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Why do people seem to be jealous and hatefull of the rich?

Whether is Richard Branson, Bill Gates or people getting jobs with the EU. In my dads time, those people would have 'done well for themselves', but not anymore. Although Tony Blair is disliked for the Iraq war, he is derided for making lots of money.


Are there any rich people that we look up to, Alan Sugar maybe, Jimi Heselden after he died.

Edited by El Cid
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Two out of those three are billionaires. With a B. I don’t look up to any billionaire, why would I? They’ve made more money than they can ever spend, and move mountains not to pay tax on it. Bill Gates does a lot of charitable works, but Alan sugar wants the working man to pay for the Coronavirus, and not the rich. I wouldn’t urinate on Alan sugar or Branson if they were on fire. Jeff bazon (Amazon) has amassed an additional £500m since March. I’m not sure I could try to get that rich then try my hardest to keep it. 

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Surely million/billionaires are just the same as everyone else, some are good and some are bad. Bill Gates is an intelligent and fortunate that his invention took off, all around the world.  Some rich people are just driven to make money.

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5 hours ago, El Cid said:

Why do people seem to be jealous and hatefull of the rich?

Whether is Richard Branson, Bill Gates or people getting jobs with the EU. In my dads time, those people would have 'done well for themselves', but not anymore. Although Tony Blair is disliked for the Iraq war, he is derided for making lots of money.


Are there any rich people that we look up to, Alan Sugar maybe, Jimi Heselden after he died.

I'm not automatically jealous of anyone with money who I consider has genuinely earned it.  Many are self made entrepreneurs who have taken that chance in life, (& possibly failed on a number of business ventures, before they became household names), which many of us fear to take, rather than risk losing what we have, our money, home & possibly family. 


I might be a bit envious of what they can afford to spend their money on but when you see programmes about what some actually do spend their money on, the old adage of they 'Know the cost of everything & the value of nothing", usually applies. 


As for those you mention, not sure why Jimi Hesleden is?  Bill Gates is a self made man & he & his wife set up the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation years ago into which they' ve poured billions to support medical research, innovation & help millions less fortunate around the world. 


Branson:  Started our with a substantial amount of family money behind him, from what I remember.  Wouldn't say I admire him as I once did, especially now that he's decided to turn his back on tbe UK & is no longer a UK tax payer bit still thinks he has the right to a say in how the country should be run.  He's becoming a bit of a whinging parody. 


Alan Sugar:  Like him.  Still pays his taxes here.  Has had as many failures as he has had successes. Appears to have worked hard for his money. 


Blair: Second rate, industrial relations lawyer.  His best move was marrying a strong women & being in the right place at the right time.  Ultimately a chance who has become wealthy by exploiting the office of UK Prime Minister.  I can't believe that some people will still pay him good money for his advice / views?

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Just looked Jimi Hesleden up.  Cleaver idea that bastion barrier. .  Clearly saw a problem that needed a solution. 


What we probably don't see or appreciate in such things is the amount of money he will have had to risk in research & development; making a prototype, raising funds for such things & then the time & effort spent trying to flog the product; setting up the factory for production, all before the money starts to roll back in. 


We only notice the fruits of all the years of hard work. 

Edited by Baron99
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Guest makapaka
16 hours ago, El Cid said:

Why do people seem to be jealous and hatefull of the rich?

Whether is Richard Branson, Bill Gates or people getting jobs with the EU. In my dads time, those people would have 'done well for themselves', but not anymore. Although Tony Blair is disliked for the Iraq war, he is derided for making lots of money.


Are there any rich people that we look up to, Alan Sugar maybe, Jimi Heselden after he died.

I don’t think people hate people for being rich.


if my neighbour won a million on the lottery I’d be pleased for him.


the dislike of lots of rich people is where they arguably become rich at the expense And exploitation  of others - which is unfair.


Some of the names mentioned above fall into that category.



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10 hours ago, lobster said:

You would be surprised just how many Millionaires there are in Sheffield , most are hard working unassuming people that  just get on with their lives 

It depends how you count being "a Millionaire". (Assets value + Lifetime earnings) would put quite a proportion of the Local population in that bracket.

£25k (Average) x 40 years means most people now will earn that anyhow over a working career.

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