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Help With Rescue Dog


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My rescue dog is from a PTS pound in Serbia. She is 20 mths old and I’ve had her for 3 months. Although she has made some progress it is very slow. I am now becoming increasingly frustrated by the fact she’ll only come into the house for food and then runs back out again. I am having to carry her into the house to put her harness on for a walk and then again at night for bed time.  She loves the garden and would just stay there if I let her. She comes to me if I am in the garden but not if I call her from the house. I am worried if I have done the right thing adopting her. Please has anyone any advice?

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Our dog is a pain like that (he'll come in the house for everyone else). He'll sit next me on command so I get him to sit, move a bit closer to the door, make him sit, move a bit - can do it in about 3 goes and he's in the house. We've had the dog, full papers, from the UK for about a year  (he was about 4 months when we got him) and he's still really hard work - but he's getting there but its taking much more time and effort than previous dogs.


If your dog is food orientated, that's always worth a try.


But, as our dog will testify, I'm no expert!


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  • 2 weeks later...

Dogs take things at their own speed, what kind of dog is she? it sounds to me that she is used to being around dogs but not so much people and she needs to learn to trust and to work out that people can do good things and be fun, she may have been punished for "having a personality" previously,  and if a stray she has probably been beaten and chased away, some people just want dogs to be quiet and not bother them and in some countries dogs never come inside the house.

Does she have places to hide away in the house? it might help, it might also help if she has a dog friend to help to show her to trust.

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It seems like your dog has developed a 'conditioned response' in respect of going inside a house while with the previous owners.


Maybe she had basically  been a yard dog, and was   always   berated /shown violence whenever she went inside the house. 

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I just wonder how the dog is getting along?  I have not stopped thinking about it since I read this, if the OP gets in touch I am sure that there are people that I can think of that will be able to give some good advice on this problem.

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I agree with @Janus. I also read somewhere that it takes several weeks for a puppy to know where is home, so it is probably even longer for a rescue dog. Maybe associate going into the house with something nice, to get a treat? It does not always have to be that way that she gets a treat when she comes inside, but as a start?

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Hi again,

I have just reread my original post and thought I’d give an update on her progress.  Holly will now run in and out of the house at will. She doesn’t like the wind or rain so chooses to shelter in the house.  If she is already in the house comes to have her harness and lead on to go for a walk.  However she still won’t come into the house if I call her.  If I need her to come in I am still carrying her which isn’t doing my back any good! She loves going for a walk and I can let her off the lead on the big field. Interestingly she is a completely different dog outside. She goes up to people and other dogs wanting to play. Running after a ball etc. However back in the house all she does is sleep and doesn’t interact at all. Very strange! 

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7 hours ago, QueenV said:

She loves going for a walk and I can let her off the lead on the big field. Interestingly she is a completely different dog outside. She goes up to people and other dogs wanting to play. Running after a ball etc. However back in the house all she does is sleep and doesn’t interact at all. Very strange! 

What breed is the dog-it`s not a Whippet is it?

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  • 3 weeks later...

Have you taught her to walk to heel? If so you could use high value treats to walk her into the house with you. Carrying her isn't teaching her anything and may reinforce the behaviour. Getting stressed will make.her fearful too, as hard as it is try not to show any negative emotions.


Agree with moonbird, get her a big crate and crate train her so she has a safe place to go when she needs to.


She's a working breed and will need more stimulation than just a walk. Try some sniffing games and retrieving games. A couple of fun gundog lessons would teach you both some suitable games to play. That would also build your bond and her trust in you and thus help the problem.

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