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Furloughed Colleagues

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42 minutes ago, Properjob said:

To be honest your lucky to have a job to go to. I work in a theatre and have nothing to go back to! I might get 80% for 3 months but after that I am out of work for probably 12 months. Be careful what you wish for, switch off facebook and you will be fine.

Lots of theatres have already gone bust - a big one in Southampton  springs to mind. Theatres are relying on donations - no idea what will happen to theatre groups. It's a huge worry.


In other news Shearings have gone bust so thats another 2500 out of work. Awful.

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3 hours ago, Jomie said:

Mrcharlie - a relative of mine who is a key worker has been furloughed, despite the fact that the work has changed very little during the lockdown. Of the two colleagues who were left, one went off sick,  leaving only one person doing the work of three. Don’t know what they did about toilet and meal breaks. The company didn’t call the relative back in so it begs the question - why?  However they have contacted them recently and been given a start date.


It leads one to the conclusion that some employers are making use of the furlough scheme for their own ends, especially when those who are left are doing twice the work. It’s win win for them.  I can understand your anger. Nothing to do but grit your teeth and plough on. 

Doubtless there are lots of folk who are quite happy to be furloughed and don’t want to go back to work. No wonder we are hearing reports of people saying it’s too soon to go back to work/school. Judging by all the coastal outings etc they might be safer in those two environments.


BTW there are hospital nurses who have been furloughed recently. They have nothing to do, presumably because there are fewer routine admissions. it beggars belief. 

In the U.K.? 

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13 hours ago, mrcharlie said:

I’m sure I’m not alone judging by the amount of anger at my workplace

my employer brought half the staff back in after 4wks. The other half are still furloughed. 

It is causing a huge amount of animosity  as those of us who have been back now 4 weeks are expected to not only do our F/T job, but also tackle the work of colleagues who are furloughed ....and for what?? 20% pay !! As furloughed colleagues are receiving 80% for sitting at home in the sun.  The atmosphere is awful, everyone is extremely bitter and resentful and snapping at everyone else Bosses couldn’t care less as they are not having to pay furloughed staff nor find money to cover any redundancies - which incidentally has already been said to those of us working that it doesn’t guarantee our jobs overs colleagues that are furloughed. 

So sick of the gloating texts and Facebook happy snaps.


The level of hatred for furloughed work colleagues is growing by the day.


My partner has worked from home throughout the lockdown. She is angry at others strolling around outside.


i think it would have been much much fairer if all those who have received furlough payment were given a different tax code until it is paid back - I don’t see why people that are forced to work should also be forced to contribute to the cost of furloughed workers In future tax rises. They got the free cash - they should pay it back.


Its sending me insane. I am full of sheer rage that I will be expected to pay towards others as they sit laughing at home.


I’m  more than happy to pay back the money that I received - that’s fair. It is not fair I’m funding others.


We were told today that certain colleagues will not be expected back in until July at the earliest!!



Your entire post is quite pathetic. People like you are the reason the hatred for furloughed workers is growing. There is no reason for the level of animosity that you are displaying. The support for workers in this way is obviously far too complex in terms of economics for you to understand. 


Who are you going to rant on next for no good reason, teachers?

13 hours ago, mrcharlie said:

I’m sure I’m not alone judging by the amount of anger at my workplace

my employer brought half the staff back in after 4wks. The other half are still furloughed. 

It is causing a huge amount of animosity  as those of us who have been back now 4 weeks are expected to not only do our F/T job, but also tackle the work of colleagues who are furloughed ....and for what?? 20% pay !! As furloughed colleagues are receiving 80% for sitting at home in the sun.  The atmosphere is awful, everyone is extremely bitter and resentful and snapping at everyone else Bosses couldn’t care less as they are not having to pay furloughed staff nor find money to cover any redundancies - which incidentally has already been said to those of us working that it doesn’t guarantee our jobs overs colleagues that are furloughed. 

So sick of the gloating texts and Facebook happy snaps.


The level of hatred for furloughed work colleagues is growing by the day.


My partner has worked from home throughout the lockdown. She is angry at others strolling around outside.


i think it would have been much much fairer if all those who have received furlough payment were given a different tax code until it is paid back - I don’t see why people that are forced to work should also be forced to contribute to the cost of furloughed workers In future tax rises. They got the free cash - they should pay it back.


Its sending me insane. I am full of sheer rage that I will be expected to pay towards others as they sit laughing at home.


I’m  more than happy to pay back the money that I received - that’s fair. It is not fair I’m funding others.


We were told today that certain colleagues will not be expected back in until July at the earliest!!



Your entire post is quite pathetic. People like you are the reason the hatred for furloughed workers is growing. There is no reason for the level of animosity that you are displaying. The support for workers in this way is obviously far too complex in terms of economics for you to understand. 


Who are you going to rant on next for no good reason, teachers?

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22 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

But then you havent got to hear mrcharlie going on and on and on all day every day. I've worked at places like that and it's hard work!

Hang on, it’s not just me!

I’m turning up for work everyday along with other work colleagues - everyone (not just me) is so angry and bitter it’s getting everybody down. I come home after work tired and stressed then see all the txts and SM alerts of furloughed colleagues doing what  they please. Now lock down is lifted I’m getting alerts and selfies from days out!! FFS

Ifs all well and good posters saying suck it up - I’d like to see the boot on the other foot.....!!

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15 minutes ago, mrcharlie said:

Hang on, it’s not just me!

I’m turning up for work everyday along with other work colleagues - everyone (not just me) is so angry and bitter it’s getting everybody down. I come home after work tired and stressed then see all the txts and SM alerts of furloughed colleagues doing what  they please. Now lock down is lifted I’m getting alerts and selfies from days out!! FFS

Ifs all well and good posters saying suck it up - I’d like to see the boot on the other foot.....!!

I'd turn my alerts off then if I were you. Once you have an entire workforce with it's chin on the floor (in my experience anyway) it's really hard to get it back and it's miserable going to work


Once the furlough stops in July I'm down to selling all my worldly goods and scratching a living  - and there will be thousands of people doing the same.

29 minutes ago, Easy livin said:

if tomorrow you had a forced 20%  wage cut could you still afford to pay your bills? put food on the table?   

i returned to work on monday after 2 months off.  with that 20% cut
i was not  "loving life" on 80% of my wage

i was struggling to pay my way.    i do not have 20% of my wage available spare to  just stop getting every month.  i need the lot.



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July?? I thought it was announced it was being extended until October??


But, given the footage of all the lemmings flocking to the coast, inevitably the R number will rise dramatically and come autumn the pandemic will probably shift up a gear.....way to go selfish furlougher’s 

you all have some fun, god knows you’re getting paid enough and when the pandemic comes surging back (as it will no doubt do now) we will all know exactly who to point the finger at.


yes, bitter much


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1 hour ago, mrcharlie said:

Hang on, it’s not just me!

I’m turning up for work everyday along with other work colleagues - everyone (not just me) is so angry and bitter it’s getting everybody down. I come home after work tired and stressed then see all the txts and SM alerts of furloughed colleagues doing what  they please. Now lock down is lifted I’m getting alerts and selfies from days out!! FFS

Ifs all well and good posters saying suck it up - I’d like to see the boot on the other foot.....!!

So leave and get another job! Stop whinging. My partner is furloughed, she works for a department store, which isn't allowed to open. What do you and suggest her and her colleagues do? The government offers aid to companies that would otherwise have to make staff redundant. What do you want those employees to do? They are offered 80% full pay and are told not to volunteer or do any work at their employers as it will break the furlough agreement. It's up to those people how they chose to spend their time while furloughed.


If you or your colleagues cannot deal with this then mute their updates on social media if it's important to you to remain on social media. Get on with YOUR life and stopped bemoaning how others are spending theirs.


I'm lucky, my job has always been possible working from home and I'm glad of that.


If you want to blame anyone then blame the government, they created the scheme, not your colleagues, not your employers but the government.


So stop being so bitter and twisted and grow up.

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On 22/05/2020 at 13:49, Arnold_Lane said:

Furlough has to be for a minimum period of three weeks but can be done multiple times.  But each time has to be for three weeks.


So, can you explain how your company has managed to furlough half its staff for four weeks? 

Did you not read what you wrote before posting?

Furlough can be anything from 3 weeks and up. It doesn't mean furlough has to be in multiples of 3.

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@Bargepole23, post #35:  Re hospital nurses bring furloughed. Yes, it is in the UK and in fact, South Yorkshire. 

@mrcharlie - the only person who can deal with your resentful feelings is you. Other posters have accused you of whinging. You have some justification perhaps. However, you are doing yourself no favours by harbouring such feelings. You are alive, fit enough to earn your living, have a roof over your head and food in the pantry.  Presumably you  have supportive  family and friends. If you carry this anger on people will not want to be with you.

Don’t want to sound as if I am lecturing (I don’t mean to), but as a much older person who has experienced far worse than this, my advice would be to switch off social media,  go to work, do your best without grumbling and to go home and concentrate on things that enhance your life.  This will pass and you can look back knowing that you did your bit to get this country back on it’s feet. I don’t know what your job is, but as an OAP I thank you (and others in the workforce)  for your efforts in keeping the economy going. 

Edited by Jomie
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2 hours ago, Resident said:

Did you not read what you wrote before posting?

Furlough can be anything from 3 weeks and up. It doesn't mean furlough has to be in multiples of 3.




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