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Disinfecting Outside

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Having seen workers disinfecting outside  using sprays I wonder if this is doing more harm than good.

I understand the need to disinfect inside particularly door handles worktops etc but to indiscriminately spray huge areas seems to be a waste and could even be harmful as these sprays are widespread in their effect on the environment.

Viruses on cruise ships where the virus is in a contained environment and can readily be transferred in corridors and onto on doors, tables etc are a good case for disinfection procedures but random spraying streets seems to me to be just a public show of action.

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Probably for all the reasons @Thorpist already listed, randomly spraying down an entire street is unlikely to have a huge effect on the overall spread, could also lead to complacency meaning more thorough and targeted cleaning might not get done.

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As the virus molecules are deactivated by UV light anyhow. It would be unlikely to be viable outside for very long and to ingest enough viral load to catch the virus from a pavement you would have to spend quite some time sniffing a particular spot on the ground.

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