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Captain Tom

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Congratulations to Captain Tom for raising over 8 Million for the NHS....


I hope the NHS will not waste it, ideally it should go towards supporting family members of those NHS staff who lost their lives helping to save peoples lives and also go towards doing research in this terrible virus.


I also hope that JUST GIVING will waive their fee, as it surmounts to quite a lot.....


Or will they be greedy and keep it?


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There definitely needs to be pressure put on Just Giving to waive their fees.


He's done brilliantly.  I hope that he doesn't feel pressured to over-exert himself and do himself some damage!  He seems a sensible guy though.  He must be absolutely stunned with how this is panning out.  What a legend.  And we'll done to everyone that's donated.

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2 hours ago, speleo1 said:

Don't think just giving will waive there fee of over  Million quid

Well done Tom, you put the idle and lazy People of Britain to shame.

It's not close to a million. JustGiving take 1.9% + 20p of a donation.


Currently 631573 people have donated £12,337,427.11, so that's £126,314 worth of 20 pences, and the 1.9% is £236,811, so £363,152 in total.

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The last l heard Captain Tom has raised over £12 million and Pierce Morgan said today, no single person has raised that amount of money for charity before.  So well done Captain Tom and I think you are going to raise a lot more money.  


I agree with rudds1.  I would like to see him nominated for a medal and presented to him by the Queen because  he seems to have a lot of respect for her.

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