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Permit For Household Waste?

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Hi all. I don't live in Sheffield but presumably the procedure will be the same for all councils in England.


Once you're issued ssued with a permit, do you need to show any other proof to the guy at the waste disposal site?


And what does the actual permit say? Will it have your name and address on it?


If no other evidence is required to dispose of your waste, then it's a pretty farcical show.  I mean, you could give it to anyone you like from anywhere in the area, not just those in your household.


Unless I'm wrong of course.



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1 hour ago, TyneSoft said:

Hi all. I don't live in Sheffield but presumably the procedure will be the same for all councils in England.


Once you're issued ssued with a permit, do you need to show any other proof to the guy at the waste disposal site?


And what does the actual permit say? Will it have your name and address on it?


If no other evidence is required to dispose of your waste, then it's a pretty farcical show.  I mean, you could give it to anyone you like from anywhere in the area, not just those in your household.


Unless I'm wrong of course.



Er,no  not all the same.No permit required.

Here in our part of Kent you just go along and put your household rubbish in the correct bin.No commercial stuff allowed though.

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Are you referring to the book of permits that are issued to a resident for using their trailor/van at the dump site, for domestic waste?


When I had permits for taking a trailor, the vehicle registration was on each permit.


No other ID was required. When the 12 permits were all used, no more issued until the next year. RMBC.

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I admire your courage for posing a question about Bradford on Sheffield's forum. We do not have a resident's permit scheme in Sheffield but that will not stop many on here voicing their opinion on how it would work if we did. Or voicing their opinion on how Bradford's should work. Or telling you that you should break the law as the council only use recycling centres to screw money out of law abiding law breakers.


Whichever you encounter, good luck.

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well, things have changed here in Kent. 

The tips will open this week BUT due to social distancing you will  now have to apply on line  for a slot enabling you to visit and to keep 6 feet apart.

Now, being a bit of a cynic I am wondering that  when things "get back to normal" KCC will keep the booking system but charge for the privilege.


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