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Which teachers do you remember from abbeydale grange 6th form? ps theres a reunion!

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ok lets try again with a more all embracing thread title!


did anyone go to abbeydale grange 6th form at any time?


which teachers do you remember and whom did you like most?


i liked mr gledall best, who was my form teacher and my economics teacher, he was a reyt laugh.


ps. there's a reunion for anyone at abbeydale grange in the 5th year, lower 6th or upper 6th between 1975 and 1979 coming up on the 1st july, see below!



michael barrows, more affectionately known as bonehead, has been organising this reunion for quite a while, along with a team of dedicated volunteers.


i have updated my white rose of yorkshire blog with an entry about my time in the sixth form at abbeydale from '75 - '77, including a photocopy of a stern warning letter from the headmaster, mr massey, (RIP) about my unacceptable behaviour.


below are the details of the reunion as already published on friends reunited by michael. the reunion is SOON, on the 1st july, so please tell anyone you know who was in the 5th or 6th forms during these years, about the reunion, giving them links to michaels reunion blog.


nice one michael, you're a star




OK folks,

The countdown has now begun to that historic day in July….no stooopid, NOT the World Cup Final on 9th July, I’m talking about the Grange ‘76ers 30th Anniversary Reunion Party on 1st July!


The Abbeydale Grange Reunion Committee (AGRUC) have been beavering away over the last year to put this event together and now, after many months (well… at least a couple of weeks anyway!) of planning, preparation and negotiation, we can now announce the (almost) full details. Lots to tell you so, without further ado:





Anyone who:

1.Was in the year that completed the 5th Form in summer 1976

2. Was in the year above (5th Form 1975)

3. Was in the year below (5th Form 1977)


Or anyone who:

4. Was in the year that completed Upper 6th Form in summer 1978

5. Was in the year above (Upper 6th 1977)

6. Was in the year below (Upper 6th 1979)







· Date: Saturday 1st July, 2006

· Venue: Abbeydale Grange Upper School

· Time: 18.30 – 12.30

· Ticket Price: £12.00

· Dress Code: Smart-casual

· Features: Food, drink, music, dancing, raffle, entertainment, comparing of bald patches and beer bellies (and that’s just the women!), lots of laughter, probably a few tears, plenty of moaning and introspective musing on wasted lives, possibly the odd punch-up, maybe a bit of flirting, endless cries of “where did all the years go?,” …and much more. Sounds great – can’t wait!!





Tickets are available from:

1. Jencel Beads & Jewellery, 621 Ecclesall Road, Hunters Bar, Sheffield, S11 8PT., tel: 0114 267 9633

2. Yvette Hallam; tel: 0114 221 7224; work: 0114 205 3171; mob: 01358340597

3. Michael Barrows; tel: 01214298852; mob: 07985 561070; email: mwbarrows[at]yahoo.co.uk

4. Graham Bennett: tel: 01454 776394, Mobile 07880 9803


You can:

1. Buy tickets direct from Jencel Beads and Jewellery

2. Send a cheque for £12 to any of the other names above – contact them for address details.

3. Use Paypal - contact Michael or Graham for details


Tickets available by post or as an E-ticket.





1. MONEY! Get in contact and get your ticket asap. We have made all the arrangements – now we need to get an indication of the numbers coming asap so that we can finalise the food and drink.

2. RAFFLE PRIZES! Let us know if you have any raffle prizes you can donate for the evening. Beg, steal or borrow any you can. We will be holding a raffle to help cover the cost of the event. Any surplus will be donated to Charity.

3. PHOTOS! We want to put a dvd together, with photos, video diaries and other stuff, that we will make available to everyone. Bring your old photos – don’t worry, you’ll get ‘em back!

4. HELP! We desperately need some volunteers to help on the day with decorating the hall, dealing with the food, signing people in, clearing up afterwards, etc – all the usual event management stuff. Get in contact asap if you can help out.

5. NOISE/ACTION! Tell all your old mates, dig out your address books and call the people you haven’t spoken to for years. Pass this email on. Get the word out and tell people to get in touch and buy their tickets. Better still, buy their tickets for them! Also let us know if you know the whereabouts of any ex-teachers. We’ve made all the arrangements, but the event will only be as successful as YOU make it, so get busy!





We’ve set up got this blog for the event, where we will be uploading information and updates. You can also post your own thoughts and start making contact with old friends prior to the day. Post a comment before you leave - we wanna hear from you!


See you on 1 July!




Michael (Bonehead)


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hi just thought id reply went to abbeydale but left in 1982 remember mr massey though had to go to his office once the head was a woman at lower school used to have two art teachers one mr fairclough in buildings at upper school and another in mobiles in lower school cant remember his name?

anyway hope you get alot to go bye

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hi just thought id reply went to abbeydale but left in 1982


ah right! you'd have been in the lower school when i was in the sixth form then :)


remember mr massey though had to go to his office once


he was a lovely bloke with lovely kids. paul and helen, lovely people.


the head was a woman at lower school


i didnt know her...someone else may remember her!



used to have two art teachers one mr fairclough in buildings at upper school


i still regularly use the knowledge that mr fairclough taught me. he was one of the best teachers i ever had.


anyway hope you get alot to go bye


well, its michael and his teams shebang and from what i can see they've done a brilliant job! im just helping them by further spreading the word a bit so that those who dont go on friends reunited get to hear about it! :) the more the merrier, and im sure people will be gutted if they get to hear about it after the event!


does anyone know what happened to mr gledall btw? i must ask michael which teachers are going to the reunion!

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I can remember certain things about the sixth form but for some reason I'm a bit sketchy on teachers names.

I know the geography field trip to Swanage had Mr. Chatterton there and I think a Miss Borwick.

I know I had two english teachers both female but therir names escape me one may of been Horner?

Geology, didn't like the guy and can just picture little round metal rimmed glasses, not very helpful I know.

The headmaster of lower school was Miss Williams and deputy head Mr jepson. At Upper school it was ??????? Blast it's gone but I'm sure he's mentioned morre than once on Friends Reunited school memories. The head of sixth form is again a total blank.

It is odd how I can remember far more of the teachers I had in the fourth and fifth years and the sixth form is such a yawning pit of nothingness.

Favorite teachers Miss Nicholls english, Mr Brown maths, Mr Longley history, Mr williams R.E. Mr Stevens biology

Going even further back I seem to remember a Mr Ling and a Mr Dacey both taught french.

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hi again just found this website with a couple of pics one of mr jepson and mr cooper remember him its all about the cane and slipper its corpun.com found it interesting remember mrs manders had her for pe also had mrs blunket anyway bye

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I was in the same year as Michael Barrows, in fact we went through Sharrow Lane Junior school also. Bit of a long way to come back from NZ though. Mr Saunders (Des) was the other economics teacher to Mr Gledhill wasn't he?

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I went to a/g for my last year in 78, Mr Cooper great man, remember Mr Massey. I seem to remember Michael barrows but not sure, did you live just off horner road at one time?. And some of my mates, Glasburn campbell, Oneil wilson, Sharon mason, Beverly atkin, and a kid i knew as manners. They were the days:thumbsup:

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