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Furloughed Colleagues

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I’m sure I’m not alone judging by the amount of anger at my workplace

my employer brought half the staff back in after 4wks. The other half are still furloughed. 

It is causing a huge amount of animosity  as those of us who have been back now 4 weeks are expected to not only do our F/T job, but also tackle the work of colleagues who are furloughed ....and for what?? 20% pay !! As furloughed colleagues are receiving 80% for sitting at home in the sun.  The atmosphere is awful, everyone is extremely bitter and resentful and snapping at everyone else Bosses couldn’t care less as they are not having to pay furloughed staff nor find money to cover any redundancies - which incidentally has already been said to those of us working that it doesn’t guarantee our jobs overs colleagues that are furloughed. 

So sick of the gloating texts and Facebook happy snaps.


The level of hatred for furloughed work colleagues is growing by the day.


My partner has worked from home throughout the lockdown. She is angry at others strolling around outside.


i think it would have been much much fairer if all those who have received furlough payment were given a different tax code until it is paid back - I don’t see why people that are forced to work should also be forced to contribute to the cost of furloughed workers In future tax rises. They got the free cash - they should pay it back.


Its sending me insane. I am full of sheer rage that I will be expected to pay towards others as they sit laughing at home.


I’m  more than happy to pay back the money that I received - that’s fair. It is not fair I’m funding others.


We were told today that certain colleagues will not be expected back in until July at the earliest!!



Edited by mrcharlie
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I mean I’m only 20% better off as colleagues are getting 80% For doing diddly squat.

BUT, factor in a months worth of fuel, pack up lunch I’m probably coming away with the same as colleagues. 

Anger doesn’t even touch it.  The atmosphere at work is horrific. 

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I can understand your anger although some of it comes across as a moan that you aren't getting the good stuff.


As for the workers at home that think it's funny to take pictures of them enjoying the free time and send them to those back at work, the company should put them at the top of the list for redundancies (IMO) I find things like that are just plain nasty and a bit of payback is in order.


I know it's hard but look after number 1...you and yours. Life has a funny way of biting people like you mention in the arse, sooner or later!!

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7 minutes ago, mrcharlie said:

I mean I’m only 20% better off as colleagues are getting 80% For doing diddly squat.

BUT, factor in a months worth of fuel, pack up lunch I’m probably coming away with the same as colleagues. 

Anger doesn’t even touch it.  The atmosphere at work is horrific. 

It's not the employees fault, they don't get a choice. But they could come in, and maybe you could get sick then they could get sick and die. Result?

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12 minutes ago, West 77 said:

Many workers who are furloughed at the moment will not be returning to work after the furloughed scheme is ended because of the economic consequences from the coronavirus.  If I was in your shoes I'd be happy I was asked back to work because if there are redundancies at your place of work then it's more likely that the ones who haven't been asked to return to work yet will be chosen to be made redundant.

That is not gonna happen

most of those furloughed have been there donkeys years - it would cost the company a fortune in redundancies- by comparison I’d hazard a guess half of those called back in have been there less than 3-4 yrs 

Edited by mrcharlie
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If you and your furloughed colleague each earn £2500 per month, you are still getting £2500 per month but they are getting £2000.  So you are 25% better paid.  Not 20%. 


Now, imagine you both earn £3500 per month.  You are still getting £3500 per month but they are getting £2500 per month as that is the cap.  So you are £1000 a month better off.  You both still pay taxes on that income.


Also, furloughed workers might well be receiving statutory minimum pension contributions whereas you will be receiving the normal rate which could be higher.


Employees cannot choose to be furloughed and many are deeply concerned that they will have no job to go back to. 


Edited by Arnold_Lane
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2 minutes ago, melthebell said:

why be angry at your collegues, its not their fault, be angry at your bosses, they make the decisions.

It’s not the bosses that are gloating!!

1 minute ago, Arnold_Lane said:

If you and your furloughed colleague each earn £2500 per month, you are getting still £2500 per month but they are getting £2000.  So you are 25% better paid.  Not 20%. 


Now, imagine you both earn £3500 per month.  You are still getting £3500 per month but they are getting £2500 per month as that is the cap.  So you are £1000 a month better off.  You both still pay taxes on that income.


Also, furlough workers might well be receiving statutory minimum pension contributions whereas you will be receiving the normal rate which could be higher.


Employees cannot choose to be furloughed and many are deeply concerned that they will have no job to go back to. 


 I earn nothing like £2.5k a month. I work full time. Very few where I work are pulling that each month. 

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Perhaps turning off social media and facebook could resolve some of the issues.


The company has possibly furloughed the highest paid staff to save them the most money. Not surprising thats what many are doing.

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3 minutes ago, mrcharlie said:

I earn nothing like £2.5k a month. I work full time. Very few where I work are pulling that each month. 

OK, say you earn £1500 per month.  Your furloughed colleague is earning £1200.  Hence you are still 25% better paid than they are, not 20%.


And the point about pensions still stands.

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