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Uk 2021 Census

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I have in the past filled out my census form truthfully but will not be doing the same this time as I just do not trust that the many companies who are involved in compiling and sorting that data now will be safe from mishaps or hacking. It may have been a useful tool in the past but I now question whether it is.

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 As a general rule the data the Government want is not what commercial companies and neither want your personal details


The Government are far more interested in family structure, housing, income, eduction, skills, age, needs. This de personalized data is collated to form layers of information maps. Other information is added from HMRC,  NHS, the legal and court system current and historic. Some information is made available within months to Government, academics, utilities, planners and eventually everybody. There is no personal information just locations and numbers.


Commercial companies need regular updated  personal information  including finances, spending pattern, debt, household type.

There are very good reasons to have have your personal data up to date.

Every person  and every address has a commercial profile.

Every purchase, every guarantee, every club or discount, every  bank account, membership, insurance, online activity,benefit, credit card , passport or ID, TV selection,

etc is added to your profile. You cannot avoid giving out this information, lying changing or false information just means your profile will include that you aren't to be trusted. 

The wrong or out date information could impair credit, employment, travel, legal and criminal issues etc. as well as increasing junk mail. Previous occupiers profiles could be used. 


Your personal information is out already. Make sure it's accurate.


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  • 7 months later...
56 minutes ago, Jeffrey Shaw said:

My 2021 Census invitation form arrived last week and, to my surprise, the online submission took no more than about eight minutes. HMG's website is very well designed and extraordinarily easy to navigate.

Received and completed mine 4 days ago - took me about the same time, and, to be honest I don't know why they bothered. Apart from the Job' question, which got a bit of a facetious reply from me, and is irrelevant anyway, all the rest of the information is available via either your local council or NHS records,  both of which  HMG can access.

Forgot - I also gave 'wrong' data about how long I spent away from home, too - but that is nothing to do with anyone but me.

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I got a note about the Census, giving me a password and a website address to use, should I wish to.  Many people in this country are not on the Internet, so will need a paper one to fill in, as we all did in 2011, 1991, 1981 and so on. 


I'm surprised that the note says those without internet have got to ring up and give their details to get a form.  I even heard someone talking in the supermarket saying that if the government want her to fill it in then they should give her a form, it's not for her to ring and ask for one.  I guess others will think the same.


I suppose it's too easy (and perhaps wasteful?) to simply distribute one to each property, so at least everyone has one to fill in.  If half the population fill it in online, then half are wasted.  On the other hand, trying to work out who has not filled it in and not phoned in to ask for one, then sending teams of people out to chase them up would be more time and personnel intensive.


I'm also surprised at posts on here saying they've already filled it in and submitted it.  Previous census's have asked where they were and who was in their house at the census day (21st  March).  Assuming the same question is on this one, have people been gazing into crystal balls?  I would have thought that the website would not have accepted submissions before the 22nd, for this reason.

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@Thirsty Relic- the number is a freephone one, so no cost, apart from a few minutes of your time. I would venture to suggest that the great majority of people have internet access - mobile phones if not actual online facilities, although some of the really elderly may not have either. Why print and distribute millions of forms which will never be used, and I assume the only details you have to give to get a paper version would be your address.


Working out where they haven't got a reply from , in one format or another is easy- cross reference addresses with returns.


As to filling it in early - as we are, and still will be, officially in lockdown on that date, then not too many people will be other than where they are now on 21/03.

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5 hours ago, Thirsty Relic said:

I got a note about the Census, giving me a password and a website address to use, should I wish to.  Many people in this country are not on the Internet, so will need a paper one to fill in, as we all did in 2011, 1991, 1981 and so on. 


I'm surprised that the note says those without internet have got to ring up and give their details to get a form.  I even heard someone talking in the supermarket saying that if the government want her to fill it in then they should give her a form, it's not for her to ring and ask for one.  I guess others will think the same.


I suppose it's too easy (and perhaps wasteful?) to simply distribute one to each property, so at least everyone has one to fill in.  If half the population fill it in online, then half are wasted.  On the other hand, trying to work out who has not filled it in and not phoned in to ask for one, then sending teams of people out to chase them up would be more time and personnel intensive.


I'm also surprised at posts on here saying they've already filled it in and submitted it.  Previous census's have asked where they were and who was in their house at the census day (21st  March).  Assuming the same question is on this one, have people been gazing into crystal balls?  I would have thought that the website would not have accepted submissions before the 22nd, for this reason.

According to HMG census website




Every household should complete the census on Sunday 21 March 2021 or as soon as possible after.

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