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Supermarket Price Hike

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It seems to be a bit of a talking point, at the moment, about the shopping bills going up.


My regular shopping, in this case is Morrisons in Hillsborough, seems to be about £30 more expensive than usual.  I've heard other people mention this about other supermarket's and even the nice lady at the checkouts when my wife was flabbergasted about a £97 bill put her head down as if to say she's heard this a few time already.


It seems that the offers are not on or where they used to be. I presume that this is to discourage people from buying to much, as in get one free or cheaper to buy two items at a time or is it just to cash in and be greedy?


Has anyone else noticed this?

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The two for one on many items was removed  - especially when they introduced limiting items. (i always by 2 x digestive biscuits and that offer still isnt on)

Their cheapest kitchen rolls are now 30p more expensive than those prior to the lockdown - may be a different brand but still more expensive.

Even frozen eclairs(which i buy for my dog) have risen by 2p in the last 10 days.

So yes many things have gone up.

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40 minutes ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

Yes- but this was on the edict of HMG and not because shops wished to sell fewer items.

Yep agree totally. Why would a supermaket want to sell less.


59 minutes ago, Monitor said:

My local Asda no longer does Bogofs and they no longer stock own brand tinned soup and cereals, all of which increases my own food bill.

It has been a neccessity for some to maintain stuff on shelves and also a bit of fortune that some supermarkets can move the £1.59 spaghetti at long last instead of on special occasions, and litchen roll at £3 each instead of own brand stuff(which im sure they had run of first).


39 minutes ago, tinfoilhat said:

Alot of costs have gone for both supplier and retailer.

And its going to get worse - an 8p bottle for hand sanitisers(selling at 50p) is now going to be around  at least 12p if they can get them inside of 16 weeks.


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2 minutes ago, PRESLEY said:

I think when the Pubs reopen the beer prices are going to be through the roof the Brewery will make sure the Customers have to pay for the Lockdown losses.  :roll:

Beer prices will go through the roof because they will have to limit the number of people they can let in.

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3 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Beer prices will go through the roof because they will have to limit the number of people they can let in.

I not sure how the limiting will work in a pub,  I think this is one example of where the City/Country will have to be Virus free before any type gatherings are allowed, just think one person at a gathering of any kind with the Virus will just kick it off all over again.  :huh:

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