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Supermarket/food Deliveries

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4 hours ago, bassett one said:

boris has not got a clue,possibly never shopped in his life,theres no slots for deliverys under 12-21  days,no help for those who pay rent,only those with there own houses

no help for airline staffs wages,what a mess ,he has looked after the ones who have most ,as normal in my opinion.

Not a great fan of Boris or the Tories to be honest, but how would you handle this major crisis? All you pub politicians and key board warriors wouldn't have a clue either, this is a unique world catastrophe, Boris Johnson is just "the driver" not the navigator, mechanic and support team on this Rally. Everyday there are new challenges, l for one wouldn't like to be in his position. If people have better strategies then perhaps "they should step up to the plate" and run for prime minister, then hopefully run the country!

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1 hour ago, Green Slime said:

You can elect to do an online shop and pick it up. You could send a friend or a taxi to do this for you if you are self-isolating and leave it outside your door.

Saying that, slots are again at least 2 weeks away for click and collect.

Pretty dire planning from the supermarkets, hope they wake up soon.


Just added this from Sainsbury's Director


A number of you suggested that we reserve an hour in stores for elderly and vulnerable customers. In response to this request, we will set aside the first hour in every supermarket this Thursday 19th March, for elderly and vulnerable customers. I hope that you can respect this decision and will work with us as we try our best to help those that need it the most. If you or an elderly family member, friend or neighbour would like to shop during this hour, please check online for your local supermarket opening hours.

We will also help elderly and vulnerable customers access food online. From Monday 23rd March, our online customers who are over 70 years of age or have a disability will have priority access to online delivery slots. We will contact these customers in the coming days with more details.

For any online customer who can travel to our stores, from Monday 23rd March, we will operate an expanded 'click and collect' service. We are significantly increasing the number of collection sites across the country over the coming days in preparation for this. Customers can place their order online as usual and pick it up from a collection point in the store car park. We believe this will also work for people who are self-isolating.

As we work to feed the nation, we are also focusing all of our efforts on getting as much food and other essential items from our suppliers, into our warehouses and onto shelves as we possibly can. We still have enough food for everyone - if we all just buy what we need for us and our families.

To help us get more essential items onto the shelves, from this Thursday 19th March, we will be closing our cafes and our meat, fish and pizza counters in supermarkets. This means we can free up warehouse and lorry capacity for products that customers really need. It will also free up time for our store colleagues to focus on keeping the shelves as well stocked as possible.

How could they ever plan for something like this?  Do you just expect them to magic stock, staff and resources out of thin air?  

Edited by Agent Orange
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they state  they have the food no problem,we have thousands on the dole that can fill up shelves ect,hire vans get the job done ,women were no good on farms,but the land girls sorted that out,or just limit what one can buy,but with all the companys going bust ect,bar staff ect,set them on its not rocket science is it

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2 hours ago, bassett one said:

they state  they have the food no problem,we have thousands on the dole that can fill up shelves ect,hire vans get the job done ,women were no good on farms,but the land girls sorted that out,or just limit what one can buy,but with all the companys going bust ect,bar staff ect,set them on its not rocket science is it

What....you honestly think that a company can just employ people at the drop of a hat without consideration of how they will actually be paid and where the money in the budget is going to come from to cover the costs of that increased payroll or how they are supposed to sort out their tax and national insurance and statutory rights and employment legislation.  It doesn't just happen by wave of a magic wand you know.   


Do you think it's that easy to just "hire" all these extra vehicles or that such numbers of vehicles just happen to be sitting around available anyway.  


Have you stopped to think for a second about the levels of planning, coordination, administration and contractual legalities involved in managing a massive supply chain from hundreds of different manufacturers and distribution to hundreds or thousands of store branches.


You are talking nonsense.


The impact of this virus is changing everyday and yes of course companies have  contingency but nobody would ever expect to have to plan for this level of scale nor in such a short time frame.


The reality is that if it wasn't for the moronic behaviour of the heard mentaility public there wouldn't be such a crisis in the first place.   


Every time I saw some scumbag with a trolley piled high with 97 toilet rolls 57 varieties of tins of beans it almost made me wish they did get a dose of the Tommies.


We all just need to stop buying into the media horse crap and calm the hell down.  If we just eat what we normally eat and buy things like we normally buy things there will be no bloody issue.  


The majority of us in this country we are not starving Africans.   In fact according to the NHS there are vast numbers who are clinically obese.   If we run out of packets of monster munch or custard creams I'm sure we can survive perfectly well a few extra days until the restock comes in.  


Notwithstanding any of that, even if the absolute worst case scenario happens.  If the proverbial hits the fan and there is no andrex left to clean it up then we in this privileged country have this wonderful thing called running water.  As some of our Eastern neighbours would testify there is more than one way to clean a backside.


If there was ever an opportunity to give the OTT panicking masses of this country a hypothetical slap I will gladly do it.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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3 hours ago, bassett one said:

they state  they have the food no problem,we have thousands on the dole that can fill up shelves ect,hire vans get the job done ,women were no good on farms,but the land girls sorted that out,or just limit what one can buy,but with all the companys going bust ect,bar staff ect,set them on its not rocket science is it

Wow what a pessimistic  Mr Glum you are. 

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2 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

What....you honestly think that a company can just employ people at the drop of a hat without consideration of how they will actually be paid and where the money in the budget is going to come from to cover the costs of that increased payroll or how they are supposed to sort out their tax and national insurance and statutory rights and employment legislation.  It doesn't just happen by wave of a magic wand you know.   


Do you think it's that easy to just "hire" all these extra vehicles or that such numbers of vehicles just happen to be sitting around available anyway.  


Have you stopped to think for a second about the levels of planning, coordination, administration and contractual legalities involved in managing a massive supply chain from hundreds of different manufacturers and distribution to hundreds or thousands of store branches.


You are talking nonsense.


The impact of this virus is changing everyday and yes of course companies have  contingency but nobody would ever expect to have to plan for this level of scale nor in such a short time frame.


The reality is that if it wasn't for the moronic behaviour of the heard mentaility public there wouldn't be such a crisis in the first place.   


Every time I saw some scumbag with a trolley piled high with 97 toilet rolls 57 varieties of tins of beans it almost made me wish they did get a dose of the Tommies.


We all just need to stop buying into the media horse crap and calm the hell down.  If we just eat what we normally eat and buy things like we normally buy things there will be no bloody issue.  


The majority of us in this country we are not starving Africans.   In fact according to the NHS there are vast numbers who are clinically obese.   If we run out of packets of monster munch or custard creams I'm sure we can survive perfectly well a few extra days until the restock comes in.  


Notwithstanding any of that, even if the absolute worst case scenario happens.  If the proverbial hits the fan and there is no andrex left to clean it up then we in this privileged country have this wonderful thing called running water.  As some of our Eastern neighbours would testify there is more than one way to clean a backside.


If there was ever an opportunity to give the OTT panicking masses of this country a hypothetical slap I will gladly do it.

well put

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Really confused by supermarkets dedicating specific times for elderly/vulnerable to shop. I appreciate they’ve trying to facilitate supplies to this group whilst on line shopping is so over subscribed but isn’t this at odds with government advice to self isolate. Also the time slots are at a time when public transport will be at its busiest getting people to work further increasing risk.

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5 hours ago, davyboy said:
7 hours ago, ECCOnoob said:

What....you honestly think that a company can just employ people at the drop of a hat without consideration of how they will actually be paid and where the money in the budget is going to come from to cover the costs of that increased payroll or how they are supposed to sort out their tax and national insurance and statutory rights and employment legislation.  It doesn't just happen by wave of a magic wand you know.   


Do you think it's that easy to just "hire" all these extra vehicles or that such numbers of vehicles just happen to be sitting around available anyway.  


Have you stopped to think for a second about the levels of planning, coordination, administration and contractual legalities involved in managing a massive supply chain from hundreds of different manufacturers and distribution to hundreds or thousands of store branches.


You are talking nonsense.


The impact of this virus is changing everyday and yes of course companies have  contingency but nobody would ever expect to have to plan for this level of scale nor in such a short time frame.


The reality is that if it wasn't for the moronic behaviour of the heard mentaility public there wouldn't be such a crisis in the first place.   


Every time I saw some scumbag with a trolley piled high with 97 toilet rolls 57 varieties of tins of beans it almost made me wish they did get a dose of the Tommies.


We all just need to stop buying into the media horse crap and calm the hell down.  If we just eat what we normally eat and buy things like we normally buy things there will be no bloody issue.  


The majority of us in this country we are not starving Africans.   In fact according to the NHS there are vast numbers who are clinically obese.   If we run out of packets of monster munch or custard creams I'm sure we can survive perfectly well a few extra days until the restock comes in.  


Notwithstanding any of that, even if the absolute worst case scenario happens.  If the proverbial hits the fan and there is no andrex left to clean it up then we in this privileged country have this wonderful thing called running water.  As some of our Eastern neighbours would testify there is more than one way to clean a backside.


If there was ever an opportunity to give the OTT panicking masses of this country a hypothetical slap I will gladly do it.

well put

Second that.


What we really need now, is common sense, clear -thinking, positivity,......and improved, increased Health care(permanent, not just temporary), might help?

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3 hours ago, bassett one said:

some supermarkets are helping those over 70 or disabled by giving them priority 1st choice delivery ,anyone any details?

I've not heard this but it certainly doesn't apply to Adsa.  I wish it did as I can't get to shops.


Just had my very small grocery order delivered.  At least half of what I wanted was unavailable.

Edited by kaleidoscope
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