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George Floyd- Killed By Police

Message added by Vaati

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I think these protests are really important and are reaching more people than ever, they’ve certainly made me think about things in a different way.

The violence and vandalism is disgusting but whenever there is a protest in London the usual Anarchist rent-a-mob attach themselves to it to have a go at the Police or Government, you could see some of them had the same masks on they wore at the Occupy protests. 
As a result it’s crucial to not let them obscure the main message that was delivered peacefully by the vast majority of protesters at all the national events.

Hopefully things will start to change from here.


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Guest makapaka
10 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

Many of those protesters in London will be crammed into a tube Monday to Friday, where, for another week, nobody has to wear masks.


But lockdown finished in the lovely sunny weather last week. Aparently social distancing was in place today but i didnt see much evidence of it.

You won’t find me complaining about people trying to get to work to keep what’s left of the economy alive.


trying to kick off with The police force is something different for me.

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1 hour ago, Westie1889 said:

I think these protests are really important and are reaching more people than ever, they’ve certainly made me think about things in a different way.

The violence and vandalism is disgusting but whenever there is a protest in London the usual Anarchist rent-a-mob attach themselves to it to have a go at the Police or Government, you could see some of them had the same masks on they wore at the Occupy protests. 
As a result it’s crucial to not let them obscure the main message that was delivered peacefully by the vast majority of protesters at all the national events.

Hopefully things will start to change from here.


Yeah the woke students, liberals and middle class socialists, they jump on every cause and issue, they have hijacked the Trade Unions and the Labour party too, demonised the working class and called them racist for having different opinions or voted for Brexit, they even demonised the older generation, some to the point of 'hoping' they die off soon .... yeah the same 'privileged' people who go on about privilege, most of whom enjoy the lifestyle bubble of their, and their parents, comfortable middle class job security, and yet for all their whinging hardly any of them can offer or muster reasoned solutions themselves to solve the very issues that they bandwagon jump, instead expecting others to listen to their brand of self righteous and often bigoted views,  and of course demand others sort everything out and pay for it .... that's em !

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9 hours ago, tinfoilhat said:

A policeman wasn't dragged off a horse, the horse bolted and the policeman rider hit a traffic light at considerable speed. 

the police officer that hit the traffic lights on horseback was actually female if reports i seen are correct the horse bolted because it was hit by a missile

she has a shattered shoulder broken rib and a punctured lung

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3 hours ago, makapaka said:

You won’t find me complaining about people trying to get to work to keep what’s left of the economy alive.


trying to kick off with The police force is something different for me.

Out of those thousands who turned up over several cities (including sheffield) there might have been a hundred who kicked off?


Was there violence and vandalism in Manchester, Leicester or Sheffield? 

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34 minutes ago, Litotes said:

Are we missing the point? All lives matter - not just black ones...

This might explain it a bit better, there is another one better one but i cant find it on google :(



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