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Instore Shopping/Supermarkets During Coronavirus

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7 minutes ago, geared said:

Did you take a picture or anything?


Thats exactly the sort of thing trading standards are going to come down hard on.

There are photos all over facebook.



Edited by nikki-red
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ASDA in Walkley was all out of tomato puree and olive oil tonight. Oh how very middle class, obviously to go with all the pasta thats been bought.


A hundred yards down the road Beeches were stocked with everything, including toilet roll at 4 for 79p.

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42 minutes ago, jaffa1 said:

The small corner shops seem to have everything,  give them the custom.

My local chemist has all the toiletries  including toilet rolls.

After trawling through most of the city centre for the basics, finally got the last loaf at a local shop. 


Went into Sainsbury's on The Moor this afternoon & despite the fact that they were limiting the purchases, not a slice of bread, bun or bap to be had.  Add to this that they also appeared to be running out of tins, (soup, chilli, etc), & rice, plus, apart from a bit of salad stuff, all the loose veg had gone. 


The store reminded me of something you once saw in the old USSR, loads of people walking about, looking at empty shelves. 


Walked over to the Market, the bakery there only had 1 loaf, Pumpernickel.  No thanks...but then if things carry on as they are, I might be tempted? 

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55 minutes ago, jaffa1 said:

The small corner shops seem to have everything,  give them the custom.

My local chemist has all the toiletries  including toilet rolls.

As long as they don't add massive margins on the product. 


Seems to be happening in some boroughs.

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Aldi handsworth on saturday well down because of panic buying during the previous week,  I havnt shopped since but will going friday but on reading previous post, I just cant believe the panic buying is still superseeding stores deliveries, the amount those lorries bring on each delivery surely must exhaust the volume of  panic buyers.  Otherwise there has got be other reasons why the shelves are bear. :suspect:

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Frankly all this panic buying makes my blood boil.  😡


Don't these Neanderthals realise that if everyone shops as normal, there will be plentiful supplies for everyone.  It's just so selfish to stack their trollies with products that they don't really need right now.  It will serve them right if some of the stuff they buy rots on their shelves at home and they have to throw it away.  Obviously things like pasta and toilet rolls won't degrade over time, but fresh food will.


The media have a lot to answer for too, enegendering panic.  Hopefully those with a little more coomon sense will refrain from the over the top behaviour and carry on as normally as possible. 

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1 minute ago, PRESLEY said:

Aldi handsworth on saturday well down because of panic buying during the previous week,  I havnt shopped since but will going friday but on reading previous post, I just cant believe the panic buying is still superseeding stores deliveries, the amount those lorries bring on each delivery surely must exhaust the volume of  panic buyers.  Otherwise there has got be other reasons why the shelves are bear. :suspect:

Mother went to the big Tesco in chesterfield mid morning and many of the shelves were empty. They opened at 6, with full shelves presumably.

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