbury's are going to limit the number of goods sold to customers. 


Only 3 of the same items per person & when it comes to the likes of toilet rolls, only 2 items. 


Asda have said they will also stop shoppers buying more than three of any particular food item.



Edited by iansheff
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3 hours ago, RJRB said:

And early morning shopping for OAPs and disabled only.

Freshly stocked shelves.

Set the alarm😷😷

In my experience old people are just as selfish as younger people if not more so. (seen it first hand in Morrison's today). Hope the supermarkets are restricting what they are allowed to buy during these preferred shopping times. 

And who are classed as the disabled? are the staff doing checks? Can't help thinking this will get abused.

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The “panic” buying should have been stopped by the supermarkets as soon as it started but I suppose they were rubbing their hands at all the profits, so they are as much to blame as the selfish shoppers.

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