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The Strawbs, Autograph Signing Session At Cann's Music

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2 hours ago, wearysmith said:

Think I may have had a post (reply to you) deleted. Can't imagine why. Nothing controversial in it as far as I can recall.  But yes, thanks for the milk and I DID know Trev Pepper (but he wasn't a Lepps roadie. Just unloaded the van at a couple of local gigs).

Post deleted?  you have me intigued if it's about the Strawbs concert - sorry.

I didn't know Kenny's (Kenneth) son personally but Kenny was always singing this new bands praises and they lived on the same road as the South Sea.

As for the Milk no probs. Fair old wind up them gennels on Stannington view rd & I always thought the whole area must be one of the coldest in Sheffield.

Happy Daze.

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3 hours ago, wearysmith said:

Think I may have had a post (reply to you) deleted. Can't imagine why. Nothing controversial in it as far as I can recall.  But yes, thanks for the milk and I DID know Trev Pepper (but he wasn't a Lepps roadie. Just unloaded the van at a couple of local gigs).

I can confirm that no posts have been deleted from this thread.

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3 hours ago, nikki-red said:

I can confirm that no posts have been deleted from this thread.

Hmmm. Ta for the confirmation.  Probably had a mad ol' senior moment and hit 'delete' instead of 'send'. Hate it when that happens.

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3 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Post deleted?  you have me intigued if it's about the Strawbs concert - sorry.

I didn't know Kenny's (Kenneth) son personally but Kenny was always singing this new bands praises and they lived on the same road as the South Sea.

As for the Milk no probs. Fair old wind up them gennels on Stannington view rd & I always thought the whole area must be one of the coldest in Sheffield.

Happy Daze.

Trev Pepper was in my class at King Ted's for about 3 years. I was just up the road in Crosspool and a lot of school friends used to gather from Hallam, Upperthorpe, Wakley and surrounding areas to play footie on the roof of that stretch of shops in Broomhill (the supermarket, Sine Electrical etc). 


As I mentioned in the missing post (weird, that), when we lived on Mulehouse ma used to buy her milk tokens from the Co-op at the top of Crookes.


And yes, you could always tell when Joe Cocker was home from tour. The most beat-up looking hippy van used to be parked outside his mom's. My granddad's allotment was next door to Cocker's granddad's on that batch at the side of Crookes cemetery (on the wooded path that leads from Crookes to Crosspool - Marsh Lane, Delph-House Rd). They nattered forever. Got on really well.


As for coldest areas in Sheffield; both grandfathers were Attercliffe men. When the houses on Canny Street and Attercliffe Road were flattened, both put themselves on the list to move into flats at Lodge Moor to be near my ma & da. To this day I reckon it was a ploy by Sheffield Council to kill 'em all off. Why build O.A.P accommodation in THE coldest part of the city?? It was - and probably still is - bleak up there in the early 70s. These were both hardy men who'd survived two World Wars and they definitely felt it come the freezing weather. Mind you, that was back in the days when we actually had winters. 

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I'm not sure if Kenny will still be around he was older than me and last time I saw him would be around 1986.

Big Seth & Collin would have been your Milkmen back then and I covered it when and if needed.

Happy Daze & yes proper snow in 76 & 81.

I asked Big Seth what he was going to do the day he retired,

he looked at me and in his big gruff voice simply said



Couldn't find anything else on the autograph signing at Cann's though.

I did have Maggie Bell's autograph  (stone the Crow's) while back stage at the City Hall & some of Roy Woods multi coloured hair

but don't know what happened to either of them. 

Happy Daze.


I nearly wrote Mary Bell but that would have been so wrong - lol

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On 16/05/2020 at 10:44, Rockers rule said:

Hello Wearysmith.


Eno and the Winkies (how many times did Eno disappear and reappear wearing something different?)








Dunno if you've seen this link?  http://www.openculture.com/2020/05/an-archive-of-1000-peel-sessions-available-online.html


If you have a search through you'll find a 4-track Eno & the Winkies Peel session. There's a real chunky version of 'The Paw Paw ***** Blowtorch' which is stunning.


I've just spent the past hour or so listening to sessions from Tanz Der Youth (who should have been massive), the Steve Gibbons Band, UFO, Morrissey and Tom Robinson.


It's a treasure trove of a site.

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27 minutes ago, wearysmith said:

Dunno if you've seen this link?  http://www.openculture.com/2020/05/an-archive-of-1000-peel-sessions-available-online.html


If you have a search through you'll find a 4-track Eno & the Winkies Peel session. There's a real chunky version of 'The Paw Paw ***** Blowtorch' which is stunning.


I've just spent the past hour or so listening to sessions from Tanz Der Youth (who should have been massive), the Steve Gibbons Band, UFO, Morrissey and Tom Robinson.


It's a treasure trove of a site.

Thank you Wearysmith I think I have come across it before but I'll have another look.

I remember the actual concert being much better than the Peel session though.

I got my Brother into Eno & he has an amazing collection of his.

I'm not to sure of some of the later ambient stuff but Hey Ho!

Happy Daze listening to No pussy footing and Swastika girls (Fripp and Eno) on my old (1957) Ferguson Radio

gram (first of the stereo's) in our old attic with just the light from the open cabinet doors shining.

Still got the Ferguson it's followed us from house to house & I've still got the Lass I used to listen to the stereo with as well - LOL

Told you I'm a Horder - LOL

(I've No Pussy Footing playing as I'm writing this)

Happy Daze

Keep safe.




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Y’know, I tried, I really tried, to get into No Pussyfooting. It was sonically beyond me. However, I class ‘Warm Jets’ and ‘Tiger Mountain’ amongst the finest albums of the past 50 years.

No one I knew thought him leaving Roxy was a good thing, but if he hadn’t it’s doubtful that any of those songs would have featured on any Roxy album.

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3 hours ago, wearysmith said:

Y’know, I tried, I really tried, to get into No Pussyfooting. It was sonically beyond me. However, I class ‘Warm Jets’ and ‘Tiger Mountain’ amongst the finest albums of the past 50 years.

No one I knew thought him leaving Roxy was a good thing, but if he hadn’t it’s doubtful that any of those songs would have featured on any Roxy album.

Hello wearysmith

Different times I think.

 'No Pussy footing' is definitely a lights off max of two people listening to the thing.

I'm never sure about Taking Tiger Mountain, find myself in two minds,  - BUT - 

'Here come the Warm Jets' I totally agree with you. 

Eno certainly got that one right, 'Some of them are Old' & 'Cindy tells me' being my fav.

Still got all my old vinyl inc a 'Seven Deadly Finns' single.


1973 - 47 years ago - where the FRIPP did that go ? 

Happy Daze



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12 hours ago, Rockers rule said:

Hello wearysmith

Different times I think.

 'No Pussy footing' is definitely a lights off max of two people listening to the thing.

I'm never sure about Taking Tiger Mountain, find myself in two minds,  - BUT - 

'Here come the Warm Jets' I totally agree with you. 

Eno certainly got that one right, 'Some of them are Old' & 'Cindy tells me' being my fav.

Still got all my old vinyl inc a 'Seven Deadly Finns' single.


1973 - 47 years ago - where the FRIPP did that go ? 

Happy Daze



You ever listened to any of the albums Eno made with James? Quite patchy affairs but there are some gems. The album 'Laid' is exceptional and there's some very listenable material on 'Millionaires'.  Some of the sonics/treatments he uses could have been lifted off 'Another Green World' or 'Tiger Mountain'.  Both belong in any Eno supporter's collection I reckon.


However......…..there's two you should avoid IMHO, no matter how cheap they are in Poundland. 'Wah Wah' and 'Whiplash' are drum & bass albums. They're not good and there's a hint of desperation about them. James (and Eno) wanting to be 'current'/'down with the scene (man)' Neither the band nor him needed to travel that path. Bit embarrassing. 

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