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Liam Gallagher


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why does Liam walk the way he does? Is it his im here look at me walk? Or does he have some sort of problem with his legs. 

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The Gallagher family suffers from congenital rickets - Noel has it too but not as severe as Liam - & it has left Liam with, what we used to call, Bowed Legs. The track 'Live Forever' was originally called 'Limp Forever' but the record company didn't like the name

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The swearing could be to put people off talking to him,  a defence mechanism,  again his is the superior attitude by looking down on people who lead what he sees as dull, ordinary lives -  he does want Oasis to reform but shouldn't imo as the same arguments may  start  all over again,  Noel is more grown up and doesn't need that aggro.

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 09/05/2020 at 19:43, cressida said:

Not new,  it's called a swagger,  and most bowlegged guys wear shorts, for some reason I don't know why but could come in handy if they are ever stuck up a tree or lamp post.

Tom Wolfe called it the pimp roll.

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